const importAppObjects = require('../initialize'); const fs = require('fs'); const yml = require('js-yaml'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = (server, options) => { // Elastic JS Client const elasticRequest = server.plugins.elasticsearch.getCluster('data'); const getTimeStamp = async (req,reply) => { try { const data = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('search', { index: '.wazuh-version', type : 'wazuh-version' }) if(data.hits && data.hits.hits[0] && data.hits.hits[0]._source && data.hits.hits[0]._source.installationDate && data.hits.hits[0]._source.lastRestart){ return reply({ installationDate: data.hits.hits[0]._source.installationDate, lastRestart : data.hits.hits[0]._source.lastRestart }); } else { throw new Error('Could not fetch .wazuh-version index'); } } catch (err) { return reply({ statusCode: 500, error : 99, message : err.message || 'Could not fetch .wazuh-version index' }).code(500); } } //Handlers const fetchElastic = async (req, payload) => { try { const data = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('search', { index: 'wazuh-alerts-3.x-*', type: 'wazuh', body: payload }); return data; } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } }; const getConfig = async id => { try { const data = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('get', { index: '.wazuh', type : 'wazuh-configuration', id }); return { user : data._source.api_user, password : Buffer.from(data._source.api_password, 'base64').toString("ascii"), url : data._source.url, port : data._source.api_port, insecure : data._source.insecure, cluster_info: data._source.cluster_info, extensions : data._source.extensions }; } catch (error){ return { error: 'no elasticsearch', error_code: 2 }; } }; // Updating Wazuh app visualizations and dashboards const updateAppObjects = async (req, reply) => { try { await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('deleteByQuery', { index: '.kibana', body : { query: { bool: { must: { match: { 'visualization.title': 'Wazuh App*' } }, must_not: { match: { 'visualization.title': 'Wazuh App Overview General Agents status' } } } } } }) // Update the pattern in the configuration importAppObjects(req.params.pattern); return reply({ statusCode: 200, data: 'Index pattern updated' }); } catch (error) { return reply({ statusCode: 500, error : 9, message : `Could not delete visualizations due to ${error.message || error}` }).code(500); } }; const getTemplate = async (req, reply) => { try { const data = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('cat.templates', {}) if (req.params.pattern == "wazuh-alerts-3.x-*" && data.includes("wazuh-alerts-3.*")) { return reply({ statusCode: 200, status : true, data : `Template found for ${req.params.pattern}` }); } else { const lastChar = req.params.pattern[req.params.pattern.length -1]; const array = data.match(/[^\s]+/g); let pattern = req.params.pattern; if (lastChar === '*') { // Remove last character if it is a '*' pattern = pattern.slice(0, -1); } for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].includes(pattern) && array[i-1] == `wazuh`) { return reply({ statusCode: 200, status : true, data : `Template found for ${req.params.pattern}` }); } } return reply({ statusCode: 200, status : false, data : `No template found for ${req.params.pattern}` }); } } catch (error){ return reply({ statusCode: 500, error : 10000, message : `Could not retrieve templates from Elasticsearch due to ${error.message || error}` }).code(500); } }; const checkPattern = async (req, reply) => { try { const response = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('search', { index: '.kibana', body : { size:999, query: { bool: { must: { match: { type: 'index-pattern' } } } } } }) const filtered = response.hits.hits.filter(item => item._source['index-pattern'].title === req.params.pattern); return filtered.length >= 1 ? reply({ statusCode: 200, status: true, data: 'Index pattern found' }) : reply({ statusCode: 500, status: false, error:10020, message: 'Index pattern not found' }); } catch (error) { return reply({ statusCode: 500, error : 10000, message : `Something went wrong retrieving index-patterns from Elasticsearch due to ${error.message || error}` }).code(500); } }; const getFieldTop = async (req, reply) => { try{ // Top field payload let payload = { size: 1, query: { bool: { must : [], filter: { range: { '@timestamp': {} } } } }, aggs: { '2': { terms: { field: '', size : 1, order: { _count: 'desc' } } } } }; // Set up time interval, default to Last 24h const timeGTE = 'now-1d'; const timeLT = 'now'; payload.query.bool.filter.range['@timestamp']['gte'] = timeGTE; payload.query.bool.filter.range['@timestamp']['lt'] = timeLT; // Set up match for default cluster name payload.query.bool.must.push( req.params.mode === 'cluster' ? { match: { '': req.params.cluster } } : { match: { '': req.params.cluster } } ); payload.aggs['2'].terms.field = req.params.field; const data = await fetchElastic(req, payload); return ( === 0 || typeof data.aggregations['2'].buckets[0] === 'undefined') ? reply({ statusCode: 200, data: '' }) : reply({ statusCode: 200, data: data.aggregations['2'].buckets[0].key }); } catch (error) { return reply({ statusCode: 500, error : 9, message : error.message || error }).code(500); } }; const getSetupInfo = async (req, reply) => { try { const data = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('search', { index: '.wazuh-version', type : 'wazuh-version' }) return === 0 ? reply({ statusCode: 200, data: '' }) : reply({ statusCode: 200, data: data.hits.hits[0]._source }); } catch (error) { return reply({ statusCode: 500, error : 9, message : `Could not get data from elasticsearch due to ${error.message || error}` }).code(500); } }; const getCurrentlyAppliedPattern = async (req, reply) => { try{ // We search for the currently applied pattern in the visualizations const data = await elasticRequest .callWithInternalUser('search', { index: '.kibana', type : 'doc', q : `visualization.title:"Wazuh App Overview General Metric alerts"` }) if(data && data.hits && data.hits.hits && data.hits.hits[0] && data.hits.hits[0]._source){ return reply({ statusCode: 200, data : JSON.parse(data.hits.hits[0]._source.visualization.kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON).index }); } throw new Error('no_visualization'); } catch (error) { return (error && error.message && error.message === 'no_visualization') ? reply('kibana_index_pattern_error').code(500) : reply('elasticsearch_down').code(500); } }; module.exports = getConfig; const filterAllowedIndexPatternList = async (list,req) => { let finalList = []; for(let item of list){ try { const allow = await elasticRequest.callWithRequest(req,'search', { index: item.title, type : 'wazuh' }); if(allow && allow.hits && >= 1) finalList.push(item); } catch (error){ console.log(`Some user trys to fetch the index pattern ${item.title} without permissions`) } } return finalList; } const getlist = async (req,res) => { try { const xpack = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('cat.plugins', { }); const isXpackEnabled = typeof xpack === 'string' && xpack.includes('x-pack'); const isSuperUser = isXpackEnabled && req.auth.credentials.roles.includes('superuser'); const data = await elasticRequest .callWithInternalUser('search', { index: '.kibana', type: 'doc', body: { "query":{ "match":{ "type": "index-pattern" } } } }); if(data && data.hits && data.hits.hits){ const minimum = ["@timestamp", "full_log", "", ""]; let list = []; if(data.hits.hits.length === 0) throw new Error('There is no index pattern'); for(const index of data.hits.hits){ let valid, parsed; try{ parsed = JSON.parse(index._source['index-pattern'].fields) } catch (error){ continue; } valid = parsed.filter(item => minimum.includes(; if(valid.length === 4){ list.push({ id : index._id.split('index-pattern:')[1], title: index._source['index-pattern'].title }) } } return res({data: isXpackEnabled && !isSuperUser ? await filterAllowedIndexPatternList(list,req) : list}); } throw new Error('The Elasticsearch request didn\'t fetch the expected data'); } catch(error){ return res({error: error.message || error}).code(500) } } const deleteVis = async (req,res) => { try { const tmp = await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('deleteByQuery', { index: '.kibana', body: { query: { bool: { must: { match: { 'visualization.description': req.params.timestamp } } } }, size : 9999 } }) await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('indices.refresh', { index: ['.kibana']}) return res({aknowledge: true , output: tmp}); } catch(error){ console.log(error.message || error) return res({error:error.message || error}).code(500); } } /** * Replaces our visualizations main fields to fit our pattern needs. * @param {*} app_objects Object with the visualizations raw content. * @param {*} id Eg: 'wazuh-alerts' */ const buildVisualizationsBulk = (app_objects,id,timestamp) => { try{ let body = ''; for (let element of app_objects) { body += '{ "index": { "_index": ".kibana", "_type": "doc", ' + '"_id": "' + element._type + ':' + element._id + '-'+timestamp+'" } }\n'; let temp = {}; let aux = JSON.stringify(element._source); aux = aux.replace("wazuh-alerts", id); aux = JSON.parse(aux); temp[element._type] = aux; if (temp[element._type].kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.index) { temp[element._type].kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.index = id; } temp["type"] = element._type; temp.visualization.description = timestamp; body += JSON.stringify(temp) + "\n"; } return body; } catch (error) { console.log(error.message || error) } } const createVis = async (req,res) => { try { if(!req.params.pattern || ! || !req.params.timestamp || ( && !'overview') && !'agents')) ) { throw new Error('Missing parameters'); } const tabPrefix ='overview') ? 'overview' : 'agents'; const file = require(`../integration-files/visualizations/${tabPrefix}/${}`); const bulkBody = buildVisualizationsBulk(file,req.params.pattern,req.params.timestamp); await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('bulk', { index: '.kibana', body: bulkBody }); await elasticRequest.callWithInternalUser('indices.refresh', { index: ['.kibana']}) return res({aknowledge: true}); } catch(error){ console.log(error.message || error) return res({error:error.message || error}).code(500); } } // Get index patterns list server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/get-list', handler: getlist }); //Server routes /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/create-vis/{tab}/{timestamp}/{pattern} * Create visualizations specified in 'tab' parameter with the 'timestamp' sufix and applying to 'pattern' * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/create-vis/{tab}/{timestamp}/{pattern}', handler: createVis }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/delete-vis/{tab} * Delete visualizations specified in 'tab' parameter * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/delete-vis/{timestamp}', handler: deleteVis }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/current-pattern * Returns the currently applied pattern * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/current-pattern', handler: getCurrentlyAppliedPattern }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/template/{pattern} * Returns whether a correct template is being applied for the index-pattern * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/template/{pattern}', handler: getTemplate }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/pattern/{pattern} * Returns whether the pattern exists or not * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/pattern/{pattern}', handler: checkPattern }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/top/{cluster}/{field}/{time?} * Returns the agent with most alerts * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/top/{mode}/{cluster}/{field}', handler: getFieldTop }); /* * GET /api/wazuh-elastic/setup * Return Wazuh Appsetup info * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/setup', handler: getSetupInfo }); /* * POST /api/wazuh-elastic/updatePattern * Update the index pattern in the app visualizations * **/ server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/updatePattern/{pattern}', handler: updateAppObjects }); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/wazuh-elastic/timestamp', handler: getTimeStamp }); };