module.exports = function (server, options) { const client = server.plugins.elasticsearch.client; var api_user; var api_pass; var api_url; var api_insecure; var api_port; var colors = require('ansicolors'); var blueWazuh ='wazuh'); var cron = require('node-cron'); var needle = require('needle'); var agentsArray = []; var loadCredentials = function (apiEntries) { if ( typeof apiEntries === 'undefined' || typeof apiEntries.hits === 'undefined') return; apiEntries.hits.forEach(function (element) { var apiEntry = { 'user': element._source.api_user, 'password': new Buffer(element._source.api_password, 'base64').toString("ascii"), 'url': element._source.url, 'port': element._source.api_port, 'insecure': element._source.insecure } if (apiEntry.error) { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Error getting wazuh-api data: ' + json.error); return; } checkAndSaveStatus(apiEntry); }); } var checkAndSaveStatus = function (apiEntry) { apiEntry.user; apiEntry.password; apiEntry.url; apiEntry.insecure; apiEntry.port; var payload = { 'offset': 0, 'limit': 1, }; var options = { headers: { 'api-version': 'v1.3.0' }, username: apiEntry.user, password: apiEntry.password, rejectUnauthorized: !apiEntry.insecure }; needle.request('get', apiEntry.url + ':' + apiEntry.port +'/agents', payload, options, function (error, response) { if (!error && && { checkStatus(apiEntry,; } else { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Wazuh API credentials not found or are not correct. Open the app in your browser and configure it for start monitoring agents.'); return; } }); }; var checkStatus = function (apiEntry, maxSize, offset) { if (!maxSize) { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] You must provide a max size'); } var payload = { 'offset': offset ? offset : 0, 'limit': (250 < maxSize) ? 250 : maxSize }; var options = { headers: { 'api-version': 'v1.3.0' }, username: apiEntry.user, password: apiEntry.password, rejectUnauthorized: !apiEntry.insecure }; needle.request('get', apiEntry.url + ':' + apiEntry.port + '/agents', payload, options, function (error, response) { if (!error && { agentsArray = agentsArray.concat(; if ((payload.limit + payload.offset) < maxSize) { checkStatus(apiEntry,, payload.limit + payload.offset); } else { saveStatus(); } } else { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Wazuh api credentials not found or are not correct. Open the app in your browser and configure it for start monitoring agents.'); return; } }); }; var saveStatus = function () { var fDate = new Date().toISOString().replace(/T/, '-').replace(/\..+/, '').replace(/-/g, '.').replace(/:/g, '').slice(0, -7); var todayIndex = 'wazuh-monitoring-' + fDate; client.indices.exists({ index: todayIndex }).then( function (result) { if (result) { _elInsertData(todayIndex); } else { _elCreateIndex(todayIndex); } }, function () { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Could not check if the index ' + todayIndex + ' exists.'); } ); }; var _elCreateIndex = function (todayIndex) { client.indices.create({ index: todayIndex }).then( function () { client.indices.putMapping({ index: todayIndex, type: 'agent', body: { properties: { '@timestamp': { 'type': "date" }, 'status': { 'type': "keyword" }, 'ip': { 'type': "keyword" }, 'host': { 'type': "keyword" } ,'name': { 'type': "keyword" }, 'id': { 'type': "keyword" } } } }).then( function () { _elInsertData(todayIndex); }, function () { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Error setting mapping while creating ' + todayIndex + ' index on elasticsearch.'); }); }, function () { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Could not create ' + todayIndex + ' index on elasticsearch.'); } ); }; var _elInsertData = function (todayIndex) { var body = ''; if(agentsArray.length > 0) { var managerName = agentsArray[0].name; agentsArray.forEach(function (element) { body += '{ "index": { "_index": "' + todayIndex + '", "_type": "agent" } }\n'; element["@timestamp"] =; element["host"] = managerName; body += JSON.stringify(element) + "\n"; }); if (body == '') { return; } client.bulk({ index: todayIndex, type: 'agent', body: body }).then(function () { agentsArray.length = 0; setTimeout(function () { return; }, 60000); }, function (err) { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Error inserting agent data into elasticsearch. Bulk request failed.'); }); } }; var getConfig = function (callback) {{ index: '.kibana', type: 'wazuh-configuration'}) .then(function (data) { if ( > 0) { callback(data.hits); } else { callback({ 'error': 'no credentials', 'error_code': 1 }); } }, function () { callback({ 'error': 'no elasticsearch', 'error_code': 2 }); }); }; var configureKibana = function () { return client.create({ index: '.kibana', type: 'index-pattern', id: 'wazuh-monitoring-*', body: { title: 'wazuh-monitoring-*', timeFieldName: '@timestamp'} }); }; server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'info'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Creating today index...'); saveStatus(); server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'info'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Configuring Kibana for working with "wazuh-monitoring-*" index pattern...'); configureKibana().then(function () { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'info'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Successfully initialized!'); }, function (response) { if (response.statusCode != '409') { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'error'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Could not configure "wazuh-monitoring-*" index pattern. Please, configure it manually on Kibana.'); } else { server.log([blueWazuh, 'server', 'info'], '[Wazuh agents monitoring] Skipping "wazuh-monitoring-*" index pattern configuration: Already configured.'); } }); cron.schedule('0 */10 * * * *', function () { agentsArray.length = 0; getConfig(loadCredentials); }, true); }