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synced 2024-11-08 17:33:54 +00:00
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458 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:codeauthor: :email:`Jayesh Kariya <jayeshk@saltstack.com>`
# Import Python Libs
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Import Salt Testing Libs
from salttesting import TestCase, skipIf
from salttesting.mock import (
from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath
# Import Salt Libs
from salt.modules import win_useradd
# Globals
win_useradd.__salt__ = {}
win_useradd.__context__ = {}
class MockClient(object):
Mock MockClient class
AccountDisabled = False
objectSID = True
description = 'salt'
homeDirectory = '/home/salt'
primaryGroupID = 'foo'
userAccountControl = True
scriptPath = '/etc/salt'
profilePath = '/etc/salt_prof'
DisplayName = 'SaltStack'
sAMAccountName = 'salt_acc'
flag = None
def __init__(self):
self.name_space = None
self.nul = None
self.name = None
self.flag_a = None
self.flag_b = None
self.passwd = None
def Dispatch(self, name_space):
Mock of Dispatch method
self.name_space = name_space
return MockClient()
def GetObject(self, nul, name):
Mock of GetObject method
self.nul = nul
self.name = name
if self.flag == 1:
return None
return MockClient()
def SetInfo():
Mock of SetInfo method
return True
def Put(self, flag_a, flag_b):
Mock of Put method
self.flag_a = flag_a
self.flag_b = flag_b
return True
def UserFlags():
Mock of UserFlags method
return 'UserFlags'
def LoginScript():
Mock of LoginScript method
return True
def FullName():
Mock of FullName method
return True
def Name():
Mock of Name method
return True
def Profile():
Mock of Profile method
return True
def groups():
Mock of groups method
return []
def SetPassword(self, passwd):
Mock of SetPassword method
self.passwd = passwd
return True
class win32com(object):
Mock Win32com class
def __init__(self):
self.client = MockClient()
class pythoncom(object):
Mock pythoncom class
def CoInitialize():
Mock CoInitialize method
return pythoncom()
class com_error(Exception):
Mock of com_error
class pywintypes(object):
Mock pywintypes class
def __init__(self):
self.com_error = com_error
self.obj = None
def SID(self, obj):
Mock of SID method
self.obj = obj
return True
class win32netcon(object):
Mock win32netcon class
class win32security(object):
Mock win32security class
def __init__(self):
self.obj = None
def ConvertSidToStringSid(self, obj):
Mock of ConvertSidToStringSid method
self.obj = obj
return True
win_useradd.pythoncom = pythoncom()
win_useradd.win32com = win32com()
win_useradd.pywintypes = pywintypes()
win_useradd.win32netcon = win32netcon()
win_useradd.win32security = win32security()
class WinUserAddTestCase(TestCase):
Test cases for salt.modules.win_useradd
# 'add' function tests: 1
def test_add(self):
Test if it add a user to the minion.
with patch.object(win_useradd, 'info', MagicMock(return_value=True)):
{'comment': ['The user salt already exists.'],
'changes': [], 'name': 'salt',
'result': None})
# 'delete' function tests: 1
def test_delete(self):
Test if it remove a user from the minion.
with patch.object(win_useradd, 'info', MagicMock(return_value=False)):
{'comment': 'The user salt does not exists.',
'changes': [], 'name': 'salt',
'result': None})
# 'disable' function tests: 1
def test_disable(self):
Test if it disable a user account.
{'comment': '',
'changes': 'User salt is now disabled.',
'name': 'salt',
'result': True})
# 'enable' function tests: 1
def test_enable(self):
Test if it enable a user account.
{'comment': '',
'changes': 'User salt is now enabled.',
'name': 'salt',
'result': True})
# 'passwordneverexpires' function tests: 1
def test_passwordneverexpires(self):
Test if it set a user's password to never expire.
chan = 'Password for user dc=salt is now set to never expire.'
MockClient.flag = 0
{'changes': chan, 'comment': '', 'name': 'dc=salt',
'result': True})
# 'requirepasswordchange' function tests: 1
def test_requirepasswordchange(self):
Test if it expire a user's password
(i.e. require it to change on next logon).
chan = 'Password must be changed at next logon for salt is now set.'
