A distributed query campaign can be "orphaned" (left in the QueryRunning state)
if the Kolide server restarts while it is running, or other weirdness occurs.
When this happens, no subscribers are waiting to read results written by
osqueryd agents, but the agents continue to receive the query. Previously, this
would cause us to error on ingestion.
The new behavior will instead set the campaign to completed when it detects
that it is orphaned. This should prevent sending queries for which there is no
- New NoSubscriber error interface in pubsub
- Detect NoSubscriber errors and close campaigns
- Tests on pubsub and service methods
* AppSettingsPage at /admin/settings
* Adds App Settings to site nav items
* SMTP not configured warning
* Creates AppConfigForm
* Avatar preview
* API client to update app config
* Creates OrgLogoIcon component
* Hide username/password when no auth type
* Creates new PackComposerPage at /packs/new
* Creates PackForm component
* Adds PackForm to PackComposerPage
* Creates QueriesListItem
* Creates QueriesList
* Creates QueriesListWrapper
* Get all queries when the Packs Composer Page loads
* Form HOC handles updates to formData prop
* Creates form to configure scheduled queries
* QueriesListWrapper renders ConfigurePackQueryForm
* search queries input filters queries list
* Empty state text
* create pack when user submits the new pack form
* Adds Edit pack page to /packs/:pack_id/edit
* API client - get scheduled queries for a pack
* API client - create scheduled query
* Redux config for scheduled queries
* Remove scheduled queries from packs
* Add labels to pack on create
* Add disabled state to the select targets dropdown
* Adds edit route and pushes to new route on edit click
* Adds cancel button to edit pack form
* Adds Checkbox that selects all scheduled queries in table
* Adds campaigns to redux state
* Update campaign with web socket data
* Destroy the current campaign when creating a new one
* close the socket when leaving the page or creating a new campaign
* Allow stopping a running query
* Update campaign with query results
* Adds QueryResultsTable
* Display flash message if campaign can't be created
* Allow filtering query results
* Adds filter icon
* Prevent query text updates when the query is running
with an exposed interface.
Not checking for a specific sentinel error reduces coupling between packages
and allows adding context like the resource ID and resource type.
Operator precedence was causing incorrect results to be returned. The failing
test was missed because the CI results did not appear in Github before merging.