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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The crypt module manages all of the cryptography functions for minions and
masters, encrypting and decrypting payloads, preparing messages, and
authenticating peers
# Import python libs
import os
import sys
import time
import hmac
import shutil
import hashlib
import logging
# Import third party libs
from M2Crypto import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
except ImportError:
# No need for crypt in local mode
# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
import salt.payload
import salt.utils.verify
import salt.version
from salt.exceptions import (
AuthenticationError, SaltClientError, SaltReqTimeoutError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def dropfile(cachedir, user=None):
Set an aes dropfile to update the publish session key
dfnt = os.path.join(cachedir, '.dfnt')
dfn = os.path.join(cachedir, '.dfn')
aes = Crypticle.generate_key_string()
mask = os.umask(191)
with salt.utils.fopen(dfnt, 'w+') as fp_:
if user:
import pwd
uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid
os.chown(dfnt, uid, -1)
shutil.move(dfnt, dfn)
except (KeyError, ImportError, OSError, IOError):
def gen_keys(keydir, keyname, keysize, user=None):
Generate a keypair for use with salt
base = os.path.join(keydir, keyname)
priv = '{0}.pem'.format(base)
pub = '{0}.pub'.format(base)
gen = RSA.gen_key(keysize, 65537, callback=lambda x, y, z: None)
cumask = os.umask(191)
gen.save_key(priv, None)
os.chmod(priv, 256)
if user:
import pwd
uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid
os.chown(priv, uid, -1)
os.chown(pub, uid, -1)
except (KeyError, ImportError, OSError):
# The specified user was not found, allow the backup systems to
# report the error
return priv
class MasterKeys(dict):
The Master Keys class is used to manage the public key pair used for
authentication by the master.
def __init__(self, opts):
super(MasterKeys, self).__init__()
self.opts = opts
self.pub_path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'master.pub')
self.rsa_path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'master.pem')
self.key = self.__get_keys()
self.token = self.__gen_token()
def __get_keys(self):
Returns a key objects for the master
if os.path.exists(self.rsa_path):
key = RSA.load_key(self.rsa_path)
log.debug('Loaded master key: {0}'.format(self.rsa_path))
log.info('Generating keys: {0}'.format(self.opts['pki_dir']))
key = RSA.load_key(self.rsa_path)
return key
def __gen_token(self):
Generate the authentication token
return self.key.private_encrypt('salty bacon', 5)
def get_pub_str(self):
Return the string representation of the public key
if not os.path.isfile(self.pub_path):
key = self.__get_keys()
return salt.utils.fopen(self.pub_path, 'r').read()
class Auth(object):
The Auth class provides the sequence for setting up communication with
the master server from a minion.
def __init__(self, opts):
self.opts = opts
self.token = Crypticle.generate_key_string()
self.serial = salt.payload.Serial(self.opts)
self.pub_path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'minion.pub')
self.rsa_path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'minion.pem')
if 'syndic_master' in self.opts:
self.mpub = 'syndic_master.pub'
elif 'alert_master' in self.opts:
self.mpub = 'monitor_master.pub'
self.mpub = 'minion_master.pub'
def get_keys(self):
Returns a key objects for the minion
# Make sure all key parent directories are accessible
user = self.opts.get('user', 'root')
salt.utils.verify.check_path_traversal(self.opts['pki_dir'], user)
if os.path.exists(self.rsa_path):
key = RSA.load_key(self.rsa_path)
log.debug('Loaded minion key: {0}'.format(self.rsa_path))
log.info('Generating keys: {0}'.format(self.opts['pki_dir']))
key = RSA.load_key(self.rsa_path)
return key
def gen_token(self, clear_tok):
Encrypt a string with the minion private key to verify identity
with the master.
return self.get_keys().private_encrypt(clear_tok, 5)
def minion_sign_in_payload(self):
Generates the payload used to authenticate with the master
server. This payload consists of the passed in id_ and the ssh
public key to encrypt the AES key sent back form the master.
payload = {}
key = self.get_keys()
tmp_pub = salt.utils.mkstemp()
payload['enc'] = 'clear'
payload['load'] = {}
payload['load']['cmd'] = '_auth'
payload['load']['id'] = self.opts['id']
pub = RSA.load_pub_key(
os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.mpub)
payload['load']['token'] = pub.public_encrypt(self.token, RSA.pkcs1_oaep_padding)
except Exception:
with salt.utils.fopen(tmp_pub, 'r') as fp_:
payload['load']['pub'] = fp_.read()
return payload
def decrypt_aes(self, payload, master_pub=True):
This function is used to decrypt the aes seed phrase returned from
the master server, the seed phrase is decrypted with the ssh rsa
host key.
Pass in the encrypted aes key.
Returns the decrypted aes seed key, a string
log.debug('Decrypting the current master AES key')
key = self.get_keys()
key_str = key.private_decrypt(payload['aes'], RSA.pkcs1_oaep_padding)
if 'sig' in payload:
m_path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.mpub)
if os.path.exists(m_path):
mkey = RSA.load_pub_key(m_path)
except Exception:
return '', ''
digest = hashlib.sha256(key_str).hexdigest()
m_digest = mkey.public_decrypt(payload['sig'], 5)
if m_digest != digest:
return '', ''
return '', ''
if '_|-' in key_str:
return key_str.split('_|-')
if 'token' in payload:
token = key.private_decrypt(payload['token'], RSA.pkcs1_oaep_padding)
return key_str, token
elif not master_pub:
return key_str, ''
return '', ''
def verify_master(self, payload):
Verify that the master is the same one that was previously accepted
m_pub_fn = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.mpub)
if os.path.isfile(m_pub_fn) and not self.opts['open_mode']:
local_master_pub = salt.utils.fopen(m_pub_fn).read()
if payload['pub_key'] != local_master_pub:
# This is not the last master we connected to
log.error('The master key has changed, the salt master could '
'have been subverted, verify salt master\'s public '
return ''
aes, token = self.decrypt_aes(payload)
if token != self.token:
'The master failed to decrypt the random minion token'
return ''
except Exception:
'The master failed to decrypt the random minion token'
return ''
return aes
salt.utils.fopen(m_pub_fn, 'w+').write(payload['pub_key'])
aes, token = self.decrypt_aes(payload, False)
return aes
def sign_in(self, timeout=60, safe=True):
Send a sign in request to the master, sets the key information and
returns a dict containing the master publish interface to bind to
and the decrypted aes key for transport decryption.
