2023-06-14 09:36:18 -03:00

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Fleetd Chrome Extension

Packaging the extension

Generate a .pem file to be the key for the chrome extension.

(In parent dir) Run the following command to generate an extension.

/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --pack-extension=./fleetd-chrome --pack-extension-key=path/to/chrome.pem

Adding Chrome to Fleet

To learn how to package and add hosts to Fleet, visit: https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/adding-hosts#add-chromebooks-with-the-fleetd-chrome-extension.


Service worker

View service worker logs in chrome://serviceworker-internals/?devtools (in production), or in chrome://extensions (only during development).

Manual Enroll

Steps 1 and 2 can be performed on your workstation. Step 3 and 4 are to be executed on the target Chromebook.

  1. Create your .env file:

IMPORTANT: The address in FLEET_URL must have a valid TLS certificate.

echo 'FLEET_URL="https://your-fleet-server.example.com"' >> .env
echo 'FLEET_ENROLL_SECRET="<your enroll secret>"' >> .env

To test with your local Fleet server, you can use ngrok:

ngrok http https://localhost:8080
  1. Build the "unpacked extension":
npm install && npm run build

The above command will generate an unpacked extension in ./dist.

  1. Send the ./dist folder to the target Chromebook.

  2. In the target Chromebook, go to chrome://settings, toggle Developer mode and click on Load unpacked and select the dist folder.