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**This repository is the actively-maintained follow-up of https://github.com/klarna/jesse. Please update your references.**
# jesse [![Build Status][2]][1]
jesse (JSON Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a JSON Schema validator
for Erlang.
jesse implements the following specifications:
* [Draft 03](http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-03)
* [Draft 04](http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-04)
## Erlang API Docs
Automatically generated docs are available https://dev.erldocs.com/github.com/for-get/jesse/ .
Please keep in mind that the public API is the `jesse.erl` module alone.
## Quick start - CLI
You can fire up `jesse` from the CLI, with
bin/jesse [path_to_json_schema] path_to_json_schema -- path_to_json_instance [path_to_json_instance]
You can also output the result in JSON format, with `--json`, and beautify it e.g. with python
bin/jesse [path_to_json_schema] path_to_json_schema --json -- path_to_json_instance [path_to_json_instance] | python -m json.tool
You can pass multiple JSON schemas which should be loaded into jesse in-memory storage, but JSON instances will be validated against the last JSON schema passed.
## Quick start - Erlang
There are two ways of using jesse:
* to use jesse internal in-memory storage to keep all your schema definitions
In this case jesse will look up a schema definition in its own storage,
and then validate given a JSON instance.
* it is also possible to provide jesse with schema definitions when jesse is called.
## Examples
NOTE: jesse doesn't have any parsing functionality. It currently works with four
formats: mochijson2, jiffy, jsx and Erlang 17+ maps, so JSON needs to be
parsed in advance, or you can specify a callback which jesse will use to
parse JSON.
In examples below and in jesse test suite jiffy parser is used.
* Use jesse's internal in-memory storage:
(parse JSON in advance)
1> Schema = jiffy:decode(<<"{\"items\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}}">>).
2> jesse:add_schema("some_key", Schema).
3> Json1 = jiffy:decode(<<"[1, 2, 3]">>).
4> jesse:validate("some_key", Json1).
5> Json2 = jiffy:decode(<<"[1, \"x\"]">>).
6> jesse:validate("some_key", Json2).
The `[1]` in the error is the path in the original value to `<<"x">>` where the
validation failed. See *Validation errors* below for the full error format.
(using a callback)
1> jesse:add_schema("some_key",
1> <<"{\"uniqueItems\": true}">>,
1> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
2> jesse:validate("some_key",
2> <<"[1, 2]">>,
2> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
{ok,[1, 2]}
3> jesse:validate("some_key",
3> <<"[{\"foo\": \"bar\"}, {\"foo\": \"bar\"}] ">>,
3> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
* Call jesse with schema definition in place (do not use internal storage)
(parse JSON in advance)
1> Schema = jiffy:decode(<<"{\"pattern\": \"^a*$\"}">>).
2> Json1 = jiffy:decode(<<"\"aaa\"">>).
3> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema, Json1).
4> Json2 = jiffy:decode(<<"\"abc\"">>).
5> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema, Json2).
(using a callback)
1> Schema = <<"{\"patternProperties\": {\"f.*o\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}}}">>.
<<"{\"patternProperties\": {\"f.*o\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}}}">>
2> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
2> <<"{\"foo\": 1, \"foooooo\" : 2}">>,
2> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
3> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
3> <<"{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"fooooo\": 2}">>,
3> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
* Validate an instanse against a particular definition from schema definitions
1> Schema = <<"{\"definitions\": {\"Foo\": {\"properties\": {\"foo\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}}}, \"Bar\": {\"properties\": {\"bar\": {\"type\": \"boolean\"}}}}}">>.
<<"{\"definitions\": {\"Foo\": {\"properties\": {\"foo\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}}}, \"Bar\": {\"properties\": {\"bar\": {\"type\": \"boolea"...>>
2> jesse:validate_definition("Foo",
2> Schema,
2> <<"{\"foo\": 1}">>,
2> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
3> jesse:validate_definition("Bar",
3> Schema,
3> <<"{\"bar\": 2}">>,
3> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
4> jesse:validate_definition("FooBar",
4> Schema,
4> <<"{\"bar\": 2}">>,
4> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
* Since 0.4.0 it's possible to instruct jesse to collect errors, and not stop
immediately when it finds an error in the given JSON instance:
1> Schema = <<"{\"properties\": {\"a\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}, \"b\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"c\": {\"type\": \"boolean\"}}}">>.
