
668 B

Riak Test

Quick Start

Assumes riak_test and riak and/or riak-ee are all checked out in the same parent folder

  1. Edit your cp riak_test.config.sample to ~/.riak_test.config
  2. Update your new ~/.riak_test.config file's rt_deps url
  3. cd ../riak[-ee]
  4. make devrel
  5. . ../riak_test/rtdev-setup.sh
  6. cd back to riak_test
  7. riak_test rtdev verify_build_cluster

~/.riak_test.config stores multiple configurations, and you can pass them by name as the first argument to riak_test. First it looks for a file with that name in your local directory, if it doesn't find it, it looks for something with that name in ~/.riak_test.config