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428 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 SUSE LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
:codeauthor: :email:`Bo Maryniuk <bo@suse.de>`
# Import Python Libs
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Import Salt Testing Libs
from tests.support.unit import TestCase
from tests.support.mock import MagicMock, patch
from salt.modules.inspectlib.fsdb import CsvDB
from salt.modules.inspectlib.entities import CsvDBEntity
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict
from salt.ext.six.moves import StringIO
def mock_open(data=None):
Mock "open" function in a simple way.
:param data:
data = StringIO(data)
mock = MagicMock(spec=file)
handle = MagicMock(spec=file)
handle.write.return_value = None
handle.__enter__.return_value = data or handle
mock.return_value = handle
return mock
class Writable(StringIO):
def __init__(self, data=None):
if data:
StringIO.__init__(self, data)
self.data = []
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
return self
def __enter__(self):
return self
def write(self, s):
class FoobarEntity(CsvDBEntity):
Entity for test purposes.
_TABLE = 'some_table'
def __init__(self):
self.foo = 0
self.bar = ''
self.spam = 0.
class InspectorFSDBTestCase(TestCase):
Test case for the FSDB: FileSystem Database.
FSDB is a very simple object-to-CSV storage with a very inefficient
update/delete operations (nice to have at some point) and efficient
storing/reading the objects (what is exactly needed for the functionality).
Main advantage of FSDB is to store Python objects in just a CSV files,
and have a very small code base.
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
@patch("gzip.open", mock_open("foo:int,bar:str"))
def test_open(self):
Test opening the database.
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
assert csvdb.list_tables() == ['test_db']
assert csvdb.is_closed() is False
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
@patch("gzip.open", mock_open("foo:int,bar:str"))
def test_close(self):
Test closing the database.
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
assert csvdb.is_closed() is True
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False))
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['some_table']))
def test_create_table(self):
Test creating table.
writable = Writable()
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock(return_value=writable)):
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
assert writable.data[0].strip() == "foo:int,bar:str,spam:float"
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_list_databases(self):
Test list databases.
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
assert csvdb.list() == ['test_db']
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False))
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['some_table']))
def test_add_object(self):
Test storing object into the database.
writable = Writable()
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock(return_value=writable)):
obj = FoobarEntity()
obj.foo = 123
obj.bar = 'test entity'
obj.spam = 0.123
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
csvdb._tables = {'some_table': OrderedDict([tuple(elm.split(':'))
for elm in ["foo:int", "bar:str", "spam:float"]])}
assert writable.data[0].strip() == '123,test entity,0.123'
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_delete_object(self):
Deleting an object from the store.
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock()):
with patch("csv.reader", MagicMock(return_value=iter([[], ['foo:int', 'bar:str', 'spam:float'],
['123', 'test', '0.123'],
['234', 'another', '0.456']]))):
class InterceptedCsvDB(CsvDB):
def __init__(self, path):
CsvDB.__init__(self, path)
self._remained = list()
def store(self, obj, distinct=False):
csvdb = InterceptedCsvDB('/foobar')
csvdb.create_table_from_object = MagicMock()
csvdb.flush = MagicMock()
assert csvdb.delete(FoobarEntity, eq={'foo': 123}) is True
assert len(csvdb._remained) == 1
assert csvdb._remained[0].foo == 234
assert csvdb._remained[0].bar == 'another'
assert csvdb._remained[0].spam == 0.456
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_update_object(self):
Updating an object from the store.
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock()):
with patch("csv.reader", MagicMock(return_value=iter([[], ['foo:int', 'bar:str', 'spam:float'],
['123', 'test', '0.123'],
['234', 'another', '0.456']]))):
obj = FoobarEntity()
obj.foo = 123
obj.bar = 'updated'
obj.spam = 0.5
class InterceptedCsvDB(CsvDB):
def __init__(self, path):
CsvDB.__init__(self, path)
self._remained = list()
def store(self, obj, distinct=False):
csvdb = InterceptedCsvDB('/foobar')
csvdb.create_table_from_object = MagicMock()
csvdb.flush = MagicMock()
assert csvdb.update(obj, eq={'foo': 123}) is True
assert len(csvdb._remained) == 2
assert csvdb._remained[0].foo == 123
assert csvdb._remained[0].bar == 'updated'
assert csvdb._remained[0].spam == 0.5
assert csvdb._remained[1].foo == 234
assert csvdb._remained[1].bar == 'another'
assert csvdb._remained[1].spam == 0.456
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_get_object(self):
Getting an object from the store.
