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Salt Proxy Minion End-to-End Example
The following is walkthrough that documents how to run a sample REST service
and configure one or more proxy minions to talk to and control it.
1. Ideally, create a Python virtualenv in which to run the REST service. This
is not strictly required, but without a virtualenv you will need to install
``bottle`` via pip globally on your system
2. Clone https://github.com/saltstack/salt-contrib
and copy the contents of the directory ``proxyminion_rest_example``
somewhere on a machine that is reachable from the machine on which you want to
run the salt-proxy. This machine needs Python 2.7 or later.
3. Install bottle version 0.12.8 via pip or easy_install
.. code-block:: bash
pip install bottle==0.12.8
4. Run ``python rest.py --help`` for usage
5. Start the REST API on an appropriate port and IP.
6. Load the REST service's status page in your browser by going to the IP/port
combination (e.g.
7. You should see a page entitled "Salt Proxy Minion" with two sections,
one for "services" and one for "packages" and you should see a log entry in
the terminal where you started the REST process indicating that the index
page was retrieved.
.. image:: /_static/rest_status_screen.png
Now, configure your salt-proxy.
1. Edit ``/etc/salt/proxy`` and add an entry for your master's location
.. code-block:: yaml
master: localhost
2. On your salt-master, ensure that pillar is configured properly. Select an ID
for your proxy (in this example we will name the proxy with the letter 'p'
followed by the port the proxy is answering on). In your pillar topfile,
place an entry for your proxy:
.. code-block:: yaml
- p8000
This says that Salt's pillar should load some values for the proxy ``p8000``
from the file /srv/pillar/p8000.sls (if you have not changed your default pillar_roots)
3. In the pillar root for your base environment, create this file:
.. code-block:: yaml
proxytype: rest_sample
url: http://<IP your REST listens on>:port
In other words, if your REST service is listening on port 8000 on
the 'url' key above should say ``url:``
4. Make sure your salt-master is running.
5. Start the salt-proxy in debug mode
.. code-block:: bash
salt-proxy --proxyid=p8000 -l debug
6. Accept your proxy's key on your salt-master
.. code-block:: bash
salt-key -y -a p8000
The following keys are going to be accepted:
Unaccepted Keys:
Key for minion p8000 accepted.
7. Now you should be able to ping your proxy. When you ping, you should see
a log entry in the terminal where the REST service is running.
.. code-block:: bash
salt p8000 test.ping
8. The REST service implements a degenerately simple pkg and service provider as
well as a small set of grains. To "install" a package, use a standard
``pkg.install``. If you pass '==' and a verrsion number after the package
name then the service will parse that and accept that as the package's
9. Try running ``salt p8000 grains.items`` to see what grains are available. You
can target proxies via grains if you like.
10. You can also start and stop the available services (apache, redbull, and
postgresql with ``service.start``, etc.
11. States can be written to target the proxy. Feel free to experiment with