Mike Place 09b6329adb Fix missing args issue in mine.send
Resolves #15309

mine.send was not functional for any function which didn't contain
defined arguments.

This forcibly packs those into the function call if they aren't
detected. I'm not totally convinced this is the best way to do this, so
other approaches are welcome.
2014-08-27 15:48:46 -06:00

358 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The function cache system allows for data to be stored on the master so it can be easily read by other minions
# Import python libs
import copy
import logging
# Import salt libs
import salt.crypt
import salt.payload
__proxyenabled__ = ['*']
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _auth():
Return the auth object
if 'auth' not in __context__:
__context__['auth'] = salt.crypt.SAuth(__opts__)
return __context__['auth']
def _mine_function_available(func):
if func not in __salt__:
log.error('Function {0} in mine_functions not available'
return False
return True
def update(clear=False):
Execute the configured functions and send the data back up to the master
The functions to be executed are merged from the master config, pillar and
minion config under the option "function_cache":
.. code-block:: yaml
- eth0
disk.usage: []
The function cache will be populated with information from executing these
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' mine.update
m_data = __salt__['config.option']('mine_functions', {})
data = {}
for func in m_data:
if m_data[func] and isinstance(m_data[func], dict):
mine_func = m_data[func].pop('mine_function', func)
if not _mine_function_available(mine_func):
data[func] = __salt__[mine_func](**m_data[func])
elif m_data[func] and isinstance(m_data[func], list):
mine_func = func
if isinstance(m_data[func][0], dict) and 'mine_function' in m_data[func][0]:
mine_func = m_data[func][0]['mine_function']
if not _mine_function_available(mine_func):
data[func] = __salt__[mine_func](*m_data[func])
if not _mine_function_available(func):
data[func] = __salt__[func]()
except Exception:
log.error('Function {0} in mine_functions failed to execute'
if __opts__['file_client'] == 'local':
if not clear:
old = __salt__['data.getval']('mine_cache')
if isinstance(old, dict):
data = old
return __salt__['data.update']('mine_cache', data)
load = {
'cmd': '_mine',
'data': data,
'id': __opts__['id'],
'clear': clear,
if __opts__.get('transport', '') == 'zeromq':
load['tok'] = _auth().gen_token('salt')
# Changed for transport plugin
# sreq = salt.payload.SREQ(__opts__['master_uri'])
# ret = sreq.send('aes', auth.crypticle.dumps(load))
# return auth.crypticle.loads(ret)
sreq = salt.transport.Channel.factory(__opts__)
ret = sreq.send(load)
return ret
def send(func, *args, **kwargs):
Send a specific function to the mine.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' mine.send network.interfaces eth0
if func not in __salt__:
return False
data = {}
arg_data = salt.utils.arg_lookup(__salt__[func])
func_data = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
for ind, _ in enumerate(arg_data.get('args', [])):
func_data[arg_data['args'][ind]] = args[ind]
except IndexError:
# Safe error, arg may be in kwargs
f_call = salt.utils.format_call(__salt__[func], func_data)
for arg in args:
if arg not in f_call['args']:
if 'kwargs' in f_call:
data[func] = __salt__[func](*f_call['args'], **f_call['kwargs'])
data[func] = __salt__[func](*f_call['args'])
except Exception as exc:
log.error('Function {0} in mine.send failed to execute: {1}'
.format(func, exc))
return False
if __opts__['file_client'] == 'local':
old = __salt__['data.getval']('mine_cache')
if isinstance(old, dict):
data = old
return __salt__['data.update']('mine_cache', data)
load = {
'cmd': '_mine',
'data': data,
'id': __opts__['id'],
if __opts__.get('transport', '') == 'zeromq':
load['tok'] = _auth().gen_token('salt')
# Changed for transport plugin
# sreq = salt.payload.SREQ(__opts__['master_uri'])
# ret = sreq.send('aes', auth.crypticle.dumps(load))
# return auth.crypticle.loads(ret)
sreq = salt.transport.Channel.factory(__opts__)
ret = sreq.send(load)
return ret
def get(tgt, fun, expr_form='glob'):
Get data from the mine based on the target, function and expr_form
Targets can be matched based on any standard matching system that can be
matched on the master via these keywords::
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' mine.get '*' network.interfaces
salt '*' mine.get 'os:Fedora' network.interfaces grain
salt '*' mine.get 'os:Fedora and S@' network.ipaddrs compound
if expr_form.lower == 'pillar':
log.error('Pillar matching not supported on mine.get')
return ''
if __opts__['file_client'] == 'local':
ret = {}
is_target = {'glob': __salt__['match.glob'],
'pcre': __salt__['match.pcre'],
