The command used to search the docs for state examples is below. This
generates a file in Vim's quickfix format that can be loaded with the -q
find . -type f \( -name '*.rst' -o -name '*.py' \) -print0
| xargs -0 -P10 -n1 awk '
BEGIN { RS=""; FS="\n" }
{ linenr = linect; linect += (NF + 1) }
/^\s+[a-zA-Z0-9'\''_-]+:\n\s+[a-zA-Z0-9'\''_-]+:\n\s+- / {
print FILENAME "|" linenr + 2 "|", $1
' > ./salt-states.quickfix
This tutorial covers how to set up the Salt Virt system in detail,
this tutoral could still use some work, btu it should be enough
for people to start using Salt Virt quickly!
We also want to make sure that the path to getting a private cloud
up in Salt is as easy as possible. So we will need to keep looking
at how to make this easy!
This completes the documentation audit begun in cf365f7, using proper
backticks and :strong: tags to emphasize text, converting groups of
shell commands to bash code-block sections, etc. This also replaces the
use of \* with the easier-to-grok '*', which will hopefully reduce
confusion among new users.