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""" Utility classes for phantom module """
# TODO: use separate answ log per benchmark
import copy
import logging
import traceback
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import socket
import string
from Tank.stepper import StepperWrapper
class PhantomConfig:
""" config file generator """
OPTION_PHOUT = "phout_file"
SECTION = 'phantom'
def __init__(self, core):
self.core = core
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.streams = []
# common
self.timeout = -1
self.answ_log = None
self.answ_log_level = None
self.phout_file = None
self.stat_log = None
self.phantom_log = None
self.phantom_start_time = None
self.phantom_modules_path = None
self.threads = None
self.additional_libs = None
def get_option(self, opt_name, default=None):
""" get option wrapper """
return self.core.get_option(self.SECTION, opt_name, default)
def get_available_options():
opts = ["threads", "phantom_modules_path",
"additional_libs", "writelog", ]
opts += StreamConfig.get_available_options()
return opts
def read_config(self):
""" Read phantom tool specific options """
self.threads = self.get_option(
"threads", str(int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2) + 1))
self.phantom_modules_path = self.get_option(
"phantom_modules_path", "/usr/lib/phantom")
self.additional_libs = self.get_option("additional_libs", "")
self.answ_log_level = self.get_option("writelog", "none")
if self.answ_log_level == '0':
self.answ_log_level = 'none'
elif self.answ_log_level == '1':
self.answ_log_level = 'all'
self.answ_log = self.core.mkstemp(".log", "answ_")
self.phout_file = self.core.get_option(self.SECTION, self.OPTION_PHOUT, '')
if not self.phout_file:
self.phout_file = self.core.mkstemp(".log", "phout_")
self.core.set_option(self.SECTION, self.OPTION_PHOUT, self.phout_file)
self.stat_log = self.core.mkstemp(".log", "phantom_stat_")
self.phantom_log = self.core.mkstemp(".log", "phantom_")
main_stream = StreamConfig(
self.core, len(self.streams), self.phout_file,
self.answ_log, self.answ_log_level, self.timeout, self.SECTION)
for section in self.core.config.find_sections(self.SECTION + '-'):
StreamConfig(self.core, len(self.streams), self.phout_file, self.answ_log, self.answ_log_level,
self.timeout, section))
for stream in self.streams:
def compose_config(self):
""" Generate phantom tool run config """
streams_config = ''
stat_benchmarks = ''
for stream in self.streams:
streams_config += stream.compose_config()
if stream.section != self.SECTION:
stat_benchmarks += " " + "benchmark_io%s" % stream.sequence_no
kwargs = {}
kwargs['threads'] = self.threads
kwargs['phantom_log'] = self.phantom_log
kwargs['stat_log'] = self.stat_log
kwargs['benchmarks_block'] = streams_config
kwargs['stat_benchmarks'] = stat_benchmarks
kwargs['additional_libs'] = self.additional_libs
kwargs['phantom_modules_path'] = self.phantom_modules_path
filename = self.core.mkstemp(".conf", "phantom_")
self.log.debug("Generating phantom config: %s", filename)
tpl_file = open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/phantom/phantom.conf.tpl", 'r')
template_str = tpl_file.read()
tpl = string.Template(template_str)
config = tpl.substitute(kwargs)
handle = open(filename, 'w')
return filename
def set_timeout(self, timeout):
""" pass timeout to all streams """
for stream in self.streams:
stream.timeout = timeout
def get_info(self):
""" get merged info about phantom conf """
result = copy.copy(self.streams[0])
result.stat_log = self.stat_log
result.steps = []
result.ammo_file = ''
result.rps_schedule = None
result.ammo_count = 0
result.duration = 0
result.instances = 0
result.loadscheme = []
result.loop_count = 0
for stream in self.streams:
sec_no = 0
logging.debug("Steps: %s", stream.stepper_wrapper.steps)
for item in stream.stepper_wrapper.steps:
for x in range(0, item[1]):
