/* Yara Rule Set Author: NCSC UK Date: 2017-11-23 Identifier: Turla Neuron Reference: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/alerts/turla-group-malware */ rule Neuron_common_strings { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Neuron based on commonly used strings" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "d1d7a96fcadc137e80ad866c838502713db9cdfe59939342b8e3beacf9c7fe29" date = "2017/11/23" reference = "https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/alerts/turla-group-malware" strings: $strServiceName = "MSExchangeService" ascii $strReqParameter_1 = "cadataKey" wide /* $strReqParameter_2 = "cid" wide */ /* disabled due to performance reasons */ $strReqParameter_3 = "cadata" wide $strReqParameter_4 = "cadataSig" wide $strEmbeddedKey = "PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPnZ3WXRKcnNRZjVTcCtWVG9Rb2xuaEVkMHVwWDFrVElFTUNTNEFnRkRCclNm clpKS0owN3BYYjh2b2FxdUtseXF2RzBJcHV0YXhDMVRYazRoeFNrdEpzbHljU3RFaHBUc1l4OVBEcURabVVZVklVb HlwSFN1K3ljWUJWVFdubTZmN0JTNW1pYnM0UWhMZElRbnl1ajFMQyt6TUhwZ0xmdEc2b1d5b0hyd1ZNaz08L01vZH VsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50PkFRQUI8L0V4cG9uZW50PjwvUlNBS2V5VmFsdWU+" wide $strDefaultKey = "8d963325-01b8-4671-8e82-d0904275ab06" wide $strIdentifier = "MSXEWS" wide $strListenEndpoint = "443/ews/exchange/" wide $strB64RegKeySubstring = "U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XENyeXB0b2dyYXBo" wide $strName = "neuron_service" ascii $dotnetMagic = "BSJB" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and $dotnetMagic and 6 of ($str*) } rule Neuron_standalone_signature { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Neuron based on a standalone signature from .NET metadata" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "d1d7a96fcadc137e80ad866c838502713db9cdfe59939342b8e3beacf9c7fe29" date = "2017/11/23" reference = "https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/alerts/turla-group-malware" strings: $a = { eb073d151231011234080e12818d1d051281311d1281211d1281211d128121081d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281211d1281 } $dotnetMagic = "BSJB" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and all of them } rule Nautilus_modified_rc4_loop { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Nautilus based on assembly code for a modified RC4 loop" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "a415ab193f6cd832a0de4fcc48d5f53d6f0b06d5e13b3c359878c6c31f3e7ec3" date = "2017/11/23" reference = "https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/alerts/turla-group-malware" strings: $a = {42 0F B6 14 04 41 FF C0 03 D7 0F B6 CA 8A 14 0C 43 32 14 13 41 88 12 49 FF C2 49 FF C9} condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and $a } rule Nautilus_rc4_key { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Nautilus based on a hardcoded RC4 key" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "a415ab193f6cd832a0de4fcc48d5f53d6f0b06d5e13b3c359878c6c31f3e7ec3" date = "2017/11/23" reference = "https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/alerts/turla-group-malware" strings: $key = {31 42 31 34 34 30 44 39 30 46 43 39 42 43 42 34 36 41 39 41 43 39 36 34 33 38 46 45 45 41 38 42} condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and $key } rule Nautilus_common_strings { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Nautilus based on common plaintext strings" author = "NCSC UK" hash = "a415ab193f6cd832a0de4fcc48d5f53d6f0b06d5e13b3c359878c6c31f3e7ec3" date = "2017/11/23" reference = "https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/alerts/turla-group-malware" strings: $ = "nautilus-service.dll" ascii $ = "oxygen.dll" ascii $ = "config_listen.system" ascii $ = "ctx.system" ascii $ = "3FDA3998-BEF5-426D-82D8-1A71F29ADDC3" ascii $ = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Caches\\{%s}.2.ver0x0000000000000001.db" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and 3 of them } /* Forensic Artifacts */ rule Nautilus_forensic_artificats { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Nautilus related strings" author = "NCSC UK / Florian Roth" date = "2017/11/23" score = 60 reference = "https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/alerts/turla-group-malware" strings: $ = "App_Web_juvjerf3.dll" fullword ascii $ = "App_Web_vcplrg8q.dll" fullword ascii $ = "ar_all2.txt" fullword ascii $ = "ar_sa.txt" fullword ascii $ = "Convert.FromBase64String(temp[1])" fullword ascii $ = "D68gq#5p0(3Ndsk!" fullword ascii $ = "dcomnetsrv" fullword ascii $ = "ERRORF~1.ASP" fullword ascii $ = "intelliAdminRpc" fullword ascii $ = "J8fs4F4rnP7nFl#f" fullword ascii $ = "Msnb.exe" fullword ascii $ = "nautilus-service.dll" $ = "Neuron_service" fullword ascii $ = "owa_ar2.bat" fullword ascii $ = "payload.x64.dll.system" fullword ascii $ = "service.x64.dll.system" fullword ascii condition: 1 of them } rule APT_Neuron2_Loader_Strings { meta: description = "Rule for detection of Neuron2 based on strings within the loader" author = "NCSC" referer = "https://otx.alienvault.com/pulse/5dad718fa5ec6c21e85c1c66" hash = "51616b207fde2ff1360a1364ff58270e0d46cf87a4c0c21b374a834dd9676927" strings: $ = "dcom_api" ascii $ = "http://*:80/OWA/OAB/" ascii $ = "https://*:443/OWA/OAB/" ascii $ = "dcomnetsrv.cpp" wide $ = "dcomnet.dll" ascii $ = "D:\\Develop\\sps\\neuron2\\x64\\Release\\dcomnet.pdb" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and 2 of them }