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# osquery
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src="https://github.com/osquery/osquery/raw/master/docs/img/logo-2x-dark.png" />
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osquery is a SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics framework.
Available for Linux, macOS, Windows, and FreeBSD.
**Information and resources**
- Homepage: https://osquery.io
- Downloads: https://osquery.io/downloads
- Documentation: https://osquery.readthedocs.org
- Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/osquery
- Table Schema: https://osquery.io/schema
- Query Packs: [https://osquery.io/packs](https://github.com/osquery/osquery/tree/master/packs)
- Slack: [Request an auto-invite!](https://join.slack.com/t/osquery/shared_invite/zt-h29zm0gk-s2DBtGUTW4CFel0f0IjTEw)
- Build Status: [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/trailofbits/osquery/_apis/build/status/osquery?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/trailofbits/osquery/_build/latest?definitionId=6&branchName=master) [![Coverity Scan Build Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/13317/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/osquery) [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/osquery/badge/?version=latest)](https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
- CII Best Practices: [![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/3125/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/3125)
## What is osquery?
osquery exposes an operating system as a high-performance relational database. This allows you to
write SQL-based queries to explore operating system data. With osquery, SQL tables represent
abstract concepts such as running processes, loaded kernel modules, open network connections,
browser plugins, hardware events or file hashes.
SQL tables are implemented via a simple plugin and extensions API. A variety of tables already exist
and more are being written: [https://osquery.io/schema](https://osquery.io/schema/). To best
understand the expressiveness that is afforded to you by osquery, consider the following SQL
List the [`users`](https://osquery.io/schema/current#users):
SELECT * FROM users;
Check the [`processes`](https://osquery.io/schema/current#processes) that have a deleted executable:
SELECT * FROM processes WHERE on_disk = 0;
Get the process name, port, and PID, for processes listening on all interfaces:
SELECT DISTINCT processes.name, listening_ports.port, processes.pid
FROM listening_ports JOIN processes USING (pid)
WHERE listening_ports.address = '';
Find every macOS LaunchDaemon that launches an executable and keeps it running:
SELECT name, program || program_arguments AS executable
FROM launchd
WHERE (run_at_load = 1 AND keep_alive = 1)
AND (program != '' OR program_arguments != '');
Check for ARP anomalies from the host's perspective:
SELECT address, mac, COUNT(mac) AS mac_count
FROM arp_cache GROUP BY mac
HAVING count(mac) > 1;
Alternatively, you could also use a SQL sub-query to accomplish the same result:
SELECT address, mac, mac_count
(SELECT address, mac, COUNT(mac) AS mac_count FROM arp_cache GROUP BY mac)
WHERE mac_count > 1;
These queries can be:
* performed on an ad-hoc basis to explore operating system state using the
[osqueryi](https://osquery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/introduction/using-osqueryi/) shell
* executed via a [scheduler](https://osquery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/introduction/using-osqueryd/)
to monitor operating system state across a set of hosts
* launched from custom applications using osquery Thrift APIs
## Download & Install
To download the latest stable builds and for repository information
and installation instructions visit
## Build from source
Building osquery from source is encouraged! Check out our [build
guide](https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/building/). Also
check out our [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) and join the
community on [Slack](https://slack.osquery.io).
## License
By contributing to osquery you agree that your contributions will be
licensed as defined on the LICENSE file.
## Vulnerabilities
We keep track of security announcements in our tagged version release
notes on GitHub. We aggregate these into [SECURITY.md](SECURITY.md)
## Learn more
The osquery documentation is available
[online](https://osquery.readthedocs.org). Documentation for older
releases can be found by version number, [as
If you're interested in learning more about osquery read the [launch
for background on the project, visit the [users
Development and usage discussion is happening in the osquery Slack, grab an invite