
164 lines
3.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for gathering and managing information about MooseFS
# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
def __virtual__():
Only load if the mfs commands are installed
if salt.utils.which('mfsgetgoal'):
return 'moosefs'
return False
def dirinfo(path, opts=None):
Return information on a directory located on the Moose
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' moosefs.dirinfo /path/to/dir/ [-[n][h|H]]
cmd = 'mfsdirinfo'
ret = {}
if opts:
cmd += ' -' + opts
cmd += ' ' + path
out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
output = out['stdout'].splitlines()
for line in output:
if not line:
comps = line.split(':')
ret[comps[0].strip()] = comps[1].strip()
return ret
def fileinfo(path):
Return information on a file located on the Moose
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' moosefs.fileinfo /path/to/dir/
cmd = 'mfsfileinfo ' + path
ret = {}
chunknum = ''
out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
output = out['stdout'].splitlines()
for line in output:
if not line:
if '/' in line:
comps = line.split('/')
chunknum = comps[0].strip().split(':')
meta = comps[1].strip().split(' ')
chunk = chunknum[0].replace('chunk ', '')
loc = chunknum[1].strip()
id_ = meta[0].replace('(id:', '')
ver = meta[1].replace(')', '').replace('ver:', '')
ret[chunknum[0]] = {
'chunk': chunk,
'loc': loc,
'id': id_,
'ver': ver,
if 'copy' in line:
copyinfo = line.strip().split(':')
ret[chunknum[0]][copyinfo[0]] = {
'copy': copyinfo[0].replace('copy ', ''),
'ip': copyinfo[1].strip(),
'port': copyinfo[2],
return ret
def mounts():
Return a list of current MooseFS mounts
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' moosefs.mounts
cmd = 'mount'
ret = {}
out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
output = out['stdout'].splitlines()
for line in output:
if not line:
if 'fuse.mfs' in line:
comps = line.split(' ')
info1 = comps[0].split(':')
info2 = info1[1].split('/')
ret[comps[2]] = {
'remote': {
'master': info1[0],
'port': info2[0],
'subfolder': '/' + info2[1],
'local': comps[2],
'options': (comps[5].replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
return ret
def getgoal(path, opts=None):
Return goal(s) for a file or directory
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' moosefs.getgoal /path/to/file [-[n][h|H]]
salt '*' moosefs.getgoal /path/to/dir/ [-[n][h|H][r]]
cmd = 'mfsgetgoal'
ret = {}
if opts:
cmd += ' -' + opts
opts = ''
cmd += ' ' + path
out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
output = out['stdout'].splitlines()
if 'r' not in opts:
goal = output[0].split(': ')
ret = {
'goal': goal[1],
for line in output:
if not line:
if path in line:
comps = line.split()
keytext = comps[0] + ' with goal'
if keytext not in ret:
ret[keytext] = {}
ret[keytext][comps[3]] = comps[5]
return ret