* add line break test to petstore-security-test.yaml
* add objc/swift security testing
* add go,scala,qt5cpp for security test
* add security test for typescript
* fix go security issue, fix consumes,produces line break
* add run all petstore shell script
* add run all petstore batch file for windows tests
* better output for travis and appveyor
* add shippable config to test all petstore
* show log after test script
* remo all-petstore, update travis build
* update shiippable config
* add run-all-petstore
* failure test using ruby model
* use bash script for run-all-petstore
* update script permission
* fix html batch script
* fix missing doc in jaxrs spec generator
* fix missing api, model test in jaxrs spec generator
* rename licenseInfo for lumen
* remove ruby model failure (for CI test)
* fix "the input line is too long"
* update windows batch file to shorten the commands
* update appveyor config
* update shippable config
* add build script
* update batch file to remove args option
* fix window batch file for spring mvc/boot
* remove logging output to file
* added api_helper.dart for a helper function.
* defaultApiClient is now a variable instead of a static field inside
* a lot of functions inside ApiClient are no longer static.
* optional params are now named params (needed to introduce a
justIgnoreFlag as hack)
* queryParams now support the multi format and are therefore no longer a
Map<String, String>, but a List<QueryParam>
* renamed apiException.mustache to api_exception.mustache to conform
with other file names.
* removed unused import: 'dart:html'
* removed 'package:crypto/crypto.dart' dependency. 'dart:convert' has a
base64 converter now.
* use null-aware operator for apiClient assignment in xxxApi
* enable testStoreApi (which returned a Future nobody waited for)
* fix types in tests. Some ids were passed as Strings instead of ints.
* adapt tests to use the optional named arguments (for optional query
* generate random ids in tests. Otherwise insertion will always succeed
if the test has been called once.