if len(result.steps) > sec_no:
result.steps[sec_no][0] += item[0]
result.steps.append([item[0], 1])
sec_no += 1
if result.rps_schedule:
result.rps_schedule = []
result.rps_schedule = stream.stepper_wrapper.loadscheme
if result.loadscheme:
result.loadscheme = ''
# FIXME: add formatted load scheme for server:
# <step_size,step_type,first_rps,last_rps,original_step_params>
# as a string
result.loadscheme = ''
if result.loop_count:
result.loop_count = u'0'
result.loop_count = stream.stepper_wrapper.loop_count
result.ammo_file += stream.stepper_wrapper.ammo_file + ' '
result.ammo_count += stream.stepper_wrapper.ammo_count
result.duration = max(
result.duration, stream.stepper_wrapper.duration)
result.instances += stream.instances
if not result.ammo_count:
raise ValueError("Total ammo count cannot be zero")
return result
class StreamConfig:
""" each test stream's config """
def __init__(self, core, sequence, phout, answ, answ_level, timeout, section):
self.core = core
self.address_wizard = AddressWizard()
self.sequence_no = sequence
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.section = section
self.stepper_wrapper = StepperWrapper(self.core, self.section)
self.phout_file = phout
self.answ_log = answ
self.answ_log_level = answ_level
self.timeout = timeout
# per benchmark
self.instances = None
self.ipv6 = None
self.ssl = None
self.address = None
self.port = None
self.tank_type = None
self.stpd = None
self.gatling = None
self.phantom_http_line = None
self.phantom_http_field_num = None
self.phantom_http_field = None
self.phantom_http_entity = None
self.resolved_ip = None
self.method_prefix = None
self.source_log_prefix = None
self.method_options = None
def get_option(self, option_ammofile, default=None):
""" get option wrapper """
return self.core.get_option(self.section, option_ammofile, default)
def get_available_options():
opts = ["ssl", "tank_type", 'gatling_ip',
"method_prefix", "source_log_prefix"]
opts += ["phantom_http_line", "phantom_http_field_num",
"phantom_http_field", "phantom_http_entity"]
opts += ['address', "port", StreamConfig.OPTION_INSTANCES_LIMIT]
opts += StepperWrapper.get_available_options()
opts += ["connection_test"]
return opts
def read_config(self):
""" reads config """
# multi-options
self.ssl = int(self.get_option("ssl", '0'))
self.tank_type = self.get_option("tank_type", 'http')
# TODO: refactor. Maybe we should decide how to interact with StepperWrapper here.
self.instances = int(
self.get_option(self.OPTION_INSTANCES_LIMIT, '1000'))
self.gatling = ' '.join(self.get_option('gatling_ip', '').split("\n"))
self.method_prefix = self.get_option("method_prefix", 'method_stream')
self.method_options = self.get_option("method_options", '')
self.source_log_prefix = self.get_option("source_log_prefix", '')
self.phantom_http_line = self.get_option("phantom_http_line", "")
self.phantom_http_field_num = self.get_option("phantom_http_field_num", "")
self.phantom_http_field = self.get_option("phantom_http_field", "")
self.phantom_http_entity = self.get_option("phantom_http_entity", "")
self.address = self.get_option('address', '')
do_test_connect = int(self.get_option("connection_test", "1")) > 0
explicit_port = self.get_option('port', '')
self.ipv6, self.resolved_ip, self.port, self.address = self.address_wizard.resolve(self.address,
logging.info("Resolved %s into %s:%s", self.address, self.resolved_ip, self.port)
def compose_config(self):
""" compose benchmark block """
# step file
self.stpd = self.stepper_wrapper.stpd
if self.stepper_wrapper.instances:
self.instances = self.stepper_wrapper.instances
if not self.stpd:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot proceed with no STPD file")
kwargs = {}
kwargs['sequence_no'] = self.sequence_no
'ssl_transport'] = "transport_t ssl_transport = transport_ssl_t { timeout = 1s }\n transport = ssl_transport" if self.ssl else ""