auth = {}
m_pub_fn = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], self.mpub)
self.opts['master_ip'] = salt.utils.dns_check(
except SaltClientError:
if safe:
return 'retry'
raise SaltClientError
sreq = salt.payload.SREQ(
payload = sreq.send_auto(
except SaltReqTimeoutError:
if safe:
return 'retry'
raise SaltClientError
if 'load' in payload:
if 'ret' in payload['load']:
if not payload['load']['ret']:
'The Salt Master has rejected this minion\'s public '
'key!\nTo repair this issue, delete the public key '
'for this minion on the Salt Master and restart this '
'minion.\nOr restart the Salt Master in open mode to '
'clean out the keys. The Salt Minion will now exit.'
'The Salt Master has cached the public key for this '
'node, this salt minion will wait for {0} seconds '
'before attempting to re-authenticate'.format(
return 'retry'
auth['aes'] = self.verify_master(payload)
if not auth['aes']:
'The Salt Master server\'s public key did not authenticate!\n'
'The master may need to be updated if it is a version of Salt '
'lower than {0}, or\n'
'If you are confident that you are connecting to a valid Salt '
'Master, then remove the master public key and restart the '
'Salt Minion.\nThe master public key can be found '
'at:\n{1}'.format(salt.version.__version__, m_pub_fn)
if self.opts.get('master_finger', False):
if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn) != self.opts['master_finger']:
'The specified fingerprint in the master configuration '
'file:\n{0}\nDoes not match the authenticating master\'s '
'key:\n{1}\nVerify that the configured fingerprint '
'matches the fingerprint of the correct master and that '
'this minion is not subject to a man in the middle attack'
auth['publish_port'] = payload['publish_port']
return auth
class Crypticle(object):
Authenticated encryption class
Encryption algorithm: AES-CBC
Signing algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
PICKLE_PAD = 'pickle::'
SIG_SIZE = hashlib.sha256().digest_size
def __init__(self, opts, key_string, key_size=192):
self.keys = self.extract_keys(key_string, key_size)
self.key_size = key_size
self.serial = salt.payload.Serial(opts)
def generate_key_string(cls, key_size=192):
key = os.urandom(key_size // 8 + cls.SIG_SIZE)
return key.encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
def extract_keys(cls, key_string, key_size):
key = key_string.decode('base64')
assert len(key) == key_size / 8 + cls.SIG_SIZE, 'invalid key'
return key[:-cls.SIG_SIZE], key[-cls.SIG_SIZE:]
def encrypt(self, data):
encrypt data with AES-CBC and sign it with HMAC-SHA256
aes_key, hmac_key = self.keys
pad = self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE - len(data) % self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE
data = data + pad * chr(pad)
iv_bytes = os.urandom(self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
cypher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_bytes)
data = iv_bytes + cypher.encrypt(data)
sig = hmac.new(hmac_key, data, hashlib.sha256).digest()
return data + sig
def decrypt(self, data):
verify HMAC-SHA256 signature and decrypt data with AES-CBC
aes_key, hmac_key = self.keys
sig = data[-self.SIG_SIZE:]
data = data[:-self.SIG_SIZE]
mac_bytes = hmac.new(hmac_key, data, hashlib.sha256).digest()
if len(mac_bytes) != len(sig):
log.debug('Failed to authenticate message')
raise AuthenticationError('message authentication failed')
result = 0
for zipped_x, zipped_y in zip(mac_bytes, sig):
result |= ord(zipped_x) ^ ord(zipped_y)
if result != 0:
log.debug('Failed to authenticate message')
raise AuthenticationError('message authentication failed')
iv_bytes = data[:self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE]
data = data[self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
cypher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_bytes)
data = cypher.decrypt(data)
return data[:-ord(data[-1])]
def dumps(self, obj):
Serialize and encrypt a python object
return self.encrypt(self.PICKLE_PAD + self.serial.dumps(obj))
def loads(self, data):
Decrypt and un-serialize a python object
data = self.decrypt(data)
# simple integrity check to verify that we got meaningful data
if not data.startswith(self.PICKLE_PAD):
return {}
return self.serial.loads(data[len(self.PICKLE_PAD):])
class SAuth(Auth):
Set up an object to maintain the standalone authentication session
with the salt master
def __init__(self, opts):
super(SAuth, self).__init__(opts)
self.crypticle = self.__authenticate()
def __authenticate(self):
Authenticate with the master, this method breaks the functional
paradigm, it will update the master information from a fresh sign
in, signing in can occur as often as needed to keep up with the
revolving master aes key.
while True:
creds = self.sign_in(
self.opts.get('_auth_timeout', 60),
self.opts.get('_safe_auth', True)
if creds == 'retry':
if self.opts.get('caller'):
print('Minion failed to authenticate with the master, '
'has the minion key been accepted?')
return Crypticle(self.opts, creds['aes'])