mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 18:15:20 +00:00
* Support for new PyMISP * Search in MISP for attributes instead of events * Add option to use MISP warninglists, and remove hard coded checks for 127..0.0.1 or empty file hashes * Add option to filter for specific tags * Add option to provide default scoring for file names * Add option to add CIDR for C2 IPs (without /32 fe. checks on Win10 don't work) * Fix for multiple YARA rules in an event
218 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File
218 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Retrieves IOCs from MISP and stores them in appropriate format
# Checks"" and "empty file hashes" are removed from code. Use MISP warninglist feature.
import sys
import json
import argparse
import os
import re
import io
import ast
from pymisp import ExpandedPyMISP
class MISPReceiver():
hash_iocs = {}
filename_iocs = {}
c2_iocs = {}
yara_rules = {}
debugon = False
# Output
siem_mode = False
separator = ";"
use_headers = False
use_filename_regex = True
def __init__(self, misp_key, misp_url, misp_verify_cert, siem_mode=False, debugon=False):
self.misp = ExpandedPyMISP(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verify_cert, debugon)
self.debugon = debugon
if siem_mode:
self.siem_mode = True
self.separator = ","
self.use_headers = True
self.use_filename_regex = False
def get_iocs_last(self, last, tags, enforceWarninglist):
# Retrieve events from MISP
tags = ast.literal_eval(tags)
result = self.misp.search(controller='attributes', include_context=True, last=last, tags=tags, enforceWarninglist=enforceWarninglist)
if not result:
return False
self.attributes = result['Attribute']
# Process each element (without related events)
for attr_element in self.attributes:
event = attr_element["Event"]
# Info for Comment
info = event['info']
uuid = event['uuid']
attr_uuid = attr_element["uuid"]
comment = "{0} - UUID: {1}".format(info, uuid)
# Skip iocs that are not meant for ioc detection
if attr_element['to_ids'] == False:
# Value
value = attr_element['value']
# Non split type
if '|' not in attr_element['type']:
self.add_ioc(attr_element['type'], value, comment, uuid, info, attr_uuid)
# Split type
# Prepare values
type1, type2 = attr_element['type'].split('|')
value1, value2 = value.split('|')
self.add_ioc(type2, value2, comment, uuid, info, attr_uuid)
def add_ioc(self, ioc_type, value, comment, uuid, info, attr_uuid):
# Cleanup value
value = value.encode('unicode_escape')
# Debug
if self.debugon:
print("{0} = {1}".format(ioc_type, value))
# C2s
if ioc_type in ('hostname', 'ip-dst', 'domain'):
# (at least on Win10) scanning for network endpoints is only succesful if /32 is added
if ioc_type == "ip-dst":
c2_cidr = ""
value = "{0}{1}".format(value.decode("utf-8"),c2_cidr)
self.c2_iocs[value] = comment
# Hash
if ioc_type in ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256'):
value = value.decode("utf-8")
self.hash_iocs[value] = comment
# Filenames
if ioc_type in ('filename', 'filepath'):
value = value.decode("utf-8")
# Add prefix to filenames
if not re.search(r'^([a-zA-Z]:|%)', value):
if not self.siem_mode:
value = "\\\\{0}".format(value)
if self.use_filename_regex:
self.filename_iocs[my_escape(value)] = comment
self.filename_iocs[value.decode('unicode_escape')] = comment
# Yara
if ioc_type in ('yara'):
self.add_yara_rule(value, attr_uuid, info)
def add_yara_rule(self, yara_rule, uuid, info):
identifier = generate_identifier(info, uuid)
self.yara_rules[identifier] = r'%s' % repair_yara_rule(yara_rule.decode('unicode_escape'), uuid)
def write_iocs(self, output_path, output_path_yara):
# Write C2 IOCs
self.write_file(os.path.join(output_path, "misp-c2-iocs.txt"), self.c2_iocs, "c2")