kwargs['method_stream'] = self.method_prefix + \
"_ipv6_t" if self.ipv6 else self.method_prefix + "_ipv4_t"
kwargs['phout'] = self.phout_file
kwargs['answ_log'] = self.answ_log
kwargs['answ_log_level'] = self.answ_log_level
kwargs['comment_answ'] = "# " if self.answ_log_level == 'none' else ''
kwargs['stpd'] = self.stpd
kwargs['source_log_prefix'] = self.source_log_prefix
kwargs['method_options'] = self.method_options
if self.tank_type:
'proto'] = "proto=http_proto%s" % self.sequence_no if self.tank_type == 'http' else "proto=none_proto"
kwargs['comment_proto'] = ""
kwargs['proto'] = ""
kwargs['comment_proto'] = "#"
if self.gatling:
kwargs['bind'] = 'bind={ ' + self.gatling + ' }'
kwargs['bind'] = ''
kwargs['ip'] = self.resolved_ip
kwargs['port'] = self.port
kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout
kwargs['instances'] = self.instances
tune = ''
if self.phantom_http_entity:
tune += "entity = " + self.phantom_http_entity + "\n"
if self.phantom_http_field:
tune += "field = " + self.phantom_http_field + "\n"
if self.phantom_http_field_num:
tune += "field_num = " + self.phantom_http_field_num + "\n"
if self.phantom_http_line:
tune += "line = " + self.phantom_http_line + "\n"
if tune:
kwargs['reply_limits'] = 'reply_limits = {\n' + tune + "}"
kwargs['reply_limits'] = ''
if self.section == PhantomConfig.SECTION:
fname = 'phantom_benchmark_main.tpl'
fname = 'phantom_benchmark_additional.tpl'
tplf = open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/phantom/' + fname, 'r')
template_str = tplf.read()
tpl = string.Template(template_str)
config = tpl.substitute(kwargs)
return config
# ========================================================================
class AddressWizard:
def __init__(self):
self.lookup_fn = socket.getaddrinfo
self.socket_class = socket.socket
def resolve(self, address_str, do_test=False, explicit_port=False):
:param address_str:
:return: tuple of boolean, string, int - isIPv6, resolved_ip, port (may be null), extracted_address
if not address_str:
raise RuntimeError("Mandatory option was not specified: address")
logging.debug("Trying to resolve address string: %s", address_str)
port = None
braceport_pat = "^\[([^]]+)\]:(\d+)$"
braceonly_pat = "^\[([^]]+)\]$"
if re.match(braceport_pat, address_str):
logging.debug("Braces and port present")
match = re.match(braceport_pat, address_str)
logging.debug("Match: %s %s ", match.group(1), match.group(2))
address_str, port = match.group(1), match.group(2)
elif re.match(braceonly_pat, address_str):
logging.debug("Braces only present")
match = re.match(braceonly_pat, address_str)
logging.debug("Match: %s", match.group(1))
address_str = match.group(1)
logging.debug("Parsing port")
parts = address_str.split(":")
if len(parts) <= 2: # otherwise it is v6 address
address_str = parts[0]
if len(parts) == 2:
port = int(parts[1])
resolved = self.lookup_fn(address_str, port)
logging.debug("Lookup result: %s", resolved)
for (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) in resolved:
is_v6 = family == socket.AF_INET6
parsed_ip, port = sockaddr[0], sockaddr[1]
if explicit_port:
logging.warn("Using phantom.port option is deprecated. Use phantom.address=[address]:port instead")
port = int(explicit_port)
elif not port:
port = 80
if do_test:
self.__test(family, (parsed_ip, port))
except RuntimeError, exc:
logging.warn("Failed TCP connection test using [%s]:%s", parsed_ip, port)
return is_v6, parsed_ip, int(port), address_str
msg = "All connection attempts failed for %s, use phantom.connection_test=0 to disable it"
raise RuntimeError(msg % address_str)
def __test(self, af, sa):
test_sock = self.socket_class(af)
except Exception, exc:
logging.debug("Exception on connect attempt [%s]:%s : %s", sa[0], sa[1], traceback.format_exc(exc))
msg = "TCP Connection test failed for [%s]:%s, use phantom.connection_test=0 to disable it"
raise RuntimeError(msg % (sa[0], sa[1]))