<<"{\"properties\": {\"a\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}, \"b\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"c\": {\"type\": \"boolean\"}}}">>
2> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
2> <<"{\"a\": 1, \"b\": \"b\", \"c\": true}">>,
2> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
now let's change the value of the field "b" to an integer
3> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
3> <<"{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": true}">>,
3> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
works as expected, but let's change the value of the field "c" as well
4> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
4> <<"{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 3}">>,
4> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1}]).
still works as expected, jesse stops validating as soon as finds an error.
Let's use the `allowed_errors` option, and set it to 1
5> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
5> <<"{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 3}">>,
5> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1},
5> {allowed_errors, 1}]).
now we got a list of two errors.
Let's now change the value of the field "a" to a boolean
6> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
6> <<"{\"a\": true, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 3}">>,
6> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1},
6> {allowed_errors, 1}]).
we stil got only two errors.
Let's try using 'infinity' as the argument for the `allowed_errors` option
7> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
7> <<"{\"a\": true, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 3}">>,
7> [{parser_fun, fun jiffy:decode/1},
7> {allowed_errors, infinity}]).
Maps example
8> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
8> <<"{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": true}">>,
8> [{parser_fun, fun(Bin) -> jiffy:decode(Bin, [return_maps]) end}]).
{error,[{data_invalid,#{<<"type">> => <<"string">>},
9> jesse:validate_with_schema(Schema,
9> <<"{\"a\": 1, \"b\": \"val\", \"c\": true}">>,
9> [{parser_fun, fun(Bin) -> jiffy:decode(Bin, [return_maps]) end}]).
{ok, #{<<"a">> => 1, <<"b">> => <<"val">>, <<"c">> => true}}
## JSON Schema versions
Currently there are two popular drafts of JSON Schema: draft3 and draft4. jesse
supports both. To decide which validator to use jesse tries to read $schema
property from the given schema, and checks if it's a supported one, otherwise it
will return an error. If $schema property isn't provided in the given schema,
jesse will use the default validator (currently the validator for draft3).
To specify which validator to use by default (if there's no $schema property in
the given schema), one should use 'default_schema_ver' option when call
`jesse:validate/3` or `jesse:validate_with_schema/3`, the value should be
a binary consisting a schema path,
i.e. <<"http://json-schema.org/draft-03/schema#">>.
It is also possible to specify a validator module to use via `validator` option.
This option supersedes the mechanism with the $schema property described above.
Custom validator module can be specified as well. Such module should implement
`jesse_schema_validator` behaviour.
## Validation errors
The validation functions `jesse:validate/2` and `jesse:validate_with_schema/2,3`
return `{ok, Value}` on success and `{error, ListOfErrors}` on failure. An error
is either `data_invalid` or `schema_invalid`.
A `data_invalid` error is a tuple on the form `{data_invalid, Schema, ErrorType,
Value, Path}` where
* Schema is the part of the schema where validation failed
* ErrorType is the type of error, usually an atom such as `wrong_type`,
`not_in_range` or `no_match`
* Value is The part of the value where failed validation agains Schema
* Path is a path to where validation failed within the original value. The path
is a list of property names and zero-based array indices referencing the
properties and array items within a JSON document; e.g. in the JSON document
`{"foo": [42, 43, 44]}`, the path `[<<"foo">>, 0]` refers to the value 42. An
empty list refers to the whole JSON document.
A `schema_invalid` error is a tuple on the form `{schema_invalid, Schema,
ErrorType}` where
* Schema is the part of the schema which is invalid
* ErrorType is an atom such as `missing_id_field` or a tuple such as
`{wrong_type_dependency, Dependency}`.
## Caveats
* pattern and patternProperty attributes:
jesse uses standard erlang module `re` for regexp matching, therefore there could be
some incompatible regular expressions in schemas you define.
From erlang docs: "re's matching algorithms are currently based on the PCRE library,
but not all of the PCRE library is interfaced"
But most of common cases should work fine.
* internal references (id attribute) are NOT supported
## Contributing
If you see something missing or incorrect, a pull request is most welcome!
## License
[Apache 2.0](LICENSE)
[1]: https://github.com/for-GET/jesse/actions?query=workflow%3ACI+branch%3Amaster
[2]: https://github.com/for-GET/jesse/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master