/* Yara Rule Set Author: Florian Roth Date: 2015-06-23 Identifier: CN-PentestSet */ rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php5 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php5.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "0fd91b6ad400a857a6a65c8132c39e6a16712f19" strings: $s0 = "else if(isset($_POST['reverse'])) { if(@ftp_login($connection,$user,strrev($user" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s20 = "echo sr(35,in('hidden','dir',0,$dir).in('hidden','cmd',0,'mysql_dump').\"\".$" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: uint16(0) == 0x3f3c and filesize < 300KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_test3693 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file test3693.war" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "246d629ae3ad980b5bfe7e941fe90b855155dbfc" strings: $s0 = "Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"cmd /c \"+strCmd);" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "http://www.topronet.com \",\" Thanks for your support - " ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: uint16(0) == 0x4b50 and filesize < 50KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_mycode12 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file mycode12.cfm" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "64be8760be5ab5c2dcf829e3f87d3e50b1922f17" strings: $s1 = "" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x433c and filesize < 13KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_linux { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file linux.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "78339abb4e2bb00fe8a012a0a5b7ffce305f4e06" strings: $s0 = "
" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "Changing CHMOD Permissions Exploit " fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x696c and filesize < 6KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Interception3389_get { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file get.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "ceb6306f6379c2c1634b5058e1894b43abcf0296" strings: $s0 = "userip = Request.ServerVariables(\"HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR\")" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "file.writeline szTime + \" HostName:\" + szhostname + \" IP:\" + userip+\":\"+n" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "set file=fs.OpenTextFile(server.MapPath(\"WinlogonHack.txt\"),8,True)" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 3KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_nc_1 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file 1.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "51d83961171db000fe4476f36d703ef3de409676" strings: $s1 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Mozilla/4.0 " ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: agent */ $s2 = "<%if session(\"pw\")<>\"go\" then %>" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 11KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_BlackSky { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php6.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "a60a599c6c8b6a6c0d9da93201d116af257636d7" strings: $s0 = "eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "B1ac7Sky-->" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 641KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_asp3 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file asp3.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "87c5a76989bf08da5562e0b75c196dcb3087a27b" strings: $s1 = "if shellpath=\"\" then shellpath = \"cmd.exe\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "c.open \"GET\", \"\" & port & \"/M_Schumacher/upadmin/s3\", Tru" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 444KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASPX_sniff { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file sniff.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "e246256696be90189e6d50a4ebc880e6d9e28dfd" strings: $s1 = "IPHostEntry HosyEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry((Dns.GetHostName()));" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "if (!logIt && my_s_smtp && (dport == 25 || sport == 25))" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 91KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_udf_udf { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file udf.php" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "df63372ccab190f2f1d852f709f6b97a8d9d22b9" strings: $s1 = "<?php // Source My : Meiam " fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OOO000000=urldecode('" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 430KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_JSP_jsp { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file jsp.html" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "c58fed3d3d1e82e5591509b04ed09cb3675dc33a" strings: $s1 = "<input name=f size=30 value=shell.jsp>" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "<font color=red>www.i0day.com By:" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 3KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_T00ls_Lpk_Sethc_v4_mail { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file mail.php" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "0a9b7b438591ee78ee573028cbb805a9dbb9da96" strings: $s1 = "if (!$this->smtp_putcmd(\"AUTH LOGIN\", base64_encode($this->user)))" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "$this->smtp_debug(\"> \".$cmd.