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synced 2024-11-07 02:45:21 +00:00
304 lines
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304 lines
12 KiB
from Tank import Utils
from Tank.Core import AbstractPlugin
import datetime
import logging
import os
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
class AggregateResultListener:
def aggregate_second(self, second_aggregate_data):
raise TypeError("Abstract method needs to be overridden")
# TODO: rewrite it with python preproc object
class AggregatorPlugin(AbstractPlugin):
default_time_periods = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1s 1500 2s 2500 3s 3500 4s 4500 5s 5500 6s 6500 7s 7500 8s 8500 9s 9500 10s 11s"
OPTION_STEPS = 'steps'
SECTION = 'aggregator'
OPTION_CASES = 'cases'
OPTION_SOURCE_FILE = "source_file"
OPTION_STAT_FILE = "threads_file"
OPTION_DETAILED_FIELD = "detailed_time"
AB_TO_PHOUT_CONVERTER = "tail -n+2 | awk 'BEGIN {FS=\"\\t\"; OFS=\"\\t\"} {printf \"%7.3f\\t\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\t%d\\n\", $2/1, $5*1000, $3*1000, 0, $6*1000, ($5-$6)*1000, $5*1000, 0,0,0, 200}'"
def get_key():
return __file__
def __init__(self, core):
AbstractPlugin.__init__(self, core)
self.process = None
self.second_data_listeners = []
self.preproc_out_offset = 0
self.buffer = []
self.second_data_draft = []
self.preproc_out_filename = None
def configure(self):
self.tools_path = self.get_option("tools_path", '/usr/bin')
self.phout_file = self.get_option(self.OPTION_SOURCE_FILE, '')
self.threads_file = self.get_option(self.OPTION_STAT_FILE, '')
periods = self.get_option("time_periods", self.default_time_periods).split(" ")
self.time_periods = " ".join([ str(Utils.expand_to_milliseconds(x)) for x in periods ])
self.core.set_option(self.SECTION, "time_periods", self.time_periods)
# self.tank_type = self.core.get_option(self.SECTION, "tank_type")
self.preproc_out_filename = self.get_option("preproc_log_name", tempfile.mkstemp(".log", "preproc_")[1])
self.preproc_cases = self.get_option(self.OPTION_CASES, "")
self.detailed_field = self.get_option(self.OPTION_DETAILED_FIELD, 'interval_real')
self.preproc_steps = self.get_option(self.OPTION_STEPS, "")
def prepare_test(self):
def process_listeners_callback(self, draft_data):
second_data = SecondAggregateData(draft_data)
except RuntimeError, ex:
self.log.error("Can't parse second data: %s", ex)
for listener in self.second_data_listeners:
self.log.debug("Notifying second data listener: %s", listener)
def read_preproc_lines(self, handle, callback):
overall_flag = 0
for line in handle:
#self.log.debug("Preproc Line: %s", line)
self.buffer += [line]
if line.startswith(SecondAggregateDataItem.T_OVERALL):
overall_flag = int(line.strip()[-1:])
if line.strip() == "===":
if overall_flag:
self.second_data_draft = []
def start_test(self):
if not self.phout_file:
raise RuntimeError("No input file specified")
if not self.preproc_out_filename:
raise RuntimeError("No preproc out file specified")
# wait for phout_file file to appear
for retry in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
if not os.path.exists(self.phout_file):
self.log.debug("Waiting for %s to appear", self.phout_file)
shutil.copy(self.core.config.file, 'lp.conf')
if self.threads_file:
self.args = "perl -I " + self.tools_path + " -f " + self.tools_path + "/prd.pl " + self.phout_file
if self.threads_file:
self.args += " " + self.threads_file
self.args = "tail -f " + self.phout_file + "|" + self.AB_TO_PHOUT_CONVERTER
self.args += "| perl -I " + self.tools_path + " -f " + self.tools_path + "/preproc.pl"
self.log.debug("Starting: %s", self.args)
self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.args, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) # setsid required for killpg
def is_test_finished(self):
self.log.debug("Reading preproc out lines at: %s [%s]", self.preproc_out_filename, self.preproc_out_offset)
preproc_out_handle = open(self.preproc_out_filename, 'r')
self.read_preproc_lines(preproc_out_handle, self.process_listeners_callback)
self.preproc_out_offset = preproc_out_handle.tell()
rc = self.process.poll()
if rc != None:
self.log.debug("Preproc RC %s", rc)
return rc
return -1
def apply_buffer_to_draft(self):
if self.buffer: # if it is still not empty - force processing
self.second_data_draft += [self.buffer]
self.buffer = []
def end_test(self, retcode):
if self.process:
self.log.debug("Reading rests of preproc out")
if self.second_data_draft:
self.log.debug("Unprocessed second data: %s", self.second_data_draft)
self.second_data_draft = []
if self.process and self.process.poll() == None:
