var ttypes = require('./gen-nodejs/JsDeepConstructorTest_types'); var thrift = require('thrift'); var test = require('tape'); var bufferEquals = require('buffer-equals'); function serializeBinary(data) { var buff; var transport = new thrift.TBufferedTransport(null, function(msg){ buff = msg; }); var prot = new thrift.TBinaryProtocol(transport); data.write(prot); prot.flush(); return buff; } function deserializeBinary(serialized, type) { var t = new thrift.TFramedTransport(serialized); var p = new thrift.TBinaryProtocol(t); var data = new type();; return data; } function serializeJSON(data) { var buff; var transport = new thrift.TBufferedTransport(null, function(msg){ buff = msg; }); var protocol = new thrift.TJSONProtocol(transport); protocol.writeMessageBegin("", 0, 0); data.write(protocol); protocol.writeMessageEnd(); protocol.flush(); return buff; } function deserializeJSON(serialized, type) { var transport = new thrift.TFramedTransport(serialized); var protocol = new thrift.TJSONProtocol(transport); protocol.readMessageBegin(); var data = new type();; protocol.readMessageEnd(); return data; } function createThriftObj() { return new ttypes.Complex({ struct_field: new ttypes.Simple({value: 'a'}), struct_list_field: [ new ttypes.Simple({value: 'b'}), new ttypes.Simple({value: 'c'}), ], struct_set_field: [ new ttypes.Simple({value: 'd'}), new ttypes.Simple({value: 'e'}), ], struct_map_field: { A: new ttypes.Simple({value: 'f'}), B: new ttypes.Simple({value: 'g'}) }, struct_nested_containers_field: [ [ { C: [ new ttypes.Simple({value: 'h'}), new ttypes.Simple({value: 'i'}) ] } ] ], struct_nested_containers_field2: { D: [ { DA: new ttypes.Simple({value: 'j'}) }, { DB: new ttypes.Simple({value: 'k'}) } ] } } ); } function createJsObj() { return { struct_field: {value: 'a'}, struct_list_field: [ {value: 'b'}, {value: 'c'}, ], struct_set_field: [ {value: 'd'}, {value: 'e'}, ], struct_map_field: { A: {value: 'f'}, B: {value: 'g'} }, struct_nested_containers_field: [ [ { C: [ {value: 'h'}, {value: 'i'} ] } ] ], struct_nested_containers_field2: { D: [ { DA: {value: 'j'} }, { DB: {value: 'k'} } ] } }; } function assertValues(obj, assert) { assert.equals(obj.struct_field.value, 'a'); assert.equals(obj.struct_list_field[0].value, 'b'); assert.equals(obj.struct_list_field[1].value, 'c'); assert.equals(obj.struct_set_field[0].value, 'd'); assert.equals(obj.struct_set_field[1].value, 'e'); assert.equals(obj.struct_map_field.A.value, 'f'); assert.equals(obj.struct_map_field.B.value, 'g'); assert.equals(obj.struct_nested_containers_field[0][0].C[0].value, 'h'); assert.equals(obj.struct_nested_containers_field[0][0].C[1].value, 'i'); assert.equals(obj.struct_nested_containers_field2.D[0].DA.value, 'j'); assert.equals(obj.struct_nested_containers_field2.D[1].DB.value, 'k'); } function createTestCases(serialize, deserialize) { var cases = { "Serialize/deserialize should return equal object": function(assert){ var tObj = createThriftObj(); var received = deserialize(serialize(tObj), ttypes.Complex); assert.ok(tObj !== received, 'not the same object'); assert.deepEqual(tObj, received); assert.end(); }, "Nested structs and containers initialized from plain js objects should serialize same as if initialized from thrift objects": function(assert) { var tObj1 = createThriftObj(); var tObj2 = new ttypes.Complex(createJsObj()); assertValues(tObj2, assert); var s1 = serialize(tObj1); var s2 = serialize(tObj2); assert.ok(bufferEquals(s1, s2)); assert.end(); }, "Modifications to args object should not affect constructed Thrift object": function (assert) { var args = createJsObj(); assertValues(args, assert); var tObj = new ttypes.Complex(args); assertValues(tObj, assert); args.struct_field.value = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_list_field[0].value = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_list_field[1].value = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_set_field[0].value = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_set_field[1].value = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_map_field.A.value = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_map_field.B.value = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_nested_containers_field[0][0].C[0] = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_nested_containers_field[0][0].C[1] = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_nested_containers_field2.D[0].DA = 'ZZZ'; args.struct_nested_containers_field2.D[0].DB = 'ZZZ'; assertValues(tObj, assert); assert.end(); }, "nulls are ok": function(assert) { var tObj = new ttypes.Complex({ struct_field: null, struct_list_field: null, struct_set_field: null, struct_map_field: null, struct_nested_containers_field: null, struct_nested_containers_field2: null }); var received = deserialize(serialize(tObj), ttypes.Complex); assert.ok(tObj !== received); assert.deepEqual(tObj, received); assert.end(); } }; return cases; } function run(name, cases){ Object.keys(cases).forEach(function(caseName) { test(name + ': ' + caseName, cases[caseName]); }); } run('binary', createTestCases(serializeBinary, deserializeBinary)); run('json', createTestCases(serializeJSON, deserializeJSON));