* Added Mozilla License
* Actualized and translated readme
* Actualized error log
* Moved to wrecker CI
* Fixed filename and added build status
* wercker.yml
* Moved to Apache Licence
* Fixed dialyzer errors
* added dialyzer step to CI
* Fixed wrong example
* Updated readme with info about extra_info_fun
* Migrated to cowboy 2.5.0 (#4)
* Migrated to cowboy 2.5.0
* Replaced hooks with a stream, updated build image tag
* Renaming, reordering and simplifying
* Epic/erlang 21 (#5)
* Fixed incorrect content-length retrieval
* Fixed outdated time bindings
* Added test for request duration
* Moved metadata to stream state
* Passed Sink and Req to State
* Renamed app in readme