29 KiB
Altinity Replicator for ClickHouse (Lightweight version)
New tool to replicate data from MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB and Mongo without additional dependencies. Single executable and lightweight.
Supports DDL in MySQL.
From Command line.
Download the JAR file from the releases.
MySQL Configuration (docker/config.yaml)
database.hostname: "mysql-master"
database.port: "3306"
database.user: "root"
database.password: "root"
database.server.name: "ER54"
database.include.list: sbtest
clickhouse.server.url: "clickhouse"
clickhouse.server.user: "root"
clickhouse.server.pass: "root"
clickhouse.server.port: "8123"
clickhouse.server.database: "test"
database.allowPublicKeyRetrieval: "true"
snapshot.mode: "schema_only"
offset.flush.interval.ms: 5000
connector.class: "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector"
offset.storage: "io.debezium.storage.jdbc.offset.JdbcOffsetBackingStore"
offset.storage.offset.storage.jdbc.offset.table.name: "altinity_sink_connector.replica_source_info"
offset.storage.jdbc.url: "jdbc:clickhouse://clickhouse:8123"
offset.storage.jdbc.user: "root"
offset.storage.jdbc.password: "root"
offset.storage.offset.storage.jdbc.offset.table.ddl: "CREATE TABLE if not exists %s
`id` String,
`offset_key` String,
`offset_val` String,
`record_insert_ts` DateTime,
`record_insert_seq` UInt64,
`_version` UInt64 MATERIALIZED toUnixTimestamp64Nano(now64(9))
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(_version)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8198"
offset.storage.offset.storage.jdbc.offset.table.delete: "delete from %s where 1=1"
schema.history.internal: "io.debezium.storage.jdbc.history.JdbcSchemaHistory"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.url: "jdbc:clickhouse://clickhouse:8123"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.user: "root"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.password: "root"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.schema.history.table.ddl: "CREATE TABLE if not exists %s
(`id` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, `history_data` VARCHAR(65000), `history_data_seq` INTEGER, `record_insert_ts` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, `record_insert_seq` INTEGER NOT NULL) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree(record_insert_seq) order by id"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.schema.history.table.name: "altinity_sink_connector.replicate_schema_history"
enable.snapshot.ddl: "false"
PostgreSQL Config(docker/config_postgres.yml)
database.hostname: "postgres"
database.port: "5432"
database.user: "root"
database.password: "root"
database.server.name: "ER54"
database.include.list: sbtest
plugin.name: "pgoutput"
table.include.list: "public.tm"
clickhouse.server.url: "clickhouse"
clickhouse.server.user: "root"
clickhouse.server.pass: "root"
clickhouse.server.port: "8123"
clickhouse.server.database: "test"
database.allowPublicKeyRetrieval: "true"
snapshot.mode: "schema_only"
offset.flush.interval.ms: 5000
connector.class: "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector"
offset.storage: "io.debezium.storage.jdbc.offset.JdbcOffsetBackingStore"
offset.storage.offset.storage.jdbc.offset.table.name: "altinity_sink_connector.replica_source_info"
offset.storage.jdbc.url: "jdbc:clickhouse://clickhouse:8123"
offset.storage.jdbc.user: "root"
offset.storage.jdbc.password: "root"
offset.storage.offset.storage.jdbc.offset.table.ddl: "CREATE TABLE if not exists %s
`id` String,
`offset_key` String,
`offset_val` String,
`record_insert_ts` DateTime,
`record_insert_seq` UInt64,
`_version` UInt64 MATERIALIZED toUnixTimestamp64Nano(now64(9))
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(_version)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8198"
offset.storage.offset.storage.jdbc.offset.table.delete: "delete from %s where 1=1"
schema.history.internal: "io.debezium.storage.jdbc.history.JdbcSchemaHistory"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.url: "jdbc:clickhouse://clickhouse:8123"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.user: "root"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.password: "root"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.schema.history.table.ddl: "CREATE TABLE if not exists %s
(`id` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, `history_data` VARCHAR(65000), `history_data_seq` INTEGER, `record_insert_ts` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, `record_insert_seq` INTEGER NOT NULL) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree(record_insert_seq) order by id"
schema.history.internal.jdbc.schema.history.table.name: "altinity_sink_connector.replicate_schema_history"
enable.snapshot.ddl: "false"
Command Line(JAR)
Start the application.