self.log.debug("Terminating preproc process with PID %s", self.process.pid)
os.killpg(self.process.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
except Exception, ex:
self.log.warning("Failed to kill preproc process with pid %s: %s", self.process.pid, ex)
self.log.warn("Seems the preproc has been finished")
return retcode
def add_result_listener(self, listener):
self.second_data_listeners += [listener]
def set_source_files(self, phout, stat):
self.phout_file = phout
self.core.set_option(self.SECTION, self.OPTION_SOURCE_FILE, self.phout_file)
self.threads_file = stat
self.core.set_option(self.SECTION, self.OPTION_STAT_FILE, self.threads_file)
def get_timeout(self):
return self.time_periods.split(' ')[-1:][0]
class SecondAggregateData:
def __init__(self, cases_draft):
self.cases = {}
self.time = None
# @type self.overall: SecondAggregateDataItem
self.overall = None
for lines in cases_draft:
#logging.debug("Draft lines: %s", lines)
data_item = SecondAggregateDataItem(lines)
if data_item.overall:
self.overall = data_item
self.cases[data_item.case] = data_item
if not self.time:
self.time = data_item.time
elif data_item.time != self.time:
raise RuntimeError("Several seconds in preproc records group: %s != %s" % (self.time, data_item.time))
if not self.overall:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot go without overall info")
class SecondAggregateDataItem:
T_OVERALL = "overall="
T_CASE = "case="
T_TIMESTAMP = "time="
T_REQPS = "reqps="
T_TASKS = "tasks="
T_SELFLOAD = "selfload="
T_OUTPUT = "output="
T_INPUT = "input="
T_CONNECT = "connect_time_expect="
T_SEND = "send_time_expect="
T_LATENCY = "latency_expect="
T_RECEIVE = "receive_time_expect="
T_AVG_RT = "interval_real_expect="
T_NET_CODE = "netwcode="
T_TIMES = "answ_time="
T_DISPERSION = "dispersion="
def parse_singles(self, line):
if line.startswith(self.T_OVERALL):
self.overall = int(line.strip()[len(self.T_OVERALL):])
if line.startswith(self.T_CASE):
self.case = line.strip()[len(self.T_CASE):]
if line.startswith(self.T_TIMESTAMP):
self.time = datetime.datetime.strptime(line.strip()[len(self.T_TIMESTAMP):], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
if line.startswith(self.T_REQPS):
self.planned_requests = int(line.strip()[len(self.T_REQPS):])
if line.startswith(self.T_TASKS):
self.active_threads = int(line.strip()[len(self.T_TASKS):])
if line.startswith(self.T_INPUT):
self.input = int(line.strip()[len(self.T_INPUT):])
if line.startswith(self.T_OUTPUT):
self.output = int(line.strip()[len(self.T_OUTPUT):])
if line.startswith(self.T_SELFLOAD):
selfload = line.strip()[len(self.T_SELFLOAD):]
if selfload != "0":
self.selfload = float(selfload[:-1])
self.selfload = 0
def parse_avg_times(self, line):
if line.startswith(self.T_CONNECT):
self.avg_connect_time = float(line.strip()[len(self.T_CONNECT):]) / 1000
if line.startswith(self.T_SEND):
self.avg_send_time = float(line.strip()[len(self.T_SEND):]) / 1000
if line.startswith(self.T_LATENCY):
self.avg_latency = float(line.strip()[len(self.T_LATENCY):]) / 1000
if line.startswith(self.T_RECEIVE):
self.avg_receive_time = float(line.strip()[len(self.T_RECEIVE):]) / 1000
if line.startswith(self.T_AVG_RT):
self.avg_response_time = float(line.strip()[len(self.T_AVG_RT):]) / 1000
def parse_distributions(self, line):
if line.startswith(self.T_HTTP_CODE):
times_line = line.strip()[len(self.T_HTTP_CODE):].strip()
parts = times_line.split(":")
self.http_codes[parts[0]] = int(parts[1])
if line.startswith(self.T_NET_CODE):
times_line = line.strip()[len(self.T_NET_CODE):].strip()
parts = times_line.split(":")
self.net_codes[parts[0]] = int(parts[1])
if line.startswith(self.T_TIMES):
times_line = line.strip()[len(self.T_TIMES):].strip()
parts = times_line.split(":")
interval = parts[0].split('-')
self.times_dist += [{"from": int(interval[0]), "to": int(interval[1]), "count": int(parts[1])}]
def parse_quantiles(self, line):
if self.T_DISPERSION in line:
line = line.strip()
dis = line[line.find(self.T_DISPERSION) + len(self.T_DISPERSION):]
self.dispersion = float(dis)
if "_q" in line:
parts = line.split("=")
level_parts = parts[0].split("_q")
self.quantiles[level_parts[1]] = int(parts[1]) / 1000
def __init__(self, lines):
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.overall = None
self.case = None
self.time = None
self.planned_requests = None
self.active_threads = None
self.selfload = None
self.RPS = None
self.http_codes = {}
self.net_codes = {}
self.times_dist = []
self.quantiles = {}
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
#self.log.debug("Parsing line: %s", line)
self.RPS = sum(self.net_codes.values())
# TODO: add cumulative values to items