# Write Filename IOCs
self.write_file(os.path.join(output_path, "misp-filename-iocs.txt"), self.filename_iocs, "filename")
# Write Hash IOCs
self.write_file(os.path.join(output_path, "misp-hash-iocs.txt"), self.hash_iocs, "hash")
# Yara
if len(self.yara_rules) > 0:
# Create dir if not exists
if not os.path.exists(output_path_yara):
# Loop through rules (keys are identifiers used for file names)
for yara_rule in self.yara_rules:
output_rule_filename = os.path.join(output_path_yara, "%s.yar" % yara_rule)
self.write_yara_rule(output_rule_filename, self.yara_rules[yara_rule])
print("{0} YARA rules written to directory {1}".format(len(self.yara_rules), output_path_yara))
def write_file(self, ioc_file, iocs, ioc_type):
with open(ioc_file, 'w') as file:
if self.use_headers:
file.write("{0}{1}description\n".format(ioc_type, self.separator))
for ioc in iocs:
if ioc_type == "c2":
file.write("# {0}\n".format(iocs[ioc]))
elif ioc_type == "filename":
file.write("# {0}\n".format(iocs[ioc]))
print("{0} IOCs written to file {1}".format(len(iocs), ioc_file))
def write_yara_rule(self, yara_file, yara_rule):
# Write the YARA rule
with io.open(yara_file, 'w') as fh:
fh.write(r'%s' % yara_rule)
def generate_identifier(string, uuid):
valid_chars = '-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
return "{0}-{1}".format(''.join(char for char in string if char in valid_chars),''.join(char for char in uuid if char in valid_chars))
def repair_yara_rule(yara_rule, uuid):
# Wrong upper ticks when copied & pasted from a PDF
yara_rule = yara_rule.replace('\u201c', r'"')
yara_rule = yara_rule.replace('\u201d', r'"')
# Missing rule name
name = uuid.replace('-', '_')
yara_rule = re.sub(r'^[\W]*\{', 'rule rule_%s {' % name, yara_rule)
return yara_rule
def my_escape(string):
# Escaping
string = re.sub(r'([\-\(\)\.\[\]\{\}\\\+])',r'\\\1',string)
# Fix the cases in which the value has already been escaped
string = re.sub(r'\\\\\\\\',r'\\\\',string)
return string
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MISP IOC Receiver')
parser.add_argument('-u', help='MISP URL', metavar='URL', default=MISP_URL)
parser.add_argument('-k', help='MISP API key', metavar='APIKEY', default=MISP_KEY)
parser.add_argument('-l', help='Time frame (e.g. 2d, 12h - default=30d)', metavar='tframe', default='30d')
parser.add_argument('-t', help='Tags (add as list in format \'["PAP:GREEN"]\')', metavar='tags', default='')
parser.add_argument('-w', help='Enforce warning list', metavar='warning-list', default=True)
parser.add_argument('-o', help='Output directory', metavar='dir', default='../iocs')
parser.add_argument('-y', help='YARA rule output directory', metavar='yara-dir', default='../iocs/yara')
parser.add_argument('--c2cidr', help='Default CIDR for C2 IOC', metavar='c2cidr', default='/32')
parser.add_argument('--filenamescore', help='Default score for filename IOC', metavar='filenamescore', default='80')
parser.add_argument('--siem', action='store_true', help='CSV Output for use in SIEM systems (Splunk)', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--verifycert', action='store_true', help='Verify the server certificate', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Debug output')
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args.k) != 40:
print("Set an API key in script or via -k APIKEY.")
# Create a receiver
misp_receiver = MISPReceiver(misp_key=args.k, misp_url=args.u, misp_verify_cert=args.verifycert,
siem_mode=args.siem, debugon=args.debug)
# Retrieve the events and store the IOCs
misp_receiver.get_iocs_last(args.l, args.t, args.w)
# Write IOC files
misp_receiver.write_iocs(args.o, args.y)