java -jar clickhouse-debezium-embedded-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <yaml_config_file>
Docker compose
cd docker
docker-compose up
cd docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml up
Configuration | Description |
database.hostname | Source Database HostName |
database.port | Source Database Port number |
database.user | Source Database Username |
database.password | Source Database Password |
database.include.list | List of databases to be included in replication. |
table.include.list | List of tables to be included in replication. |
clickhouse.server.url | ClickHouse URL |
clickhouse.server.user | ClickHouse username |
clickhouse.server.pass | ClickHouse password |
clickhouse.server.port | ClickHouse port |
clickhouse.server.database | ClickHouse destination database |
snapshot.mode | "initial" -> Data that already exists in source database will be replicated. "schema_only" -> Replicate data that is added/modified after the connector is started.<br/> MySQL: https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/stable/connectors/mysql.html#mysql-property-snapshot-mode \ PostgreSQL: https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/stable/connectors/postgresql.html#postgresql-property-snapshot-mode MongoDB: initial, never. https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/stable/connectors/mongodb.html |
connector.class | MySQL -> "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector" PostgreSQL -> Mongo -> |
offset.storage.file.filename | Offset storage file(This stores the offsets of the source database) MySQL: mysql binlog file and position, gtid set. Make sure this file is durable and its not persisted in temp directories. |
database.history.file.filename | Database History: Make sure this file is durable and its not persisted in temp directories. |
schema.history.internal.file.filename | Schema History: Make sure this file is durable and its not persisted in temp directories. |
disable.ddl | Optional, Default: false, if DDL execution needs to be disabled |
enable.ddl.snapshot | Optional, Default: false, If set to true, the DDL that is passed as part of snapshot process will be executed. Default behavior is DROP/TRUNCATE as part of snapshot is disabled. |
database.allowPublicKeyRetrieval | Optional, MySQL specific: true/false |
Images are published in Gitlab.
Altinity Sink Connector for ClickHouse
Sink connector is used to transfer data from Kafka to Clickhouse using the Kafka connect framework. The connector is tested with the following converters
- JsonConverter
- AvroConverter (Using Apicurio Schema Registry or Confluent Schema Registry)
- Inserts, Updates and Deletes using ReplacingMergeTree - Updates/Deletes
- Auto create tables in ClickHouse
- Exactly once semantics
- Bulk insert to Clickhouse.
- Store Kafka metadata Kafka Metadata
- Kafka topic to ClickHouse table mapping, use case where MySQL table can be mapped to a different CH table name.
- Store raw data in JSON(For Auditing purposes)
- Monitoring(Using Grafana/Prometheus) Dashboard to monitor lag.
- Kafka Offset management in ClickHouse
- Increased Parallelism(Customize thread pool for JDBC connections)
Source Databases
- MySQL (Debezium) Note:GTID Enabled - Highly encouraged for Updates/Deletes Refer enabling Gtid in Replica for non-GTID sources - https://www.percona.com/blog/useful-gtid-feature-for-migrating-to-mysql-gtid-replication-assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions/
- PostgreSQL (Debezium)
Component | Version(Tested) |
Redpanda | 22.1.3, 22.3.9 |
Kafka-connect | 1.9.5.Final |
Debezium | 2.1.0.Alpha1 |
MySQL | 8.0 |
ClickHouse | 22.9, 22.10 |
PostgreSQL | 15 |
Quick Start (Docker-compose)
Docker image for Sink connector (Updated December 12, 2022)
Recommended Memory limits.
