/* Operation WoolenGoldfish Rules (Trendmicro Report) v0.1 25.03.2015 These rules detect 26 of the samples mentioned in the report Reference: http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/operation-woolen-goldfish-when-kittens-go-phishing/ Tested against 20GB goodware sample archiv - pls report back false positives on LOKI's github page https://github.com/Neo23x0/Loki/issues */ rule WoolenGoldfish_Sample_1 { meta: description = "Detects a operation Woolen-Goldfish sample - http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" date = "2015/03/25" score = 60 hash = "7ad0eb113bc575363a058f4bf21dbab8c8f7073a" strings: $s1 = "Cannot execute (%d)" fullword ascii $s16 = "SvcName" fullword ascii condition: all of them } rule WoolenGoldfish_Generic_1 { meta: description = "Detects a operation Woolen-Goldfish sample - http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" date = "2015/03/25" score = 90 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "5d334e0cb4ff58859e91f9e7f1c451ffdc7544c3" hash1 = "d5b2b30fe2d4759c199e3659d561a50f88a7fb2e" hash2 = "a42f1ad2360833baedd2d5f59354c4fc3820c475" strings: $x0 = "Users\\Wool3n.H4t\\" $x1 = "C-CPP\\CWoolger" $x2 = "NTSuser.exe" fullword wide $s1 = "" fullword wide $s2 = "oShellLink.Hotkey = \"CTRL+SHIFT+F\"" fullword $s3 = "set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")" fullword $s4 = "oShellLink.IconLocation = \"notepad.exe, 0\"" fullword $s5 = "set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strSTUP & \"\\WinDefender.lnk\")" fullword $s6 = "wlg.dat" fullword $s7 = "woolger" fullword wide $s8 = "[Enter]" fullword $s9 = "[Control]" fullword condition: ( 1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*) ) or ( 6 of ($s*) ) } rule WoolenGoldfish_Generic_2 { meta: description = "Detects a operation Woolen-Goldfish sample - http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" date = "2015/03/25" score = 90 hash1 = "47b1c9caabe3ae681934a33cd6f3a1b311fd7f9f" hash2 = "62172eee1a4591bde2658175dd5b8652d5aead2a" hash3 = "7fef48e1303e40110798dfec929ad88f1ad4fbd8" hash4 = "c1edf6e3a271cf06030cc46cbd90074488c05564" strings: $s0 = "modules\\exploits\\littletools\\agent_wrapper\\release" ascii condition: all of them } rule WoolenGoldfish_Generic_3 { meta: description = "Detects a operation Woolen-Goldfish sample - http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "http://goo.gl/NpJpVZ" date = "2015/03/25" score = 90 hash1 = "86222ef166474e53f1eb6d7e6701713834e6fee7" hash2 = "e8dbcde49c7f760165ebb0cb3452e4f1c24981f5" strings: $x1 = "... get header FATAL ERROR !!! %d bytes read > header_size" fullword ascii $x2 = "index.php?c=%S&r=%x&u=1&t=%S" fullword wide $x3 = "connect_back_tcp_channel#do_connect:: Error resolving connect back hostname" fullword ascii $s0 = "kernel32.dll GetProcAddressLoadLibraryAws2_32.dll" fullword ascii $s1 = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%S" fullword wide $s2 = "Attempting to unlock uninitialized lock!" fullword ascii $s4 = "unable to load kernel32.dll" fullword ascii $s5 = "index.php?c=%S&r=%x" fullword wide $s6 = "%s len:%d " fullword ascii $s7 = "Encountered error sending syscall response to client" fullword ascii $s9 = "/info.dat" fullword ascii $s10 = "Error entering thread lock" fullword ascii $s11 = "Error exiting thread lock" fullword ascii $s12 = "connect_back_tcp_channel_init:: socket() failed" fullword ascii condition: ( 1 of ($x*) ) or ( 8 of ($s*) ) }