REBAR := $(shell which rebar3 2>/dev/null || which ./rebar3) SUBMODULES = build_utils SUBTARGETS = $(patsubst %,%/.git,$(SUBMODULES)) UTILS_PATH := build_utils # ToDo: remove unused TEMPLATES_PATH here, when the bug # with handling of the varriable in build_utils is fixed TEMPLATES_PATH := . SERVICE_NAME := woody BUILD_IMAGE_TAG := eee42f2ca018c313190bc350fe47d4dea70b6d27 CALL_W_CONTAINER := all submodules rebar-update compile xref lint test dialyze clean distclean .PHONY: $(CALL_W_CONTAINER) all: compile -include $(UTILS_PATH)/make_lib/ $(SUBTARGETS): %/.git: % git submodule update --init $< touch $@ submodules: $(SUBTARGETS) rebar-update: $(REBAR) update compile: submodules rebar-update $(REBAR) compile test: submodules $(REBAR) ct xref: submodules $(REBAR) xref lint: compile elvis rock clean: $(REBAR) clean distclean: $(REBAR) clean -a rm -rfv _build _builds _cache _steps _temp dialyze: $(REBAR) dialyzer