\"\\n\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 39KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_phpwebbackup { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file phpwebbackup.php" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "c788cb280b7ad0429313837082fe84e9a49efab6" strings: $s0 = "<?php // Code By isosky www.nbst.org" fullword ascii $s2 = "$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OOO000000=urldecode('" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: uint16(0) == 0x3f3c and filesize < 67KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_dz_phpcms_phpbb { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file dz_phpcms_phpbb.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "33f23c41df452f8ca2768545ac6e740f30c44d1f" strings: $s1 = "if($pwd == md5(md5($password).$salt))" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "function test_1($password)" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = ":\".$pwd.\"\\n---------------------------------\\n\";exit;" fullword ascii $s4 = ":user=\".$user.\"\\n\";echo \"pwd=\".$pwd.\"\\n\";echo \"salt=\".$salt.\"\\n\";" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 22KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_picloaked_1 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file 1.gif" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "3eab1798cbc9ab3b2c67d3da7b418d07e775db70" strings: $s0 = "<?php eval($_POST[" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = ";<%execute(request(" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "GIF89a" fullword ascii /* Goodware String - occured 318 times */ condition: filesize < 6KB and 2 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_assembly { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file assembly.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "2bcb4d22758b20df6b9135d3fb3c8f35a9d9028e" strings: $s0 = "response.write oScriptlhn.exec(\"cmd.exe /c\" & request(\"c\")).stdout.readall" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 1KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php8 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php8.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "b7b49f1d6645865691eccd025e140c521ff01cce" strings: $s0 = "<a href=\"http://hi.baidu.com/ca3tie1/home\" target=\"_blank\">Ca3tie1's Blog</a" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "function startfile($path = 'dodo.zip')" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "<form name=\"myform\" method=\"post\" action=\"\">" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s5 = "$_REQUEST[zipname] = \"dodozip.zip\"; " fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 25KB and 2 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Tuoku_script_xx { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file xx.php" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "2f39f1d9846ae72fc673f9166536dc21d8f396aa" strings: $s0 = "$mysql.=\"insert into `$table`($keys) values($vals);\\r\\n\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "$mysql_link=@mysql_connect($mysql_servername , $mysql_username , $mysql_password" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s16 = "mysql_query(\"SET NAMES gbk\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 2KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_JSPMSSQL { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file JSPMSSQL.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "c6b4faecd743d151fe0a4634e37c9a5f6533655f" strings: $s1 = "<form action=\"?action=operator&cmd=execute\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "String sql = request.getParameter(\"sqlcmd\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 35KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Injection_Transit_jmPost { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file jmPost.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "f80ec26bbdc803786925e8e0450ad7146b2478ff" strings: $s1 = "response.write PostData(JMUrl,JmStr,JmCok,JmRef)" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "JmdcwName=request(\"jmdcw\")" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 9KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_web_asp { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file web.asp.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "aebf6530e89af2ad332062c6aae4a8ca91517c76" strings: $s0 = "<FORM method=post target=_blank>ShellUrl: <INPUT " fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "\" >[Copy code]</a> 4ngr7   </td>" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 13KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_wshell_asp { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file wshell-asp.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "4a0afdf5a45a759c14e99eb5315964368ca53e9c" strings: $s1 = "file1.Write(\"<%response.clear:execute request(\\\"root\\\"):response.End%>\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "hello word ! " fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "root.asp " fullword ascii condition: filesize < 5KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_asp404 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file asp404.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "bed51971288aeabba6dabbfb80d2843ec0c4ebf6" strings: $s0 = "temp1 = Len(folderspec) - Len(server.MapPath(\"./\")) -1" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"<%= url%>?action=chklogin\">" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "<td> <a href=\"<%=tempurl+f1.name%>\" target=\"_blank\"><%=f1.name%></a></t" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 113KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Serv_U_asp { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file Serv-U asp.