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synced 2024-11-06 10:25:22 +00:00
* MSPF-394/Migrate woody_erlang to cowboy 2.5.0 (#82) * Renewed some old cowboy syntax * Reworked types to fit new cowboy/ranch versions * Replaced cowboy tuples with separate values * Fixed types, deleted testing logs, deleted redundant errors * Moved to new StackTrace retrieval syntax for Erlang/OTP 21 * Restored default config, fixed typing * Cleaned unnessesary changes, removed export_all * Restored genlib cached version * Downgraded to old stacktrace retrieval syntax, fixed codestyle * Restored new StackTrace retrieval syntax, updated build image * Changed rebar3 version for CI * Corrected typing and spelling, removed unnessesary supervisor * Created stream handler to replace hooks * Added options for reading body * Simplified stream handler * Fixed wrong module name, added read body options support in stream handler * Puted read body opts to env, renamed stream handler * Codestyle, types and config fixes * Moved response tracing to a separate function, now tracing failed requests too * Changed options to map (#83) * Fixed wrong timeout override logic (#84) * Patch merge conflict * Bump dependencies (#87) * bumped hackney * bumped erlang thrift commit
124 lines
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124 lines
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%% woody_server_thrift_handler callbacks
%% woody_event_handler callbacks
all() ->
init_per_suite(C) ->
% dbg:tracer(), dbg:p(all, c),
% dbg:tpl({ranch_server, '_', '_'}, x),
Apps = genlib_app:start_application_with(woody, [{acceptors_pool_size, 1}]),
[{suite_apps, Apps} | C].
end_per_suite(C) ->
[application:stop(App) || App <- ?config(suite_apps, C)].
init_per_testcase(Name, C) ->
Port = get_random_port(),
{client , #{
url => iolist_to_binary(["http://localhost:", integer_to_list(Port), "/"]),
event_handler => {?MODULE, {client, Name}}
{server , #{
ip => {127, 0, 0, 1},
port => Port,
event_handler => {?MODULE, {server, Name}}
{testcase, Name} | C
respects_max_connections(C) ->
MaxConns = 10 + rand:uniform(10), % (10; 20]
Table = ets:new(?MODULE, [public, {read_concurrency, true}, {write_concurrency, true}]),
true = ets:insert_new(Table, [{slot, 0}]),
Service = {woody_test_thrift, 'Weapons'},
Client = ?config(client, C),
Handler = {"/", {Service, {?MODULE, {?config(testcase, C), Table}}}},
% > https://github.com/ninenines/ranch/blob/1.3.2/src/ranch_conns_sup.erl#L184
% If we do not set `max_keepalive = 1` here then any request received by the server
% except for `MaxConns` first will wait in queue until the keepalive times out in one of these
% `MaxConns` connections, which results in that it exits cleanly. Unfortunately, the default keepalive
% timeout is 5000 ms which is the same as the default woody request timeout.
% I wonder how this behavior affects production traffic as most of woody servers there configured with
% keepalive timeout of 60 s.
TransportOpts = #{max_connections => MaxConns},
ProtocolOpts = #{max_keepalive => 1},
ReadBodyOpts = #{},
{ok, ServerPid} = start_woody_server(Handler, TransportOpts, ProtocolOpts, ReadBodyOpts, C),
Results = genlib_pmap:map(
fun (_) ->
woody_client:call({Service, 'get_weapon', [<<"BFG">>, <<>>]}, Client)
lists:seq(1, MaxConns * 10)
Slots = lists:map(
fun ({ok, #'Weapon'{slot_pos = Slot}}) -> Slot end,
?assert(lists:max(Slots) =< MaxConns),
ok = stop_woody_server(ServerPid).
start_woody_server(Handler, TransportOpts, ProtocolOpts, ReadBodyOpts, C) ->
ServerOpts0 = ?config(server, C),
SupervisorOpts = woody_server:child_spec(
{?MODULE, ?config(testcase, C)},
handlers => [Handler],
read_body_opts => ReadBodyOpts,
transport_opts => TransportOpts,
protocol_opts => ProtocolOpts
genlib_adhoc_supervisor:start_link(#{}, [SupervisorOpts]).
stop_woody_server(Pid) ->
true = unlink(Pid),
true = exit(Pid, shutdown),
handle_function(get_weapon, [Name, _], _Context, {respects_max_connections, Table}) ->
Slot = ets:update_counter(Table, slot, 1),
ok = timer:sleep(rand:uniform(10)),
_ = ets:update_counter(Table, slot, -1),
{ok, #'Weapon'{name = Name, slot_pos = Slot}}.
handle_event(Event, RpcId, Meta, Opts) ->
{_Severity, {Format, Msg}, _} = woody_event_handler:format_event_and_meta(Event, Meta, RpcId),
ct:pal("~p " ++ Format, [Opts] ++ Msg).
get_random_port() ->
32767 + rand:uniform(32000).