THRIFT = $(or $(shell which thrift), $(error "`thrift' executable missing")) REBAR = $(shell which rebar3 2>/dev/null || which ./rebar3) SUBMODULES = build_utils SUBTARGETS = $(patsubst %,%/.git,$(SUBMODULES)) UTILS_PATH := build_utils TEMPLATES_PATH := . # Name of the service SERVICE_NAME := three-ds-server-storage-proto # Build image tag to be used BUILD_IMAGE_TAG := bdc05544014b3475c8e0726d3b3d6fc81b09db96 CALL_ANYWHERE := \ all submodules compile clean distclean \ java.compile java.deploy CALL_W_CONTAINER := $(CALL_ANYWHERE) all: compile -include $(UTILS_PATH)/make_lib/ .PHONY: $(CALL_W_CONTAINER) # CALL_ANYWHERE $(SUBTARGETS): %/.git: % git submodule update --init $< touch $@ submodules: $(SUBTARGETS) compile: $(REBAR) compile clean: $(REBAR) clean distclean: $(REBAR) clean -a rm -rfv _build # Java ifdef SETTINGS_XML DOCKER_RUN_OPTS = -v $(SETTINGS_XML):$(SETTINGS_XML) DOCKER_RUN_OPTS += -e SETTINGS_XML=$(SETTINGS_XML) endif ifdef LOCAL_BUILD DOCKER_RUN_OPTS += -v $$HOME/.m2:/home/$(UNAME)/.m2:rw endif COMMIT_HASH := $(shell git --no-pager log -1 --pretty=format:"%h") NUMBER_COMMITS := $(shell git rev-list --count HEAD) JAVA_PKG_VERSION := 1.$(NUMBER_COMMITS)-$(COMMIT_HASH) ifdef BRANCH_NAME ifeq "$(findstring epic,$(BRANCH_NAME))" "epic" JAVA_PKG_VERSION := $(JAVA_PKG_VERSION)-epic endif endif MVN = mvn -s $(SETTINGS_XML) -Dpath_to_thrift="$(THRIFT)" -Dcommit.number="$(NUMBER_COMMITS)" java.compile: java.settings $(MVN) compile java.deploy: java.settings $(MVN) versions:set versions:commit -DnewVersion="$(JAVA_PKG_VERSION)" && \ $(MVN) deploy java.install: java.settings $(MVN) clean && \ $(MVN) versions:set versions:commit -DnewVersion="$(JAVA_PKG_VERSION)" && \ $(MVN) install java.settings: $(if $(SETTINGS_XML),, echo "SETTINGS_XML not defined"; exit 1)