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "cee91cd462a459d31a95ac08fe80c70d2f9c1611" strings: $s1 = "newuser = \"-SETUSERSETUP\" & vbCrLf & \"-IP=\" & vbCrLf & \"-PortNo=\" &" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "<td><input name=\"c\" type=\"text\" id=\"c\" value=\"cmd /c net user goldsun lov" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "deldomain = \"-DELETEDOMAIN\" & vbCrLf & \"-IP=\" & vbCrLf & \" PortNo=\"" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 30KB and 2 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_cfm_list { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file list.cfm" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "85d445b13d2aef1df3b264c9b66d73f0ff345cec" strings: $s1 = "<TD><a href=\"javascript:ShowFile('#mydirectory.name#')\">#mydirectory.name#</a>" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "<TD>#mydirectory.size#</TD>" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 10KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php2 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php2.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "bf12e1d741075cd1bd324a143ec26c732a241dea" strings: $s1 = "$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OOO000000=urldecode('" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "<?php // Black" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 12KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Tuoku_script_oracle { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file oracle.jsp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "fc7043aaac0ee2d860d11f18ddfffbede9d07957" strings: $s1 = "String url=\"jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "String user=\"oracle_admin\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "String sql=\"SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 from user_info\";" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 7KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASPX_aspx4 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file aspx4.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "200a8f15ffb6e3af31d28c55588003b5025497eb" strings: $s4 = "File.Delete(cdir.FullName + \"\\\\test\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s5 = "start<asp:TextBox ID=\"Fport_TextBox\" runat=\"server\" Text=\"c:\\\" Width=\"60" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s6 = "<div>Code By <a href =\"http://www.hkmjj.com\">Www.hkmjj.Com</a></div>" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 11KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASPX_aspx { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file aspx.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "8378619b2a7d446477946eabaa1e6744dec651c1" strings: $s0 = "string iVDT=\"-SETUSERSETUP\\r\\n-IP=\\r\\n-PortNo=52521\\r\\n-User=bin" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "SQLExec : <asp:DropDownList runat=\"server\" ID=\"FGEy\" AutoPostBack=\"True\" O" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "td.Text=\"<a href=\\\"javascript:Bin_PostBack('urJG','\"+dt.Rows[j][\"ProcessID" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "vyX.Text+=\"<a href=\\\"javascript:Bin_PostBack('Bin_Regread','\"+MVVJ(rootkey)+" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 353KB and 2 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_su7_x_9_x { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file su7.x-9.x.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "808396b51023cc8356f8049cfe279b349ca08f1a" strings: $s0 = "returns=httpopen(\"LoginID=\"&user&\"&FullName=&Password=\"&pass&\"&ComboPasswor" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "returns=httpopen(\"\",\"POST\",\"\"&port&\"/Admin/XML/User.xml?" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 59KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_cfmShell { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file cfmShell.cfm" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "740796909b5d011128b6c54954788d14faea9117" strings: $s0 = "<cfexecute name=\"C:\\Winnt\\System32\\cmd.exe\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s4 = "<cfif FileExists(\"#GetTempDirectory()#foobar.txt\") is \"Yes\">" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 4KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_asp4 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file asp4.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "4005b83ced1c032dc657283341617c410bc007b8" strings: $s2 = "if ShellPath=\"\" Then ShellPath = \"cmd.exe\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s6 = "Response.Cookies(Cookie_Login) = sPwd" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s8 = "Set DD=CM.exec(ShellPath&\" /c \"&DefCmd)" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 150KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Serv_U_2_admin_by_lake2 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file Serv-U 2 admin by lake2.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "cb8039f213e611ab2687edd23e63956c55f30578" strings: $s1 = "xPost3.Open \"POST\", \"\"& port &\"/lake2\", True" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "response.write \"FTP user lake pass admin123 :)<br><BR>\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s8 = "<p>Serv-U Local Get SYSTEM Shell with ASP" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s9 = "\"-HomeDir=c:\\\\\" & vbcrlf & \"-LoginMesFile=\" & vbcrlf & \"-Disable=0\" & vb" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 17KB and 2 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php3 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php3.