-module(rpc_tests_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include("rpc_test_types.hrl"). -compile(export_all). -behaviour(supervisor). -behaviour(rpc_thrift_handler). -behaviour(rpc_event_handler). %% supervisor callbacks -export([init/1]). %% rpc_thrift_handler callbacks -export([handle_function/4]). -export([handle_error/4]). %% rpc_event_handler callbacks -export([handle_event/2]). %% internal API -export([call/4, call_safe/4]). %% Weapons service -define(SLOTS, #{ 1 => <<"Impact Hammer">>, 2 => <<"Enforcer">>, 3 => <<"Bio Rifle">>, 4 => <<"Shock Rifle">>, 5 => <<"Pulse Gun">>, 6 => <<"Ripper">>, 7 => <<"Minigun">>, 8 => <<"Flak Cannon">>, 9 => <<"Rocket Launcher">>, 0 => <<"Sniper Rifle">> }). -define(weapon(Name, Pos, Ammo), Name => #weapon{ name = Name, slot_pos = Pos, ammo = Ammo }). -define(weapon(Name, Pos), ?weapon(Name, Pos, undefined)). -define(WEAPONS, #{ ?weapon(<<"Impact Hammer">>, 1), ?weapon(<<"Enforcer">>, 2, 25), ?weapon(<<"Bio Rifle">>, 3, 0), ?weapon(<<"Shock Rifle">>, 4, 0), ?weapon(<<"Pulse Gun">>, 5, 0), ?weapon(<<"Ripper">>, 6, 16), ?weapon(<<"Minigun">>, 7, 0), ?weapon(<<"Flak Cannon">>, 8, 30), ?weapon(<<"Rocket Launcher">>, 9, 6), ?weapon(<<"Sniper Rifle">>, 0, 20) }). -define(weapon_failure(Reason), #failure{ code = <<"weapon_error">>, reason = genlib:to_binary(Reason) }). -define(pos_error, {pos_error, "pos out of boundaries"}). %% Powerup service -define(powerup(Name, Params), Name => #powerup{name = Name, Params} ). -define(POWERUPS, #{ ?powerup(<<"Thigh Pads">>, level = 23), ?powerup(<<"Body Armor">>, level = 82), ?powerup(<<"Shield Belt">>, level = 0), ?powerup(<<"AntiGrav Boots">>, level = 2), ?powerup(<<"Damage Amplifier">>, time_left = 0), ?powerup(<<"Invisibility">>, time_left = 0) }). -define(SERVER_IP, {0,0,0,0}). -define(SERVER_PORT, 8085). -define(URL_BASE, ""). -define(PATH_WEAPONS, "/v1/rpc/test/weapons"). -define(PATH_POWERUPS, "/v1/rpc/test/powerups"). %% %% tests descriptions %% all() -> [ call_safe_ok_test, call_ok_test, call_safe_handler_throw_test, call_handler_throw_test, call_safe_handler_throw_unexpected_test, call_handler_throw_unexpected_test, call_safe_handler_error_test, call_handler_error_test, call_safe_client_transport_error_test, call_client_transport_error_test, call_safe_server_transport_error_test, call_server_transport_error_test, call_handle_error_fails_test, call_oneway_void_test, call_async_ok_test, checkrpc_ids_sequence_test, call_two_services_test, call_with_client_pool_test, multiplexed_transport_test ]. %% %% starting/stopping %% init_per_suite(C) -> {ok, Apps} = application:ensure_all_started(rpc), [{apps, Apps}|C]. end_per_suite(C) -> [application_stop(App) || App <- proplists:get_value(apps, C)]. application_stop(App=sasl) -> %% hack for preventing sasl deadlock %% http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2014-May/079012.html error_logger:delete_report_handler(cth_log_redirect), application:stop(App), error_logger:add_report_handler(cth_log_redirect), ok; application_stop(App) -> application:stop(App). init_per_testcase(Tc, C) when Tc =:= call_safe_server_transport_error_test ; Tc =:= call_server_transport_error_test ; Tc =:= call_handle_error_fails_test ; Tc =:= call_oneway_void_test ; Tc =:= multiplexed_transport_test -> do_init_per_testcase([powerups], C); init_per_testcase(Tc, C) when Tc =:= call_two_services_test -> do_init_per_testcase([weapons, powerups], C); init_per_testcase(_, C) -> do_init_per_testcase([weapons], C). do_init_per_testcase(Services, C) -> {ok, Sup} = supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []), {ok, _} = start_rpc_server(rpc_ct, Sup, Services), [{sup, Sup} | C]. start_rpc_server(Id, Sup, Services) -> Server = rpc_server:child_spec(Id, #{ handlers => [get_handler(S) || S <- Services], event_handler => ?MODULE, ip => ?SERVER_IP, port => ?SERVER_PORT, net_opts => [] }), {ok, _} = supervisor:start_child(Sup, Server). get_handler(powerups) -> { ?PATH_POWERUPS, {rpc_test_powerups_service, ?MODULE, []} }; get_handler(weapons) -> { ?PATH_WEAPONS, {rpc_test_weapons_service, ?MODULE, []} }. end_per_test_case(_,C) -> Sup = proplists:get_value(sup, C), exit(Sup, shutdown), Ref = monitor(process, Sup), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Sup, _Reason} -> ok after 1000 -> error(exit_timeout) end. %% %% tests %% call_safe_ok_test(_) -> Gun = <<"Enforcer">>, gun_test_bacic(call_safe, <<"call_safe_ok">>, Gun, {ok, genlib_map:get(Gun, ?WEAPONS)}, true). call_ok_test(_) -> Gun = <<"Enforcer">>, gun_test_bacic(call, <<"call_ok">>, Gun, {ok, genlib_map:get(Gun, ?WEAPONS)}, true). call_safe_handler_throw_test(_) -> Gun = <<"Bio Rifle">>, gun_test_bacic(call_safe, <<"call_safe_handler_throw">>, Gun, {throw, ?weapon_failure("out of ammo")}, true). call_handler_throw_test(_) -> Gun = <<"Bio Rifle">>, gun_catch_test_basic(<<"call_handler_throw">>, Gun, {throw, ?weapon_failure("out of ammo")}, true). call_safe_handler_throw_unexpected_test(_) -> Id = <<"call_safe_handler_throw_unexpected">>, Current = genlib_map:get(<<"Rocket Launcher">>, ?WEAPONS), Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {error, rpc_failed, Client#{req_id => Id}}, Expect = call_safe(Client, weapons, switch_weapon, [Current, next, 1, self_to_bin()]), {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Current}). call_handler_throw_unexpected_test(_) -> Id = <<"call_handler_throw_unexpected">>, Current = genlib_map:get(<<"Rocket Launcher">>, ?WEAPONS), Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {rpc_failed, Client#{req_id => Id}}, try call(Client, weapons, switch_weapon, [Current, next, 1, self_to_bin()]) catch error:Expect -> ok end, {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Current}). call_safe_handler_error_test(_) -> Gun = <<"The Ultimate Super Mega Destroyer">>, gun_test_bacic(call_safe, <<"call_safe_handler_error">>, Gun, {error, rpc_failed}, true). call_handler_error_test(_) -> Gun = <<"The Ultimate Super Mega Destroyer">>, gun_catch_test_basic(<<"call_handler_error">>, Gun, {error, rpc_failed}, true). call_safe_client_transport_error_test(_) -> Gun = 'The Ultimate Super Mega Destroyer', gun_test_bacic(call_safe, <<"call_safe_client_transport_error">>, Gun, {error, rpc_failed}, false). call_client_transport_error_test(_) -> Gun = 'The Ultimate Super Mega Destroyer', gun_catch_test_basic(<<"call_client_transport_error">>, Gun, {error, rpc_failed}, false). call_safe_server_transport_error_test(_) -> Id = <<"call_safe_server_transport_error">>, Armor = <<"Helmet">>, Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {error, rpc_failed, Client#{req_id => Id}}, Expect = call_safe(Client, powerups, get_powerup, [Armor, self_to_bin()]), {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Armor}). call_server_transport_error_test(_) -> do_call_server_transport_error(<<"call_server_transport_error">>). call_handle_error_fails_test(_) -> do_call_server_transport_error(<<"call_handle_error_fails">>). do_call_server_transport_error(Id) -> Armor = <<"Helmet">>, Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {rpc_failed, Client#{req_id => Id}}, try call(Client, powerups, get_powerup, [Armor, self_to_bin()]) catch error:Expect -> ok end, {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Armor}). call_oneway_void_test(_) -> Id = <<"call_oneway_void_test">>, Armor = <<"Helmet">>, Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {ok, ok, Client#{req_id => Id}}, Expect = call(Client, powerups, like_powerup, [Armor, self_to_bin()]), {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Armor}). call_async_ok_test(C) -> Sup = proplists:get_value(sup, C), Pid = self(), Callback = fun(Res) -> collect(Res, Pid) end, Id1 = <<"call_async_ok1">>, Client1 = get_client(Id1), Client11 = Client1#{req_id => Id1}, {ok, Pid1, Client11} = get_weapon(Client1, Sup, Callback, <<"Impact Hammer">>), Id2 = <<"call_async_ok2">>, Client2 = get_client(Id2), Client22 = Client2#{req_id => Id2}, {ok, Pid2, Client22} = get_weapon(Client2, Sup, Callback, <<"Flak Cannon">>), {ok, Pid1} = receive_msg({Client11, genlib_map:get(<<"Impact Hammer">>, ?WEAPONS)}), {ok, Pid2} = receive_msg({Client22, genlib_map:get(<<"Flak Cannon">>, ?WEAPONS)}). get_weapon(Client, Sup, Cb, Gun) -> call_async(Client, weapons, get_weapon, [Gun, <<>>], Sup, Cb). collect({ok, Result, Tag}, Pid) -> send_msg(Pid, {Tag, Result}). checkrpc_ids_sequence_test(_) -> Id = <<"checkrpc_ids_sequence">>, Current = genlib_map:get(<<"Enforcer">>, ?WEAPONS), Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {ok, genlib_map:get(<<"Ripper">>, ?WEAPONS), Client#{req_id => Id}}, Expect = call(Client, weapons, switch_weapon, [Current, next, 1, self_to_bin()]). call_two_services_test(_) -> Gun = <<"Enforcer">>, gun_test_bacic(call_safe, <<"two_services1">>, Gun, {ok, genlib_map:get(Gun, ?WEAPONS)}, true), Id = <<"two_services2">>, Armor = <<"Body Armor">>, Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {ok, genlib_map:get(<<"Body Armor">>, ?POWERUPS), Client#{req_id => Id}}, Expect = call_safe(Client, powerups, get_powerup, [Armor, self_to_bin()]), {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Armor}). call_with_client_pool_test(_) -> Pool = guns, ok = rpc_thrift_client:start_pool(Pool, 10), Id = <<"call_with_client_pool">>, Gun = <<"Enforcer">>, Client = get_client(Id), {Url, Service} = get_service_endpoint(weapons), Expect = {ok, genlib_map:get(Gun, ?WEAPONS), Client#{req_id => Id}}, Expect = rpc_client:call( Client, {Service, get_weapon, [Gun, self_to_bin()]}, #{url => Url, pool => Pool} ), receive_msg({Id, Gun}), ok = rpc_thrift_client:stop_pool(Pool). multiplexed_transport_test(_) -> Id = <<"multiplexed_transport">>, {Client1, {error, {400, _}}} = thrift_client:call( make_thrift_multiplexed_client(Id, "powerups", get_service_endpoint(powerups)), get_powerup, [<<"Body Armor">>, self_to_bin()] ), thrift_client:close(Client1). make_thrift_multiplexed_client(Id, ServiceName, {Url, Service}) -> {ok, Protocol} = thrift_binary_protocol:new( rpc_thrift_http_transport:new(true, Id, Id, #{url => Url}), [{strict_read, true}, {strict_write, true}] ), {ok, Protocol1} = thrift_multiplexed_protocol:new(Protocol, ServiceName), {ok, Client} = thrift_client:new(Protocol1, Service), Client. %% %% supervisor callbacks %% init(_) -> {ok, { {one_for_one, 1, 1}, [] }}. %% %% rpc_thrift_handler callbacks %% %% Weapons handle_function(switch_weapon, RpcClient = #{parent_req_id := PaReqId}, {CurrentWeapon, Direction, Shift, To}, _Opts ) -> send_msg(To, {PaReqId, CurrentWeapon}), switch_weapon(CurrentWeapon, Direction, Shift, RpcClient); handle_function(get_weapon, #{parent_req_id := PaReqId}, {Name, To}, _Opts) -> send_msg(To,{PaReqId,Name}), Res = case genlib_map:get(Name, ?WEAPONS) of #weapon{ammo = 0} -> throw(?weapon_failure("out of ammo")); Weapon = #weapon{} -> Weapon end, {ok, Res}; %% Powerups handle_function(get_powerup, #{parent_req_id := PaReqId}, {Name, To}, _Opts) -> send_msg(To, {PaReqId, Name}), {ok, genlib_map:get(Name, ?POWERUPS, powerup_unknown)}; handle_function(like_powerup, #{parent_req_id := PaReqId}, {Name, To}, _Opts) -> send_msg(To, {PaReqId, Name}), ok. handle_error(get_powerup, #{parent_req_id := <<"call_handle_error_fails">>}, _, _) -> error(no_more_powerups); handle_error(_Function, _RpcClient, _Reason, _Opts) -> ok. %% %% rpc_event_handler callbacks %% handle_event(Type, Meta) -> ct:pal(info, "rpc event ~p: ~p", [Type, Meta]). %% %% internal functions %% get_client(ReqId) -> rpc_client:new(ReqId, ?MODULE). call(Client, ServiceName, Function, Args) -> do_call(call, Client, ServiceName, Function, Args). call_safe(Client, ServiceName, Function, Args) -> do_call(call_safe, Client, ServiceName, Function, Args). do_call(Call, Client, ServiceName, Function, Args) -> {Url, Service} = get_service_endpoint(ServiceName), rpc_client:Call( Client, {Service, Function, Args}, #{url => Url} ). call_async(Client, ServiceName, Function, Args, Sup, Callback) -> {Url, Service} = get_service_endpoint(ServiceName), rpc_client:call_async(Sup, Callback, Client, {Service, Function, Args}, #{url => Url} ). get_service_endpoint(weapons) -> { genlib:to_binary(?URL_BASE ++ ?PATH_WEAPONS), rpc_test_weapons_service }; get_service_endpoint(powerups) -> { genlib:to_binary(?URL_BASE ++ ?PATH_POWERUPS), rpc_test_powerups_service }. gun_test_bacic(CallFun, Id, Gun, {ExpectStatus, ExpectRes}, WithMsg) -> Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {ExpectStatus, ExpectRes, Client#{req_id => Id}}, Expect = ?MODULE:CallFun(Client, weapons, get_weapon, [Gun, self_to_bin()]), case WithMsg of true -> {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Gun}); _ -> ok end. gun_catch_test_basic(Id, Gun, {Class, Exception}, WithMsg) -> Client = get_client(Id), Expect = {Exception, Client#{req_id => Id}}, try call(Client, weapons, get_weapon, [Gun, self_to_bin()]) catch Class:Expect -> ok end, case WithMsg of true -> {ok, _} = receive_msg({Id, Gun}); _ -> ok end. switch_weapon(CurrentWeapon, Direction, Shift, RpcClient) -> case call_safe(RpcClient, weapons, get_weapon, [new_weapon_name(CurrentWeapon, Direction, Shift), self_to_bin()]) of {ok, Weapon, _} -> {ok, Weapon}; {throw, #failure{ code = <<"weapon_error">>, reason = <<"out of ammo">> }, NextClient} -> ok = validate_next_client(NextClient, RpcClient), switch_weapon(CurrentWeapon, Direction, Shift + 1, NextClient) end. new_weapon_name(#weapon{slot_pos = Pos}, next, Shift) -> new_weapon_name(Pos + Shift); new_weapon_name(#weapon{slot_pos = Pos}, prev, Shift) -> new_weapon_name(Pos - Shift). new_weapon_name(Pos) when is_integer(Pos), Pos >= 0, Pos < 10 -> genlib_map:get(Pos, ?SLOTS, <<"no weapon">>); new_weapon_name(_) -> throw(?pos_error). validate_next_client(#{seq := NextSeq}, #{seq := Seq}) -> NextSeq = Seq + 1, ok. self_to_bin() -> genlib:to_binary(pid_to_list(self())). send_msg(<<>>, _) -> ok; send_msg(To, Msg) when is_pid(To) -> To ! {self(), Msg}; send_msg(To, Msg) when is_binary(To) -> send_msg(list_to_pid(genlib:to_list(To)), Msg). receive_msg(Msg) -> receive {From, Msg} -> {ok, From} after 1000 -> error(get_msg_timeout) end.