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This doc describes how to set up CDC pipeline
Setup local pipeline
- Java JDK 11 (https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/11/)
- Maven (mvn) (https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
- Docker and Docker-compose
Sink connector image needs to be built locally.
Use the following script to build the image
Future: Github releases will push docker images to Docker hub.
Full pipeline can be launched via docker-compose with the help of docker-compose.yaml It will start:
- Zookeeper
- Debezium MySQL connector
- RedPanda
- clickhouse-kafka-sink-connector
- Clickhouse
cd deploy/docker
docker-compose up
Source connector
After all the docker containers are up and running, execute the following command to create the Debezium MySQL connector. Make sure MySQL master/slave is up and running before executing the following script. debezium-connector-setup-schema-registry.sh
Sink Connector
After the source connector is created, execute the script sink-connector-setup-schema-registry.sh to create the Clickhouse Sink connector using Kafka connect REST API
Deleting connectors
The source connector can be deleted using the following script debezium-delete.sh
The sink connector can be deleted using the following script sink-delete.sh
Kafka Connect REST API - (https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/connect/references/restapi.html)
Topic Partitions.
By Default the kafka topic is created with number of partitions set to 1. For better throughput and High availability, its better to set to the partitions to a number greater than 1. The topic partitions must be created before the sink connector is started. For redpanda:
rpk topic create SERVER5432.test.employees -p 3