MG-63: read the body in case of error to free the connection; add con… (#46)

This commit is contained in:
Anton Belyaev 2017-02-15 15:53:55 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 75c4b97608
commit 905d087c7b

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@ -125,18 +125,21 @@ handle_result({ok, 200, Headers, Ref}, Context) ->
_ = log_event(?EV_CLIENT_RECEIVE, Context, Meta#{status => ok, code => 200}),
get_body(hackney:body(Ref), Context);
handle_result({ok, Code, Headers, _Ref}, Context) ->
handle_result({ok, Code, Headers, Ref}, Context) ->
{Class, Details} = check_error_headers(Code, Headers, Context),
_ = log_event(?EV_CLIENT_RECEIVE, Context, #{status=>error, code=>Code, reason=>Details}),
%% Read the body anyway to free the connection
_ = hackney:body(Ref),
{error, {system, {external, Class, Details}}};
handle_result({error, {closed, _}}, Context) ->
Reason = <<"partial response">>,
_ = log_event(?EV_CLIENT_RECEIVE, Context, #{status => error, reason => Reason}),
{error, {system, {external, result_unknown, Reason}}};
handle_result({error, Reason}, Context) when
Reason =:= timeout ;
Reason =:= econnaborted ;
Reason =:= enetreset ;
Reason =:= timeout ;
Reason =:= connect_timeout ;
Reason =:= econnaborted ;
Reason =:= enetreset ;
Reason =:= econnreset
BinReason = woody_util:to_binary(Reason),