// Require utils let base64 = require('plugins/wazuh/utils/base64.js'); import chrome from 'ui/chrome'; // Require App let app = require('ui/modules').get('app/wazuh', []).controller('settingsController', function ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $routeParams, $route, $location, Notifier, testAPI, appState, genericReq, courier) { $rootScope.page = "settings"; if ($rootScope.comeFromWizard) { sessionStorage.removeItem('healthCheck'); $rootScope.comeFromWizard = false; } // Initialize const notify = new Notifier({ location: 'Settings' }); let currentApiEntryIndex; $scope.formData = { user : '', password: '', url : '' }; $scope.accept_ssl = true; $scope.editConfiguration = true; $scope.menuNavItem = 'settings'; $scope.load = true; $scope.extensions = appState.getExtensions().extensions; $scope.addManagerContainer = false; $scope.submenuNavItem = "api"; $scope.showEditForm = {}; $scope.formUpdate = { user : null, password: null, url : null, port : null }; const userRegEx = new RegExp(/^.{3,100}$/); const passRegEx = new RegExp(/^.{3,100}$/); const urlRegEx = new RegExp(/^https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,300}$/); const urlRegExIP = new RegExp(/^https?:\/\/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/); const portRegEx = new RegExp(/^[0-9]{2,5}$/); // Getting the index pattern list into the scope $scope.indexPatterns = $route.current.locals.ip if ($routeParams.tab){ $scope.submenuNavItem = $routeParams.tab; } // Watch tab change $scope.$watch('submenuNavItem', () => { $location.search('tab', $scope.submenuNavItem); }); // Remove API entry $scope.removeManager = (item) => { let index = $scope.apiEntries.indexOf(item); if (appState.getCurrentAPI() !== undefined && appState.getCurrentAPI() !== null) { if ($scope.apiEntries[index]._id === JSON.parse(appState.getCurrentAPI()).id) { // We are trying to remove the one selected as default notify.warning("Please remove another API."); return; } } genericReq.request('DELETE', `/api/wazuh-api/apiEntries/${$scope.apiEntries[index]._id}`) .then(() => { $scope.apiEntries.splice(index, 1); $rootScope.apiIsDown = null; }) .catch(() => { notify.error("Could not remove manager"); }); }; // Get current API index $scope.getCurrentAPIIndex = () => { for(var i = 0; i < $scope.apiEntries.length; i += 1) { if($scope.apiEntries[i]._id === $scope.currentDefault) { currentApiEntryIndex = i; } } } // Set default API $scope.setDefault = (item) => { let index = $scope.apiEntries.indexOf(item); appState.setClusterInfo($scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info); if ($scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info.status == 'disabled') appState.setCurrentAPI(JSON.stringify({name: $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info.manager, id: $scope.apiEntries[index]._id })); else appState.setCurrentAPI(JSON.stringify({name: $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info.cluster, id: $scope.apiEntries[index]._id })); $scope.$emit('updateAPI', {}); $scope.currentDefault = JSON.parse(appState.getCurrentAPI()).id; $scope.extensions = $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.extensions; notify.info(`API ${$scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info.manager} set as default`); $scope.getCurrentAPIIndex(); $scope.extensions.oscap = $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.extensions.oscap; $scope.extensions.audit = $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.extensions.audit; $scope.extensions.pci = $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.extensions.pci; appState.setExtensions($scope.apiEntries[index]._source.extensions); }; // Get settings function $scope.getSettings = () => { genericReq.request('GET', '/api/wazuh-api/apiEntries') .then((data) => { for(const entry of data.data) $scope.showEditForm[entry._id] = false; $scope.apiEntries = data.data.length > 0 ? data.data : []; if (appState.getCurrentAPI() !== undefined && appState.getCurrentAPI() !