mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 18:45:23 +00:00
* [config-help] Sort all outputs
* Remove old/stale generator docs (these have been renamed previously)
* Sort config doc outputs, making it easier to find relevant info
* Fixes cliOptions duplicates
Erlang client/proper improperly set the version option as packageName
(causing duplicate for packageName).
The java and swift option removals are because the options are added in
parent classes, resulting in duplication of the options.
* Add --github-nested-index for generating docs/generators/README.md
* 📝 Regenerate generator docs
5.9 KiB
5.9 KiB
title | sidebar_label |
Config Options for mysql-schema | mysql-schema |
Option | Description | Values | Default |
defaultDatabaseName | Default database name for all MySQL queries | ||
identifierNamingConvention | Naming convention of MySQL identifiers(table names and column names). This is not related to database name which is defined by defaultDatabaseName option |
original |
jsonDataTypeEnabled | Use special JSON MySQL data type for complex model properties. Requires MySQL version 5.7.8. Generates TEXT data type when disabled | true |
Type/Alias | Imports |
Type/Alias | Instantiated By |
- BigDecimal
- ByteArray
- Date
- DateTime
- binary
- bool
- boolean
- byte
- char
- date
- double
- file
- float
- int
- integer
- long
- mixed
- number
- short
- string
- void
- accessible
- add
- all
- alter
- analyze
- and
- as
- asc
- asensitive
- before
- between
- bigint
- binary
- blob
- both
- by
- call
- cascade
- case
- change
- char
- character
- check
- collate
- column
- condition
- constraint
- continue
- convert
- create
- cross
- cube
- cume_dist
- current_date
- current_time
- current_timestamp
- current_user
- cursor
- database
- databases
- day_hour
- day_microsecond
- day_minute
- day_second
- dec
- decimal
- declare
- default
- delayed
- delete
- dense_rank
- desc
- describe
- deterministic
- distinct
- distinctrow
- div
- double
- drop
- dual
- each
- else
- elseif
- empty
- enclosed
- escaped
- except
- exists
- exit
- explain
- false
- fetch
- first_value
- float
- float4
- float8
- for
- force
- foreign
- from
- fulltext
- function
- generated
- get
- grant
- group
- grouping
- groups
- having
- high_priority
- hour_microsecond
- hour_minute
- hour_second
- if
- ignore
- in
- index
- infile
- inner
- inout
- insensitive
- insert
- int
- int1
- int2
- int3
- int4
- int8
- integer
- interval
- into
- io_after_gtids
- io_before_gtids
- is
- iterate
- join
- json_table
- key
- keys
- kill
- lag
- last_value
- lead
- leading
- leave
- left
- like
- limit
- linear
- lines
- load
- localtime
- localtimestamp
- lock
- long
- longblob
- longtext
- loop
- low_priority
- master_bind
- master_ssl_verify_server_cert
- match
- maxvalue
- mediumblob
- mediumint
- mediumtext
- middleint
- minute_microsecond
- minute_second
- mod
- modifies
- natural
- no_write_to_binlog
- not
- nth_value
- ntile
- null
- numeric
- of
- on
- optimize
- optimizer_costs
- option
- optionally
- or
- order
- out
- outer
- outfile
- over
- partition
- percent_rank
- persist
- persist_only
- precision
- primary
- procedure
- purge
- range
- rank
- read
- read_write
- reads
- real
- recursive
- references
- regexp
- release
- rename
- repeat
- replace
- require
- resignal
- restrict
- return
- revoke
- right
- rlike
- role
- row
- row_number
- rows
- schema
- schemas
- second_microsecond
- select
- sensitive
- separator
- set
- show
- signal
- smallint
- spatial
- specific
- sql
- sql_big_result
- sql_calc_found_rows
- sql_small_result
- sqlexception
- sqlstate
- sqlwarning
- ssl
- starting
- stored
- straight_join
- system
- table
- terminated
- then
- tinyblob
- tinyint
- tinytext
- to
- trailing
- trigger
- true
- undo
- union
- unique
- unlock
- unsigned
- update
- usage
- use
- using
- utc_date
- utc_time
- utc_timestamp
- values
- varbinary
- varchar
- varcharacter
- varying
- virtual
- when
- where
- while
- window
- with
- write
- xor
- year_month
- zerofill