/* Yara Rule Set Author: Florian Roth Date: 2018-01-05 Identifier: NetWire Reference: https://pastebin.com/8qaiyPxs */ /* Rule Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ rule Susp_Indicators_EXE { meta: description = "Detects packed NullSoft Inst EXE with characteristics of NetWire RAT" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "https://pastebin.com/8qaiyPxs" date = "2018-01-05" score = 60 hash1 = "6de7f0276afa633044c375c5c630740af51e29b6a6f17a64fbdd227c641727a4" strings: $s1 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion" $s2 = "Error! Bad token or internal error" fullword ascii $s3 = "CRYPTBASE" fullword ascii $s4 = "UXTHEME" fullword ascii $s5 = "PROPSYS" fullword ascii $s6 = "APPHELP" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint32(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550 and filesize < 700KB and all of them } rule Suspicious_BAT_Strings { meta: description = "Detects a string also used in Netwire RAT auxilliary" author = "Florian Roth" score = 60 reference = "https://pastebin.com/8qaiyPxs" date = "2018-01-05" strings: $s1 = "ping -n 1" ascii condition: filesize < 600KB and 1 of them } rule Malicious_BAT_Strings { meta: description = "Detects a string also used in Netwire RAT auxilliary" author = "Florian Roth" score = 60 reference = "https://pastebin.com/8qaiyPxs" date = "2018-01-05" strings: $s1 = "call :deleteSelf&exit /b" condition: filesize < 600KB and 1 of them }