'list': __salt__['match.list'],
'grain': __salt__['match.grain'],
'grain_pcre': __salt__['match.grain_pcre'],
'compound': __salt__['match.compound'],
'ipcidr': __salt__['match.ipcidr'],
if is_target:
data = __salt__['data.getval']('mine_cache')
if isinstance(data, dict) and fun in data:
ret[__opts__['id']] = data[fun]
return ret
load = {
'cmd': '_mine_get',
'id': __opts__['id'],
'tgt': tgt,
'fun': fun,
'expr_form': expr_form,
if __opts__.get('transport', '') == 'zeromq':
load['tok'] = _auth().gen_token('salt')
# Changed for transport plugin
# sreq = salt.payload.SREQ(__opts__['master_uri'])
# ret = sreq.send('aes', auth.crypticle.dumps(load))
# return auth.crypticle.loads(ret)
sreq = salt.transport.Channel.factory(__opts__)
ret = sreq.send(load)
return ret
def delete(fun):
Remove specific function contents of minion. Returns True on success.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' mine.delete 'network.interfaces'
if __opts__['file_client'] == 'local':
data = __salt__['data.getval']('mine_cache')
if isinstance(data, dict) and fun in data:
del data[fun]
return __salt__['data.update']('mine_cache', data)
load = {
'cmd': '_mine_delete',
'id': __opts__['id'],
'fun': fun,
if __opts__.get('transport', '') == 'zeromq':
load['tok'] = _auth().gen_token('salt')
# Changed for transport plugin
# sreq = salt.payload.SREQ(__opts__['master_uri'])
# ret = sreq.send('aes', auth.crypticle.dumps(load))
# return auth.crypticle.loads(ret)
sreq = salt.transport.Channel.factory(__opts__)
ret = sreq.send(load)
return ret
def flush():
Remove all mine contents of minion. Returns True on success.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' mine.flush
if __opts__['file_client'] == 'local':
return __salt__['data.update']('mine_cache', {})
load = {
'cmd': '_mine_flush',
'id': __opts__['id'],
if __opts__.get('transport', '') == 'zeromq':
load['tok'] = _auth().gen_token('salt')
# Changed for transport plugin
# sreq = salt.payload.SREQ(__opts__['master_uri'])
# ret = sreq.send('aes', auth.crypticle.dumps(load))
# return auth.crypticle.loads(ret)
sreq = salt.transport.Channel.factory(__opts__)
ret = sreq.send(load)
return ret
def get_docker(interfaces=None, cidrs=None):
Get all mine data for 'docker.get_containers' and run an aggregation
routine. The "interfaces" parameter allows for specifying which network
interfaces to select ip addresses from. The "cidrs" parameter allows for
specifying a list of cidrs which the ip address must match.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' mine.get_docker
salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='eth0'
salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='["eth0", "eth1"]'
salt '*' mine.get_docker cidrs=''
salt '*' mine.get_docker cidrs='["", ""]'
salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='["eth0", "eth1"]' cidrs='["", ""]'
# Enforce that interface and cidr are lists
if interfaces:
interface_ = []
interface_.extend(interfaces if isinstance(interfaces, list) else [interfaces])
interfaces = interface_
if cidrs:
cidr_ = []
cidr_.extend(cidrs if isinstance(cidrs, list) else [cidrs])
cidrs = cidr_
# Get docker info
cmd = 'docker.get_containers'
docker_hosts = get('*', cmd)
proxy_lists = {}
# Process docker info
for host, containers in docker_hosts.items():
host_ips = []
# Prepare host_ips list
if not interfaces:
for iface, info in containers['host']['interfaces'].items():
if 'inet' in info:
for ip_ in info['inet']:
for interface in interfaces:
if interface in containers['host']['interfaces']:
if 'inet' in containers['host']['interfaces'][interface]:
for item in containers['host']['interfaces'][interface]['inet']:
host_ips = list(set(host_ips))
# Filter out ips from host_ips with cidrs
if cidrs:
good_ips = []
for cidr in cidrs:
for ip_ in host_ips:
if, [ip_]):
host_ips = list(set(good_ips))
# Process each container
if containers['out']:
for container in containers['out']:
if container['Image'] not in proxy_lists:
proxy_lists[container['Image']] = {}
for dock_port in container['Ports']:
# If port is, then we must get the docker host IP
if dock_port['IP'] == '':
for ip_ in host_ips:
proxy_lists[container['Image']].setdefault('ipv4', {}).setdefault(dock_port['PrivatePort'], []).append(
'{0}:{1}'.format(ip_, dock_port['PublicPort']))
proxy_lists[container['Image']]['ipv4'][dock_port['PrivatePort']] = list(set(proxy_lists[container['Image']]['ipv4'][dock_port['PrivatePort']]))
elif dock_port['IP']:
proxy_lists[container['Image']].setdefault('ipv4', {}).setdefault(dock_port['PrivatePort'], []).append(
'{0}:{1}'.format(dock_port['IP'], dock_port['PublicPort']))
proxy_lists[container['Image']]['ipv4'][dock_port['PrivatePort']] = list(set(proxy_lists[container['Image']]['ipv4'][dock_port['PrivatePort']]))
return proxy_lists