MockClient.flag = 0
{'comment': '',
'changes': chan,
'name': 'salt',
'result': True})
# 'setpassword' function tests: 1
def test_setpassword(self):
Test if it set a user's password.
chan = ['Successfully set password for user salt']
self.assertDictEqual(win_useradd.setpassword('salt', 'salt@123'),
{'comment': '',
'changes': chan,
'name': 'salt',
'result': True})
# 'addgroup' function tests: 1
def test_addgroup(self):
Test if it add user to a group.
mock = MagicMock(return_value=True)
with patch.dict(win_useradd.__salt__, {'group.adduser': mock}):
self.assertTrue(win_useradd.addgroup('salt', 'saltgroup'))
# 'removegroup' function tests: 1
def test_removegroup(self):
Test if it remove user from a group.
mock = MagicMock(return_value=True)
with patch.dict(win_useradd.__salt__, {'group.deluser': mock}):
self.assertTrue(win_useradd.removegroup('salt', 'saltgroup'))
# 'chhome' function tests: 1
def test_chhome(self):
Test if it change the home directory of the user.
chan = ('Successfully changed user salt\'s'
' home directory from "/home/salt" to "/home/salt"')
self.assertDictEqual(win_useradd.chhome('salt', '/home/salt'),
{'comment': '',
'changes': chan,
'name': 'salt',
'result': True})
# 'chprofile' function tests: 1
def test_chprofile(self):
Test if it change the profile directory of the user.
with patch.object(win_useradd, 'info', MagicMock(return_value=False)):
self.assertDictEqual(win_useradd.chprofile('salt', 'salt_prof'),
'The user salt does not appear to exist.',
'changes': [],
'name': 'salt',
'result': False})
# 'chfullname' function tests: 1
def test_chfullname(self):
Test if it change the full name of the user.
with patch.object(win_useradd, 'info', MagicMock(return_value=False)):
self.assertDictEqual(win_useradd.chfullname('salt', 'SaltStack'),
'The user salt does not appear to exist.',
'changes': [],
'name': 'salt',
'result': False})
# 'chgroups' function tests: 1
def test_chgroups(self):
Test if it change the groups this user belongs to,
add append to append the specified groups.
with patch.object(win_useradd, 'info',
MagicMock(return_value={'groups': []})):
with patch.object(win_useradd, '_fixlocaluser',
mock = MagicMock(return_value={'result': True})
with patch.dict(win_useradd.__salt__, {'group.adduser': mock}):
{'Groups Added': ['salt\x07dmin'],
'Groups Removed': []},
'comment': [],
'name': 'salt',
'result': True})
# 'info' function tests: 1
def test_info(self):
Test if it return user information.
{'active': False,
'comment': 'salt',
'fullname': 'SaltStack',
'gid': 'foo',
'groups': [],
'home': '/home/salt',
'logonscript': '/etc/salt',
'name': 'salt_acc',
'profile': '/etc/salt_prof',
'uid': True})
# 'list_groups' function tests: 1
def test_list_groups(self):
Test if it return a list of groups the named user belongs to.
with patch.object(win_useradd, 'info',
['saltGroup', 'root']}, {}])):
['root', 'saltGroup'])
# 'getent' function tests: 1
def test_getent(self):
Test if it return the list of all info for all users.
with patch.dict(win_useradd.__context__, {'user.getent': True}):
with patch.dict(win_useradd.__context__, {'user.getent': False}):
mock_lst = MagicMock(return_value=['salt'])
mock_info = MagicMock(return_value='salt')
with patch.dict(win_useradd.__salt__, {'user.list_users': mock_lst,
'user.info': mock_info}):
self.assertListEqual(win_useradd.getent(True), ['salt'])
# 'list_users' function tests: 1
def test_list_users(self):
Test if it return a list of users on Windows.
MockClient.flag = 1
self.assertListEqual(win_useradd.list_users('salt'), [])
# 'rename' function tests: 1
def test_rename(self):
Test if it change the username for a named user.
com = 'The user salt does not appear to exist.'
with patch.object(win_useradd, 'info', MagicMock(return_value=False)):
self.assertDictEqual(win_useradd.rename('salt', 'SaltStack'),
{'changes': [],
'comment': com,
'result': False})
if __name__ == '__main__':
from integration import run_tests
run_tests(WinUserAddTestCase, needs_daemon=False)