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "e2924cb0537f4cdfd6f1bd44caaaf68a73419b9d" strings: $s1 = "} elseif(@is_resource($f = @popen($cfe,\"r\"))) {" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "cf('/tmp/.bc',$back_connect);" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 8KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Serv_U_by_Goldsun { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file Serv-U_by_Goldsun.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "d4d7a632af65a961a1dbd0cff80d5a5c2b397e8c" strings: $s1 = "b.open \"GET\", \"\" & ftpport & \"/goldsun/upadmin/s2\", True," ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "newuser = \"-SETUSERSETUP\" & vbCrLf & \"-IP=\" & vbCrLf & \"-PortNo=\" &" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "<%=port%>," fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s4 = "GName=\"http://\" & request.servervariables(\"server_name\")&\":\"&request.serve" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 30KB and 2 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php10 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php10.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "3698c566a0ae07234c8957112cdb34b79362b494" strings: $s1 = "dumpTable($N,$M,$Hc=false){if($_POST[\"format\"]!=\"sql\"){echo\"\\xef\\xbb\\xbf" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "';if(DB==\"\"||!$od){echo\"<a href='\".h(ME).\"sql='\".bold(isset($_GET[\"sql\"]" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 600KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Serv_U_servu { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file servu.php" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "7de701b86820096e486e64ca34f1fa9f2fbba641" strings: $s0 = "fputs ($conn_id, \"SITE EXEC \".$dir.\"cmd.exe /c \".$cmd.\"\\r\\n\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "function ftpcmd($ftpport,$user,$password,$dir,$cmd){" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 41KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_portRecall_jsp2 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file jsp2.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "412ed15eb0d24298ba41731502018800ffc24bfc" strings: $s0 = "final String remoteIP =request.getParameter(\"remoteIP\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s4 = "final String localIP = request.getParameter(\"localIP\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s20 = "final String localPort = \"3390\";//request.getParameter(\"localPort\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 23KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASPX_aspx2 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file aspx2.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "95db7a60f4a9245ffd04c4d9724c2745da55e9fd" strings: $s0 = "if (password.Equals(this.txtPass.Text))" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "<head runat=\"server\">" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = ":<asp:TextBox runat=\"server\" ID=\"txtPass\" Width=\"400px\"></asp:TextBox>" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "this.lblthispath.Text = Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables[\"PATH_INFO\"]);" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: uint16(0) == 0x253c and filesize < 9KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_hy2006a { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file hy2006a.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "20da92b2075e6d96636f883dcdd3db4a38c01090" strings: $s15 = "Const myCmdDotExeFile = \"command.com\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s16 = "If LCase(appName) = \"cmd.exe\" And appArgs <> \"\" Then" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 406KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php1 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php1.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "c2f4b150f53c78777928921b3a985ec678bfae32" strings: $s7 = "$sendbuf = \"site exec \".$_POST[\"SUCommand\"].\"\\r\\n\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s8 = "elseif(function_exists('passthru')){@ob_start();@passthru($cmd);$res = @ob_get_c" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s18 = "echo Exec_Run($perlpath.' /tmp/spider_bc '.$_POST['yourip'].' '.$_POST['yourport" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 621KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_jspshell2 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file jspshell2.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "cc7bc1460416663012fc93d52e2078c0a277ff79" strings: $s10 = "if (cmd == null) cmd = \"cmd.exe /c set\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s11 = "if (program == null) program = \"cmd.exe /c net start > \"+SHELL_DIR+\"/Log.txt" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 424KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Tuoku_script_mysql { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file mysql.aspx" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "8e242c40aabba48687cfb135b51848af4f2d389d" strings: $s1 = "txtpassword.Attributes.Add(\"onkeydown\", \"SubmitKeyClick('btnLogin');\");" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "connString = string.Format(\"Host = {0}; UserName = {1}; Password = {2}; Databas" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */condition: filesize < 202KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php9 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php9.