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock()):
with patch("csv.reader", MagicMock(return_value=iter([[], ['foo:int', 'bar:str', 'spam:float'],
['123', 'test', '0.123'],
['234', 'another', '0.456']]))):
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
entities = csvdb.get(FoobarEntity)
assert list == type(entities)
assert len(entities) == 2
assert entities[0].foo == 123
assert entities[0].bar == 'test'
assert entities[0].spam == 0.123
assert entities[1].foo == 234
assert entities[1].bar == 'another'
assert entities[1].spam == 0.456
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_get_obj_equals(self):
Getting an object from the store with conditions
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock()):
with patch("csv.reader", MagicMock(return_value=iter([[], ['foo:int', 'bar:str', 'spam:float'],
['123', 'test', '0.123'],
['234', 'another', '0.456']]))):
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
entities = csvdb.get(FoobarEntity, eq={'foo': 123})
assert list == type(entities)
assert len(entities) == 1
assert entities[0].foo == 123
assert entities[0].bar == 'test'
assert entities[0].spam == 0.123
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_get_obj_more_than(self):
Getting an object from the store with conditions
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock()):
with patch("csv.reader", MagicMock(return_value=iter([[], ['foo:int', 'bar:str', 'spam:float'],
['123', 'test', '0.123'],
['234', 'another', '0.456']]))):
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
entities = csvdb.get(FoobarEntity, mt={'foo': 123})
assert list == type(entities)
assert len(entities) == 1
assert entities[0].foo == 234
assert entities[0].bar == 'another'
assert entities[0].spam == 0.456
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_get_obj_less_than(self):
Getting an object from the store with conditions
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock()):
with patch("csv.reader", MagicMock(return_value=iter([[], ['foo:int', 'bar:str', 'spam:float'],
['123', 'test', '0.123'],
['234', 'another', '0.456']]))):
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
entities = csvdb.get(FoobarEntity, lt={'foo': 234})
assert list == type(entities)
assert len(entities) == 1
assert entities[0].foo == 123
assert entities[0].bar == 'test'
assert entities[0].spam == 0.123
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['test_db']))
def test_get_obj_matching(self):
Getting an object from the store with conditions
with patch("gzip.open", MagicMock()):
with patch("csv.reader", MagicMock(return_value=iter([[], ['foo:int', 'bar:str', 'spam:float'],
['123', 'this is test of something', '0.123'],
['234', 'another test of stuff', '0.456']]))):
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
entities = csvdb.get(FoobarEntity, matches={'bar': r'is\stest'})
assert list == type(entities)
assert len(entities) == 1
assert entities[0].foo == 123
assert entities[0].bar == 'this is test of something'
assert entities[0].spam == 0.123
def test_obj_serialization(self):
Test object serialization.
obj = FoobarEntity()
obj.foo = 123
obj.bar = 'test entity'
obj.spam = 0.123
descr = OrderedDict([tuple(elm.split(':')) for elm in ["foo:int", "bar:str", "spam:float"]])
assert obj._serialize(descr) == [123, 'test entity', 0.123]
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False))
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['some_table']))
def test_obj_validation(self):
Test object validation.
obj = FoobarEntity()
obj.foo = 123
obj.bar = 'test entity'
obj.spam = 0.123
csvdb = CsvDB('/foobar')
csvdb._tables = {'some_table': OrderedDict([tuple(elm.split(':'))
for elm in ["foo:int", "bar:str", "spam:float"]])}
assert csvdb._validate_object(obj) == [123, 'test entity', 0.123]
@patch("os.makedirs", MagicMock())
@patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False))
@patch("os.listdir", MagicMock(return_value=['some_table']))
def test_criteria(self):
Test criteria selector.
obj = FoobarEntity()
obj.foo = 123
obj.bar = 'test entity'
obj.spam = 0.123
obj.pi = 3.14
cmp = CsvDB('/foobar')._CsvDB__criteria
# Single
assert cmp(obj, eq={'foo': 123}) is True
assert cmp(obj, lt={'foo': 124}) is True
assert cmp(obj, mt={'foo': 122}) is True
assert cmp(obj, eq={'foo': 0}) is False
assert cmp(obj, lt={'foo': 123}) is False
assert cmp(obj, mt={'foo': 123}) is False
assert cmp(obj, matches={'bar': r't\se.*?'}) is True
assert cmp(obj, matches={'bar': r'\s\sentity'}) is False
# Combined
assert cmp(obj, eq={'foo': 123, 'bar': r'test entity', 'spam': 0.123}) is True
assert cmp(obj, eq={'foo': 123, 'bar': r'test', 'spam': 0.123}) is False
assert cmp(obj, lt={'foo': 124, 'spam': 0.124}) is True
assert cmp(obj, lt={'foo': 124, 'spam': 0.123}) is False
assert cmp(obj, mt={'foo': 122, 'spam': 0.122}) is True
assert cmp(obj, mt={'foo': 122, 'spam': 0.123}) is False
assert cmp(obj, matches={'bar': r'test'}, mt={'foo': 122}, lt={'spam': 0.124}, eq={'pi': 3.14}) is True
assert cmp(obj, matches={'bar': r'^test.*?y$'}, mt={'foo': 122}, lt={'spam': 0.124}, eq={'pi': 3.14}) is True
assert cmp(obj, matches={'bar': r'^ent'}, mt={'foo': 122}, lt={'spam': 0.124}, eq={'pi': 3.14}) is False
assert cmp(obj, matches={'bar': r'^test.*?y$'}, mt={'foo': 123}, lt={'spam': 0.124}, eq={'pi': 3.14}) is False