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267 lines
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267 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:codeauthor: Pedro Algarvio (pedro@algarvio.me)
# Import python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import time
import errno
import threading
import datetime
# Import Salt Testing libs
from tests.support.unit import skipIf, TestCase
from tests.support.mock import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON
# Import Salt libs
from salt.utils import immutabletypes
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict
import salt.exceptions
import salt.payload
# Import 3rd-party libs
import zmq
from salt.ext import six
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PayloadTestCase(TestCase):
def assertNoOrderedDict(self, data):
if isinstance(data, OrderedDict):
raise AssertionError(
'Found an ordered dictionary'
if isinstance(data, dict):
for value in six.itervalues(data):
elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
for chunk in data:
def test_list_nested_odicts(self):
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
idata = {'pillar': [OrderedDict(environment='dev')]}
odata = payload.loads(payload.dumps(idata.copy()))
self.assertEqual(idata, odata)
def test_datetime_dump_load(self):
Check the custom datetime handler can understand itself
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
dtvalue = datetime.datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
idata = {dtvalue: dtvalue}
sdata = payload.dumps(idata.copy())
odata = payload.loads(sdata)
self.assertEqual(idata, odata)
def test_verylong_dump_load(self):
Test verylong encoder/decoder
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
idata = {'jid': 20180227140750302662}
sdata = payload.dumps(idata.copy())
odata = payload.loads(sdata)
idata['jid'] = '{0}'.format(idata['jid'])
self.assertEqual(idata, odata)
def test_immutable_dict_dump_load(self):
Test immutable dict encoder/decoder
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
idata = {'dict': {'key': 'value'}}
sdata = payload.dumps({'dict': immutabletypes.ImmutableDict(idata['dict'])})
odata = payload.loads(sdata)
self.assertEqual(idata, odata)
def test_immutable_list_dump_load(self):
Test immutable list encoder/decoder
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
idata = {'list': [1, 2, 3]}
sdata = payload.dumps({'list': immutabletypes.ImmutableList(idata['list'])})
odata = payload.loads(sdata)
self.assertEqual(idata, odata)
def test_immutable_set_dump_load(self):
Test immutable set encoder/decoder
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
idata = {'set': ['red', 'green', 'blue']}
sdata = payload.dumps({'set': immutabletypes.ImmutableSet(idata['set'])})
odata = payload.loads(sdata)
self.assertEqual(idata, odata)
def test_odict_dump_load(self):
Test odict just works. It wasn't until msgpack 0.2.0
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
data = OrderedDict()
data['a'] = 'b'
data['y'] = 'z'
data['j'] = 'k'
data['w'] = 'x'
sdata = payload.dumps({'set': data})
odata = payload.loads(sdata)
self.assertEqual({'set': dict(data)}, odata)
def test_mixed_dump_load(self):
Test we can handle all exceptions at once
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
dtvalue = datetime.datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
od = OrderedDict()
od['a'] = 'b'
od['y'] = 'z'
od['j'] = 'k'
od['w'] = 'x'
idata = {dtvalue: dtvalue, # datetime
'jid': 20180227140750302662, # long int
'dict': immutabletypes.ImmutableDict({'key': 'value'}), # immutable dict
'list': immutabletypes.ImmutableList([1, 2, 3]), # immutable list
'set': immutabletypes.ImmutableSet(('red', 'green', 'blue')), # immutable set
'odict': od, # odict
edata = {dtvalue: dtvalue, # datetime, == input
'jid': '20180227140750302662', # string repr of long int
'dict': {'key': 'value'}, # builtin dict
'list': [1, 2, 3], # builtin list
'set': ['red', 'green', 'blue'], # builtin set
'odict': dict(od), # builtin dict
sdata = payload.dumps(idata)
odata = payload.loads(sdata)
self.assertEqual(edata, odata)
class SREQTestCase(TestCase):
port = 8845 # TODO: dynamically assign a port?
def setUpClass(cls):
Class to set up zmq echo socket
def echo_server():
A server that echos the message sent to it over zmq
Optional "sleep" can be sent to delay response
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
payload = salt.payload.Serial('msgpack')
while SREQTestCase.thread_running.is_set():
# Wait for next request from client
message = socket.recv(zmq.NOBLOCK)
msg_deserialized = payload.loads(message)
log.info('Echo server received message: %s', msg_deserialized)
if isinstance(msg_deserialized['load'], dict) and msg_deserialized['load'].get('sleep'):
log.info('Test echo server sleeping for %s seconds',
except zmq.ZMQError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
SREQTestCase.thread_running = threading.Event()
SREQTestCase.echo_server = threading.Thread(target=echo_server)
def tearDownClass(cls):
Remove echo server
# kill the thread
def get_sreq(self):
return salt.payload.SREQ('tcp://{0}'.format(SREQTestCase.port))
def test_send_auto(self):
Test creation, send/rect
sreq = self.get_sreq()
# check default of empty load and enc clear
assert sreq.send_auto({}) == {'enc': 'clear', 'load': {}}
# check that the load always gets passed
assert sreq.send_auto({'load': 'foo'}) == {'load': 'foo', 'enc': 'clear'}
def test_send(self):
sreq = self.get_sreq()
assert sreq.send('clear', 'foo') == {'enc': 'clear', 'load': 'foo'}
@skipIf(True, 'Disabled until we can figure out how to make this more reliable.')
def test_timeout(self):
Test SREQ Timeouts
sreq = self.get_sreq()
# client-side timeout
start = time.time()
# This is a try/except instead of an assertRaises because of a possible
# subtle bug in zmq wherein a timeout=0 actually exceutes a single poll
# before the timeout is reached.
log.info('Sending tries=0, timeout=0')
sreq.send('clear', 'foo', tries=0, timeout=0)
except salt.exceptions.SaltReqTimeoutError:
assert time.time() - start < 1 # ensure we didn't wait
# server-side timeout
log.info('Sending tries=1, timeout=1')
start = time.time()
with self.assertRaises(salt.exceptions.SaltReqTimeoutError):
sreq.send('clear', {'sleep': 2}, tries=1, timeout=1)
assert time.time() - start >= 1 # ensure we actually tried once (1s)
# server-side timeout with retries
log.info('Sending tries=2, timeout=1')
start = time.time()
with self.assertRaises(salt.exceptions.SaltReqTimeoutError):
sreq.send('clear', {'sleep': 2}, tries=2, timeout=1)
assert time.time() - start >= 2 # ensure we actually tried twice (2s)
# test a regular send afterwards (to make sure sockets aren't in a twist
log.info('Sending regular send')
assert sreq.send('clear', 'foo') == {'enc': 'clear', 'load': 'foo'}
def test_destroy(self):
Test the __del__ capabilities
sreq = self.get_sreq()
# ensure no exceptions when we go to destroy the sreq, since __del__
# swallows exceptions, we have to call destroy directly