Add documentation on the websocket endpoints in the Fleet API. These endpoints allow users to retrieve live query results.
Endpoints added include:
- `api/v1/fleet/results`
- `api/v1/fleet/results/websockets`
- Fix api/v1/fleet/queries/run endpoint. Prior the fix, the endpoint was incorrectly documented as api/v1/fleet/spec/queries/run
- Fix api/v1/fleet/queries/run_by_names endpoint. Prior the fix, the endpoint was incorrectly documented as api/v1/fleet/queries/run
The endpoint included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/carves GET
- /api/v1/kolide/carves/{id} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id} PATCH
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/enable POST
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/admin POST
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/require_password_reset POST
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/sessions GET
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/sessions DELETE
- Add query parameter to the /api/v1/fleet/hosts endpoint and edit the example request and response.
- Add query parameter to the /api/v1/fleet/labels/{id}/hosts endpoint
These changes support the ability to perform a search on the Hosts table by hostname, machine_serial, and ipv4.
This PR is part of the Complete documentation for Fleet API project #43.
The endpoint included in these changes:
- `POST api/v1/fleet/targets`
Additional changes:
- Now order_key and order_direction are included in the parameters table for endpoints that support them. Fixes#326
- Change endpoints to `api/v1/fleet` naming
This PR is part of the Complete documentation for Fleet API project #43.
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /labels POST
- /labels/{id} PATCH
- /labels/{id} GET
- /labels GET
- /labels/{id}/hosts GET
- /labels/{name} DELETE
- /labels/id/{id} DELETE
- /spec/labels POST
- /spec/labels GET
- /spec/labels/{name} GET
- Support both /api/v1/fleet and /api/v1/kolide routes in server.
- Add logging for use of deprecated routes.
- Rename routes in frontend JS.
- Rename routes and add notes in documentation.
Reformat the anchor links for specific endpoints by moving these links to their respective sections.
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/packs POST
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{id} PATCH "modify_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{id} GET "get_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs GET "list_packs"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{name} DELETE "delete_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/id/{id} DELETE "delete_pack_by_id"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{id}/scheduled GET "get_scheduled_queries_in_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule POST "schedule_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule/{id} GET "get_scheduled_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule/{id} PATCH "modify_scheduled_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule/{id} DELETE "delete_scheduled_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/packs POST "apply_pack_specs"
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/packs GET "get_pack_specs"
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/packs/{name} GET "get_pack_spec"
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/{id} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/{id} PATCH
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/{name} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/queries GET
- /api/v1/kolide/queries POST
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/id/{id} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/queries POST
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/queries GET
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/queries/{name} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/run POST
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/run_by_names POST
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/host_summary GET
- /api/v1/kolide/hosts/{id} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/hosts/identifier/{identifier} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/hosts/{id} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/osquery_options POST
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/osquery_options GET
This PR is part of the Complete documentation for Fleet API project #43.
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/config/certificate GET
- /api/v1/kolide/config GET
- /api/v1/kolide/config PATCH
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/enroll_secret POST
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/enroll_secret GET
- /api/v1/kolide/invites POST
- /api/v1/kolide/invites GET
- /api/v1/kolide/invites/{id} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/invites/{token} GET
- Quick attempt to alleviate potential confusion for how the osquery configuration overrides option works
- Leave in the commented explanation in the sample yaml file
- Split the array of objects to separate objects for each pattern in ignorePatterns. Rename the key in each object to "pattern." The documentation for the example config file is poor.
- Add and /server/datastore/mysql/migrations/ to ignorePatterns
- Add 999 to aliveStatucCodes (Seems to be a LinkedIn edge case)
- Fix all broken markdown links