- Hosts with unexpected CPU brand string render properly
- Other unexpected host CPU information renders properly
- Add tests for host CPU parsing
This PR implements a program called `fleetctl` which scaffolds a high level CLI interface which can be used to manage a Fleet server. Configuration is articulated using an intent-based API that resembles the API that is used to configure Kubernetes clusters. The idea here is to use the Kubernetes file format as a pattern to reduce the need for operators to become too intimately familiar with dramatically different file formats. (#1578)
The launcher service implementation is an adapter around the TLS service.
All launcher methods that have an equivalent in TLS pass the business logic to the
This PR adds support for file integrity monitoring. This is done by providing a simplified API that can be used to PATCH/GET FIM configurations. There is also code to build the FIM configuration to send back to osquery. Each PATCH request, if successful, replaces Fleet's existing FIM configuration. For example:
curl -X "PATCH" "https://localhost:8080/api/v1/kolide/fim" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzZXNzaW9uX2tleSI6IkVhaFhvZWswMGtWSEdaTTNCWndIMnhpYWxkNWZpcVFDR2hEcW1HK2UySmRNOGVFVE1DeTNTaUlFWmhZNUxhdW1ueFZDV2JiR1Bwdm5TKzdyK3NJUzNnPT0ifQ.SDCHAUA1vTuWGjXtcQds2GZLM27HAAiOUhR4WvgvTNY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d $'{
"interval": 500,
"file_paths": {
"etc": [
"users": [
"usr": [
Add a gRPC server that will interact with osquery through Launcher. This endpoint will expose the osquery configuration suitable for use via the Launcher plugin, and collect log and query results.
- Add SSH configuration to allow checkout of Kolide private repos in CI
- Add kolide/agent-api repo to glide.yaml
- Update testify version to fix broken test build