module.exports = (server, options) => { // Elastic JS Client const elasticRequest = server.plugins.elasticsearch.getCluster('data'); //Handlers const fetchElastic = (req, payload) => { return elasticRequest.callWithRequest(req, 'search', { index: 'wazuh-alerts-*', type: 'wazuh', body: payload }); }; const getConfig = (callback) => { elasticRequest .callWithInternalUser('search', { index: '.wazuh', type: 'wazuh-configuration', q: 'active:true' }) .then((data) => { if ( === 1) { callback({ 'user': data.hits.hits[0]._source.api_user, 'password': Buffer.from(data.hits.hits[0]._source.api_password, 'base64').toString("ascii"), 'url': data.hits.hits[0]._source.url, 'port': data.hits.hits[0]._source.api_port, 'insecure': data.hits.hits[0]._source.insecure, 'cluster_info': data.hits.hits[0]._source.cluster_info, 'extensions': data.hits.hits[0]._source.extensions }); } else { callback({ 'error': 'no credentials', 'error_code': 1 }); } }) .catch((error) => { callback({ 'error': 'no elasticsearch', 'error_code': 2 }); }); }; // Returns alerts count for fields/value array between timeGTE and timeLT const alertsCount = (req, reply) => { var payload = { "size": 1, "query": { "bool": { "must": [], "filter": { "range": { "@timestamp": {} } } } } }; // Set up time interval, default to Last 15m const timeGTE = req.payload.timeinterval.gte ? req.payload.timeinterval.gte : 'now-15m'; const timeLT = ? : 'now'; payload.query.bool.filter.range['@timestamp']['gte'] = timeGTE; if (timeLT !== 'now'){ payload.query.bool.filter.range['@timestamp']['lte'] = timeLT; } else { payload.query.bool.filter.range['@timestamp']['lt'] = timeLT; } // Set up match for default cluster name payload.query.bool.must.push({ 'match': { '': req.payload.cluster } }); // Set up match for different pairs field/value for(let item of req.payload.fields){ let obj = {}; obj[item.field] = item.value; payload.query.bool.must.push({ 'match': obj }); } fetchElastic(req, payload) .then((data) => { reply({ 'statusCode': 200, 'data': }); }) .catch((error) => { reply({ 'statusCode': 500, 'error': 9, 'message': 'Could not get data from elasticsearch' }).code(500); }); }; const getFieldTop = (req, reply) => { // Top field payload var payload = { "size": 1, "query": { "bool": { "must": [], "filter": { "range": { "@timestamp": {} } } } }, "aggs": { "2": { "terms": { "field": "", "size": 1, "order": { "_count": "desc" } } } } }; // Set up time interval, default to Last 24h const timeGTE = 'now-1d'; const timeLT = 'now'; payload.query.bool.filter.range['@timestamp']['gte'] = timeGTE; payload.query.bool.filter.range['@timestamp']['lt'] = timeLT; // Set up match for default cluster name payload.query.bool.must.push({ "match": { "": req.params.cluster } }); payload.aggs['2'].terms.field = req.params.field; fetchElastic(req, payload) .then((data) => { if ( === 0 || typeof data.aggregations['2'].buckets[0] === 'undefined'){ reply({ 'statusCode': 200, 'data': '' }); } else { reply({ 'statusCode': 200, 'data': data.aggregations['2'].buckets[0].key }); } }) .catch((error) => { reply({ 'statusCode': 500, 'error': 9, 'message': 'Could not get data from elasticsearch' }).code(500); }); }; const getSetupInfo = (req, reply) => { elasticRequest .callWithInternalUser('search', { index: '.wazuh-version', type: 'wazuh-version' }) .then((data) => { if ( === 0) { reply({ 'statusCode': 200, 'data': '' }); } else { reply({ 'statusCode': 200, 'data': data.hits.hits[0]._source }); } }) .catch((error) => { reply({ 'statusCode': 500, 'error': 9, 'message': 'Could not get data from elasticsearch' }).code(500); }); }; module.exports = getConfig; //Server routes /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/top/{cluster}/{field}/{time?} * Returns the agent with most alerts * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/top/{cluster}/{field}/{time?}', handler: getFieldTop }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/top/{cluster}/{field}/{fieldFilter}/{fieldValue}/{time?} * Returns the agent with most alerts * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/top/{cluster}/{field}/{fieldFilter}/{fieldValue}/{time?}', handler: getFieldTop }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/top/{cluster}/{field}/{fieldFilter}/{fieldValue}/{fieldFilter}/{fieldValue}/{time?} * Returns the agent with most alerts * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/top/{cluster}/{field}/{fieldFilter}/{fieldValue}/{fieldFilter2}/{fieldValue2}/{time?}', handler: getFieldTop }); /* * /api/wazuh-elastic/alerts-count * Returns alerts count for fields/value array between timeGTE and timeLT * @params: fields[{field,value}], cluster, timeinterval{gte,lte} **/ server.route({ method: 'POST', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/alerts-count/', handler: alertsCount }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/setup * Return Wazuh Appsetup info * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/setup', handler: getSetupInfo }); };