== null) $scope.currentDefault = JSON.parse(appState.getCurrentAPI()).id; $scope.getCurrentAPIIndex(); if(!currentApiEntryIndex) return; $scope.extensions.oscap = $scope.apiEntries[currentApiEntryIndex]._source.extensions.oscap; $scope.extensions.audit = $scope.apiEntries[currentApiEntryIndex]._source.extensions.audit; $scope.extensions.pci = $scope.apiEntries[currentApiEntryIndex]._source.extensions.pci; appState.setExtensions($scope.apiEntries[currentApiEntryIndex]._source.extensions); }) .catch((error) => { notify.error("Error getting API entries " +error ); }); }; const validator = formName => { // Validate user if(!userRegEx.test($scope[formName].user)){ return 'Invalid user field'; } // Validate password if(!passRegEx.test($scope[formName].password)){ return 'Invalid password field'; } // Validate url if(!urlRegEx.test($scope[formName].url) && !urlRegExIP.test($scope[formName].url)){ return 'Invalid url field'; } // Validate port const validatePort = parseInt($scope[formName].port); if(!portRegEx.test($scope[formName].port) || validatePort <= 0 || validatePort >= 99999) { return 'Invalid port field'; } return false; } // Save settings function $scope.saveSettings = () => { const invalid = validator('formData'); if(invalid) { $scope.messageError = invalid; return notify.error(invalid); } const tmpData = { user: $scope.formData.user, password: base64.encode($scope.formData.password), url: $scope.formData.url, port: $scope.formData.port, cluster_info: {}, insecure: 'true', id: (Array.isArray($scope.apiEntries)) ? $scope.apiEntries.length : 0, extensions: { oscap: true, audit: true, pci: true } }; testAPI.check(tmpData) .then((data) => { // API Check correct. Get Cluster info tmpData.cluster_info = data.data; // Insert new API entry genericReq.request('PUT', '/api/wazuh-api/settings', tmpData) .then((data) => { let newEntry = { _id: data.data.response._id, _source: { cluster_info: tmpData.cluster_info, active: tmpData.active, url: tmpData.url, api_user: tmpData.user, api_port: tmpData.port, extensions: tmpData.extensions } }; $scope.apiEntries.push(newEntry); notify.info('Wazuh API successfully added'); $scope.addManagerContainer = false; $scope.formData.user = ""; $scope.formData.password = ""; $scope.formData.url = ""; $scope.formData.port = ""; // Setting current API as default if no one is in the cookies if (!appState.getCurrentAPI()) { // No cookie if ($scope.apiEntries[$scope.apiEntries.length - 1]._source.cluster_info.status === 'disabled') appState.setCurrentAPI(JSON.stringify({name: $scope.apiEntries[$scope.apiEntries.length - 1]._source.cluster_info.manager, id: $scope.apiEntries[$scope.apiEntries.length - 1]._id })); else appState.setCurrentAPI(JSON.stringify({name: $scope.apiEntries[$scope.apiEntries.length - 1]._source.cluster_info.cluster, id: $scope.apiEntries[$scope.apiEntries.length - 1]._id })); $scope.$emit('updateAPI', {}); $scope.currentDefault = JSON.parse(appState.getCurrentAPI()).id; } genericReq.request('GET', '/api/wazuh-api/fetchAgents') .then(() => {}) .catch(() => { notify.error("Error fetching agents"); }); $scope.getSettings(); }) .catch((error, status) => { if (status === '400') notify.error("Please, fill all the fields in order to connect with Wazuh RESTful API."); else notify.error("Some error ocurred, could not save data in elasticsearch."); }); }) .catch(error => printError(error)); }; $scope.isUpdating = () => { for(let key in $scope.showEditForm){ if($scope.showEditForm[key]) return true; } return false; }; // Update settings function $scope.updateSettings = item => { $scope.messageErrorUpdate = ''; const invalid = validator('formUpdate'); if(invalid) { $scope.messageErrorUpdate = invalid; return notify.error(invalid); } const index = $scope.apiEntries.indexOf(item); const tmpData = { user: $scope.formUpdate.user, password: base64.encode($scope.formUpdate.password), url: $scope.formUpdate.url, port: $scope.formUpdate.port, cluster_info: {}, insecure: 'true', id: $scope.apiEntries[index]._id, extensions: $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.extensions }; testAPI.check(tmpData) .then(data => { tmpData.cluster_info = data.data; return genericReq.request('PUT', '/api/wazuh-api/update-settings' , tmpData); }) .then(() => { $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info = tmpData.cluster_info; $rootScope.apiIsDown = null; $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info.cluster = tmpData.cluster_info.cluster; $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info.manager = tmpData.cluster_info.manager; $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.url = tmpData.url; $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.api_port = tmpData.port; $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.api_user = tmpData.user; $scope.showEditForm[$scope.apiEntries[index]._id] = false; notify.info("Connection success"); }) .catch(error => printError(error,true)); }; // Check manager connectivity $scope.checkManager = item => { const index = $scope.apiEntries.indexOf(item); const tmpData = { user: $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.api_user, password: $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.api_password, url: $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.url, port: $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.api_port, cluster_info: {}, insecure: 'true', id: $scope.apiEntries[index]._id }; testAPI .check(tmpData) .then(data => { tmpData.cluster_info = data.data; const tmpUrl = `/api/wazuh-api/updateApiHostname/${$scope.apiEntries[index]._id}`; return genericReq.request('PUT', tmpUrl , { cluster_info: tmpData.cluster_info }) }) .then(() => { $scope.apiEntries[index]._source.cluster_info = tmpData.cluster_info; $rootScope.apiIsDown = null; notify.info("Connection success"); }) .catch(error => printError(error)); }; // Process form $scope.processForm = () => { $scope.messageError = ""; $scope.saveSettings(); }; // Toggle extension $scope.toggleExtension = async (extension, state) => { try{ if (['oscap','audit','pci'].includes(extension)) { await genericReq.request('PUT', `/api/wazuh-api/extension/toggle/${$scope.apiEntries[currentApiEntryIndex]._id}/${extension}/${state}`); $scope.apiEntries[currentApiEntryIndex]._source.extensions[extension] = state; appState.setExtensions($scope.apiEntries[currentApiEntryIndex]._source.extensions); if(!$scope.$$phase) $scope.$digest(); } return; } catch (error){ notify.error("Invalid request when toggle extension state."); } }; $scope.changeIndexPattern = (newIndexPattern) => { genericReq.request('GET', `/api/wazuh-elastic/updatePattern/${newIndexPattern}`) .then((data) => { appState.setCurrentPattern(newIndexPattern); $scope.$emit('updatePattern', {}); courier.indexPatterns.get(newIndexPattern) .then((data) => { let minimum = ["@timestamp", "full_log", "manager.name", "agent.id"]; let minimumCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < data.fields.length; i++) { if (minimum.includes(data.fields[i].name)) { minimumCount++; } } if (minimumCount == minimum.length) notify.info("Successfully changed the default index-pattern"); else notify.warning("The index-pattern was changed, but it is NOT compatible with Wazuh alerts"); $scope.selectedIndexPattern = newIndexPattern; }); }) .catch(() => { notify.error("Error while changing the default index-pattern"); }); }; const printError = (error,updating) => { let text; switch (error.data) { case 'no_elasticsearch': text = 'Could not connect with elasticsearch in order to retrieve the credentials.'; break; case 'no_credentials': text = 'Valid credentials not found in elasticsearch. It seems the credentials ' + 'were not saved.'; break; case 'protocol_error': text = 'Invalid protocol in the API url. Please, specify http:// or ' + 'https://.'; break; case 'unauthorized': text = 'Credentials were found, but they are not valid.'; break; case 'bad_url': text = 'The given URL does not contain a valid Wazuh RESTful API installation.'; break; case 'self_signed': text = 'The request to Wazuh RESTful API was blocked, because it is using a ' + 'selfsigned SSL certificate. Please, enable "Accept selfsigned SSL" ' + 'option if you want to connect anyway.'; break; case 'not_running': text = 'There are not services running in the given URL.'; break; case 'request_timeout_checkstored': text = 'The request to /api/wazuh-api/checkStoredAPI took too long and was aborted.'; break; case 'request_timeout_checkapi': text = 'The request to /api/wazuh-api/checkAPI took too long and was aborted.'; break; case 'wrong_credentials': text = 'Wrong Wazuh API credentials, please check them and try again'; break; case 'invalid_url': text = 'Wrong Wazuh API url, please check it and try again'; break; case 'invalid_port': text = 'Wrong Wazuh API port, please check it and try again'; break; case 'socket_hang_up': if(error.https){ text = 'Wrong Wazuh API protocol, please check try again with http instead https'; } else { text = 'Could not connect with Wazuh API, please check url and port and try again' } break; default: text = `Unexpected error. ${error.message || ''}`; } notify.error(text); if(!updating) $scope.messageError = text; else $scope.messageErrorUpdate = text; }; $scope.getAppInfo = () => { genericReq.request('GET', '/api/wazuh-elastic/setup') .then((data) => { $scope.appInfo = {}; $scope.appInfo["app-version"] = data.data.data["app-version"]; $scope.appInfo["installationDate"] = data.data.data["installationDate"]; $scope.appInfo["revision"] = data.data.data["revision"]; $scope.appInfo["index-pattern"] = data.data.data["index-pattern"]; $scope.load = false; if (appState.getCurrentPattern() !== undefined && appState.getCurrentPattern() !== null) { // There's a pattern in the cookies $scope.selectedIndexPattern = appState.getCurrentPattern(); } else { // There's no pattern in the cookies, pick the one in the settings $scope.selectedIndexPattern = data.data.data["index-pattern"]; } }) .catch(() => { notify.error("Error when loading Wazuh setup info"); }); }; // Loading data $scope.getSettings(); $scope.getAppInfo(); });