Production Usage
In docker-compose.yml
file, its recommended to set Xmx to atleast 5G -Xmx5G
when using in Production and
if you encounter a Out of memory/Heap exception
for both Debezium and Sink
Docker Image for Sink connector(with Strimzi) https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/subkanthi/clickhouse-kafka-sink-connector-strimzi
Docker Image for Debezium MySQL connector(with Strimzi) https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/subkanthi/debezium-mysql-source-connector
Recommended to atleast set 5Gi as memory limits to run on kubernetes using strimzi.
memory: 6Gi
memory: 6Gi
cd deploy/docker
export SINK_VERSION=latest
cd deploy/docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-postgresql.override.yaml up
For Detailed setup instructions - Setup
- Java JDK 11 (https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/11/)
- Maven (mvn) (https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
- Docker and Docker-compose
mvn install -DskipTests=true
Data Types
Note: Using float data types are highly discouraged, because of the behaviour in ClickHouse with handing precision.(Decimal is a better choice)
MySQL | Kafka Connect |
ClickHouse |
Bigint | INT64_SCHEMA | Int64 |
Bigint Unsigned | INT64_SCHEMA | UInt64 |
Blob | String + hex | |
Char | String | String / LowCardinality(String) |
Date | Schema: INT64 Name: debezium.Date |
Date(6) |
DateTime(6) | Schema: INT64 Name: debezium.Timestamp |
DateTime64(6) |
Decimal(30,12) | Schema: Bytes Name: kafka.connect.data.Decimal |
Decimal(30,12) |
Double | Float64 | |
Int | INT32 | Int32 |
Int Unsigned | INT64 | UInt32 |
Longblob | String + hex | |
Mediumblob | String + hex | |
Mediumint | INT32 | Int32 |
Mediumint Unsigned | INT32 | UInt32 |
Smallint | INT16 | Int16 |
Smallint Unsigned | INT32 | UInt16 |
Text | String | String |
Time | String | |
Time(6) | String | |
Timestamp | DateTime64 | |
Tinyint | INT16 | Int8 |
Tinyint Unsigned | INT16 | UInt8 |
varbinary(*) | String + hex | |
varchar(*) | String | |
JSON | String | |
BYTES | BYTES, io.debezium.bits | String |
YEAR | INT32 | INT32 |
GEOMETRY | Binary of WKB | String |
Sink Connector Configuration
Property | Default | Description |
tasks.max | No | SinkConnector task(essentially threads), ideally this needs to be the same as the Kafka partitions. |
topics.regex | No | Regex of matching topics. Example: "SERVER5432.test.(.*)" matches SERVER5432.test.employees and SERVER5432.test.products |
topics | No | The list of topics. topics or topics.regex has to be provided. |
clickhouse.server.url | ClickHouse Server URL | |
clickhouse.server.user | ClickHouse Server username | |
clickhouse.server.pass | ClickHouse Server password | |
clickhouse.server.database | ClickHouse Database name | |
clickhouse.server.port | 8123 | ClickHouse Server port |
clickhouse.topic2table.map | No | Map of Kafka topics to table names, <topic_name1>:<table_name1>,<topic_name2>:<table_name2> This variable will override the default mapping of topics to table names. |
store.kafka.metadata | false | If set to true, kafka metadata columns will be added to Clickhouse |
store.raw.data | false | If set to true, the entire row is converted to JSON and stored in the column defined by the store.raw.data.column field |
store.raw.data.column | No | Clickhouse table column to store the raw data in JSON form(String Clickhouse DataType) |
metrics.enable | true | Enable Prometheus scraping |
metrics.port | 8084 | Metrics port |
buffer.flush.time.ms | 30 | Buffer(Batch of records) flush time in milliseconds |
thread.pool.size | 10 | Number of threads that is used to connect to ClickHouse |
auto.create.tables | false | Sink connector will create tables in ClickHouse (If it does not exist) |
snowflake.id | true | Uses SnowFlake ID(Timestamp + GTID) as the version column for ReplacingMergeTree |
replacingmergetree.delete.column | "sign" | Column used as the sign column for ReplacingMergeTree. |
ClickHouse Loader(Load Data from MySQL to CH for Initial Load)
Clickhouse Loader is a program that loads data dumped in MySQL into a CH database compatible the sink connector (ReplacingMergeTree with virtual columns _version and _sign)
Grafana Dashboard
- Architecture
- Local Setup - Docker Compose
- Debezium Setup
- Kubernetes Setup
- Sink Configuration
- Testing
- Performance Benchmarking
- Confluent Schema Registry(REST API)