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "cd3962b1dba9f1b389212e38857568b69ca76725" strings: $s1 = "Str[17] = \"select shell('c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c net user b4che10r ab" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 1087KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_portRecall_jsp { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file jsp.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "65e8e4d13ad257c820cad12eef853c6d0134fce8" strings: $s0 = "lcx.jsp?localIP=" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 1KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASPX_aspx3 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file aspx3.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "dd61481771f67d9593214e605e63b62d5400c72f" strings: $s0 = "Process p1 = Process.Start(\"\\\"\" + txtRarPath.Value + \"\\\"\", \" a -y -k -m" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s12 = "if (_Debug) System.Console.WriteLine(\"\\ninserting filename into CDS:" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 100KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASPX_shell_shell { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file shell.aspx" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "1816006827d16ed73cefdd2f11bd4c47c8af43e4" strings: $s0 = "<%try{ System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(Request.BinaryRead(int.Parse(Request.Cook" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "<%@ Page Language=\"C#\" ValidateRequest=\"false\" %>" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 1KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell__php1_php7_php9 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - from files php1.txt, php7.txt, php9.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "c2f4b150f53c78777928921b3a985ec678bfae32" hash1 = "05a3f93dbb6c3705fd5151b6ffb64b53bc555575" hash2 = "cd3962b1dba9f1b389212e38857568b69ca76725" strings: $s1 = "<a href=\"?s=h&o=wscript\">[WScript.shell]</a> " fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "document.getElementById('cmd').value = Str[i];" fullword ascii $s3 = "Str[7] = \"copy c:\\\\\\\\1.php d:\\\\\\\\2.php\";" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 300KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell__Serv_U_by_Goldsun_asp3_Serv_U_asp { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - from files Serv-U_by_Goldsun.asp, asp3.txt, Serv-U asp.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "d4d7a632af65a961a1dbd0cff80d5a5c2b397e8c" hash1 = "87c5a76989bf08da5562e0b75c196dcb3087a27b" hash2 = "cee91cd462a459d31a95ac08fe80c70d2f9c1611" strings: $s1 = "c.send loginuser & loginpass & mt & deldomain & quit" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "loginpass = \"Pass \" & pass & vbCrLf" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "b.send \"User go\" & vbCrLf & \"pass od\" & vbCrLf & \"site exec \" & cmd & vbCr" ascii condition: filesize < 444KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell__asp4_asp4_MSSQL__MSSQL_ { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - from files asp4.txt, asp4.txt, MSSQL_.asp, MSSQL_.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "4005b83ced1c032dc657283341617c410bc007b8" hash1 = "4005b83ced1c032dc657283341617c410bc007b8" hash2 = "7097c21f92306983add3b5b29a517204cd6cd819" hash3 = "7097c21f92306983add3b5b29a517204cd6cd819" strings: $s0 = "\"<form name=\"\"searchfileform\"\" action=\"\"?action=searchfile\"\" method=\"" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "\"<TD ALIGN=\"\"Left\"\" colspan=\"\"5\"\">[\"& DbName & \"]" fullword ascii $s2 = "Set Conn = Nothing " fullword ascii condition: filesize < 341KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell__Injection_jmCook_jmPost_ManualInjection { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - from files Injection.exe, jmCook.asp, jmPost.asp, ManualInjection.exe" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "3484ed16e6f9e0d603cbc5cb44e46b8b7e775d35" hash1 = "5e1851c77ce922e682333a3cb83b8506e1d7395d" hash2 = "f80ec26bbdc803786925e8e0450ad7146b2478ff" hash3 = "e83d427f44783088a84e9c231c6816c214434526" strings: $s1 = "response.write PostData(JMUrl,JmStr,JmCok,JmRef)" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "strReturn=Replace(strReturn,chr(43),\"%2B\") 'JMDCW" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 7342KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_cmfshell { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file cmfshell.cmf" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "b9b2107c946431e4ad1a8f5e53ac05e132935c0e" strings: $s1 = "<cfexecute name=\"C:\\Winnt\\System32\\cmd.exe\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "<form action=\"<cfoutput>#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#</cfoutput>\" method=\"post\">" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 4KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php4 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php4.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "179975f632baff6ee4d674fe3fabc324724fee9e" strings: $s0 = "nc -l -vv -p port(" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: uint16(0) == 0x4850 and filesize < 1KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Linux_2_6_Exploit { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file 2.6.9" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "ec22fac0510d0dc2c29d56c55ff7135239b0aeee" strings: $s0 = "[+] Failed to get root :( Something's wrong. Maybe the kernel isn't vulnerable?" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 56KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_asp2 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file asp2.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "b3ac478e72a0457798a3532f6799adeaf4a7fc87" strings: $s1 = "<%=server.mappath(request.servervariables(\"script_name\"))%>" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "webshell</font> <font color=#00FF00>" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "Userpwd = \"admin\" 'User Password" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 10KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_FTP_MYSQL_MSSQL_SSH { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file FTP MYSQL MSSQL SSH.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "fe63b215473584564ef2e08651c77f764999e8ac" strings: $s1 = "$_SESSION['hostlist'] = $hostlist = $_POST['hostlist'];" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "Codz by <a href=\"http://www.sablog.net/blog\">4ngel</a><br />" fullword ascii $s3 = "if ($conn_id = @ftp_connect($host, $ftpport)) {" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s4 = "$_SESSION['sshport'] = $mssqlport = $_POST['sshport'];" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s5 = "<title>ScanPass(FTP/MYSQL/MSSQL/SSH) by 4ngel" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 20KB and 3 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_shell { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file shell.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "b7b34215c2293ace70fc06cbb9ce73743e867289" strings: $s1 = "xPost.Open \"GET\",\"http://www.i0day.com/1.txt\",False //" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "sGet.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(\"test.asp\"),2 //" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "http://hi.baidu.com/xahacker/fuck.txt" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 1KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_PHP_php7 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file php7.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "05a3f93dbb6c3705fd5151b6ffb64b53bc555575" strings: $s0 = "---> '.$ports[$i].'
'; ob_flush(); flush(); } } echo ''; return true; }" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "$getfile = isset($_POST['downfile']) ? $_POST['downfile'] : ''; $getaction = iss" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 300KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_rootkit { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file rootkit.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "3bfc1c95782e702cf56184e7d438edcf5802eab3" strings: $s0 = "set ss=zsckm.get(\"Win32_ProcessSta\"&uyy&\"rtup\")" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s1 = "If jzgm=\"\"Then jzgm=\"cmd.exe /c net user\"" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 80KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_jspshell { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file jspshell.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "d16af622f7688d4e0856a2678c4064d3d120e14b" strings: $s1 = "else if(Z.equals(\"M\")){String[] c={z1.substring(2),z1.substring(0,2),z2};Proce" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "String Z=EC(request.getParameter(Pwd)+\"\",cs);String z1=EC(request.getParameter" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 30KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Serv_U_serv_u { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file serv-u.php" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "1c6415a247c08a63e3359b06575b36017befc0c0" strings: $s1 = "@readfile(\"c:\\\\winnt\\\\system32\\" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "$sendbuf = \"PASS \".$_POST[\"password\"].\"\\r\\n\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "$cmd=\"cmd /c rundll32.exe $path,install $openPort $activeStr\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 435KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_WebShell { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file WebShell.cgi" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "7ef773df7a2f221468cc8f7683e1ace6b1e8139a" strings: $s1 = "$login = crypt($WebShell::Configuration::password, $salt);" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "my $error = \"This command is not available in the restricted mode.\\n\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "warn \"command: '$command'\\n\";" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 30KB and 2 of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_Tuoku_script_mssql_2 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file mssql.asp" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "ad55512afa109b205e4b1b7968a89df0cf781dc9" strings: $s1 = "sqlpass=request(\"sqlpass\")" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s2 = "set file=fso.createtextfile(server.mappath(request(\"filename\")),8,true)" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "
ServerIP:   " fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 3KB and all of them } rule CN_Honker_Webshell_ASP_asp1 { meta: description = "Webshell from CN Honker Pentest Toolset - file asp1.txt" license = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "Disclosed CN Honker Pentest Toolset" date = "2015-06-23" score = 70 hash = "78b5889b363043ed8a60bed939744b4b19503552" strings: $s1 = "SItEuRl=" ascii $s2 = "<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.Encode %><%" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ $s3 = "Server.ScriptTimeout=" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ condition: filesize < 200KB and all of them }