* MSPF-232: optionally configure max_heap_size limit for server handler.
* MSPF-233: check vm total memory against configurable threshold before
starting to handle request on the server.
* MSPF-234: improve introspection for result_unexpected errors on the client.
* MSPF-234: send thrift decode error details from server to client
* MSPF-234: pass stacktrace for result_unexpected error from server to client as error details
* MSPF-235: use input Id as a span_id, instead of trace_id in woody_context:new_rpc_id/1.
trace_id is used across the entire requst tree and is rather safer
as woody snowflake id.
* fix a bug in server net_opts handling
* fix event formatting types
* align rpc id handling with new requirements
* add new interface woody.erl, mv woody_t -> woody
* bump up thrift for the latest thrift_membuffer_transport
* remove woody:call_safe/3, woody_client:call_safe/3 from client API
* add cowboy net_opts to Server API
* Introduce event formatter to woody_event_handler
* Refactor events
* Remove outdated exception from the elvis rules
* Update woody_server_thrift_handler internal API
* make Opts optional for handlers
* add default event handler
* bump up hackney
* update README
* fix issues: 12, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 31, 37
* start using build_utils
* simplify woody_client:result_ok() type (issue 10)
* use integer snowflake id
* rename woody_client_thrift:format_return/3 (issue 11)
* provide details to event_handler for http errors (issue 15)
* clarify net_opts() for woody_server_thrift_http_handler:options() type
* switch snoflake to rbkmoney fork
* update readme
* introduce lint and fix lint warnings
* add woody_client:make_id_int/0 API function
* Make rpc_id (triple: span_id, parent_id and trace_id) a separate argument for handle_event/3.
* Sync README with refactored API in woody_event_handler, woody_server_thrift_handler and woody_client.