rallytime cdfcc854ad [PY3] Make test_saltmod unit tests less flaky for Python 3
Separates out the comment from the rest of the state return to make this
test more stable on Python 3. This state run in PY3 adds the minion
names to the comment in a random order, so we can't rely on asserting
against this order in the test.

This PR updates the test so that we are still checking for all of the
elements in the comment, but not relying on the order the minions are
added the comment list.
2017-07-05 12:56:03 -06:00

331 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:codeauthor: :email:`Jayesh Kariya <>`
# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import time
import tempfile
# Import Salt Testing Libs
from import LoaderModuleMockMixin
from import TMP
from import skipIf, TestCase
from import (
# Import Salt Libs
import salt.utils.jid
import salt.utils.event
import salt.states.saltmod as saltmod
class SaltmodTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
Test cases for salt.states.saltmod
def setup_loader_modules(self):
return {
saltmod: {
'__env__': 'base',
'__opts__': {
'__role': 'master',
'file_client': 'remote',
'sock_dir': tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=TMP),
'transport': 'tcp'
'__salt__': {'saltutil.cmd': MagicMock()},
'__orchestration_jid__': salt.utils.jid.gen_jid()
# 'state' function tests: 1
def test_state(self):
Test to invoke a state run on a given target
name = 'state'
tgt = 'minion1'
comt = ('Passed invalid value for \'allow_fail\', must be an int')
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': False,
'comment': comt}
test_ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'States ran successfully.'
test_batch_return = {
'minion1': {
'ret': {
'test_|-notify_me_|-this is a name_|-show_notification': {
'comment': 'Notify me',
'name': 'this is a name',
'start_time': '10:43:41.487565',
'result': True,
'duration': 0.35,
'__run_num__': 0,
'__sls__': 'demo',
'changes': {},
'__id__': 'notify_me'
'retcode': 0
'out': 'highstate'
'minion2': {
'ret': {
'test_|-notify_me_|-this is a name_|-show_notification': {
'comment': 'Notify me',
'name': 'this is a name',
'start_time': '10:43:41.487565',
'result': True,
'duration': 0.35,
'__run_num__': 0,
'__sls__': 'demo',
'changes': {},
'__id__': 'notify_me'
'retcode': 0
'out': 'highstate'
'minion3': {
'ret': {
'test_|-notify_me_|-this is a name_|-show_notification': {
'comment': 'Notify me',
'name': 'this is a name',
'start_time': '10:43:41.487565',
'result': True,
'duration': 0.35,
'__run_num__': 0,
'__sls__': 'demo',
'changes': {},
'__id__': 'notify_me'
'retcode': 0
'out': 'highstate'
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.state(name, tgt, allow_fail='a'), ret)
comt = ('No highstate or sls specified, no execution made')
ret.update({'comment': comt})
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.state(name, tgt), ret)
comt = ("Must pass in boolean for value of 'concurrent'")
ret.update({'comment': comt})
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.state(name, tgt, highstate=True,
concurrent='a'), ret)
ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': None})
with patch.dict(saltmod.__opts__, {'test': True}):
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.state(name, tgt, highstate=True), test_ret)
ret.update({'comment': 'States ran successfully. No changes made to silver.', 'result': True, '__jid__': '20170406104341210934'})
with patch.dict(saltmod.__opts__, {'test': False}):
mock = MagicMock(return_value={'silver': {'jid': '20170406104341210934', 'retcode': 0, 'ret': {'test_|-notify_me_|-this is a name_|-show_notification': {'comment': 'Notify me', 'name': 'this is a name', 'start_time': '10:43:41.487565', 'result': True, 'duration': 0.35, '__run_num__': 0, '__sls__': 'demo', 'changes': {}, '__id__': 'notify_me'}}, 'out': 'highstate'}})
with patch.dict(saltmod.__salt__, {'saltutil.cmd': mock}):
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.state(name, tgt, highstate=True), ret)
ret.update({'comment': 'States ran successfully. No changes made to minion1, minion3, minion2.'})
del ret['__jid__']
with patch.dict(saltmod.__opts__, {'test': False}):
with patch.dict(saltmod.__salt__, {'saltutil.cmd': MagicMock(return_value=test_batch_return)}):
state_run = saltmod.state(name, tgt, highstate=True)
# Test return without checking the comment contents. Comments are tested later.
comment = state_run.pop('comment')
self.assertDictEqual(state_run, ret)
# Check the comment contents in a non-order specific way (ordering fails sometimes on PY3)
self.assertIn('States ran successfully. No changes made to', comment)
for minion in ['minion1', 'minion2', 'minion3']:
self.assertIn(minion, comment)
# 'function' function tests: 1
def test_function(self):
Test to execute a single module function on a remote
minion via salt or salt-ssh
name = 'state'
tgt = 'larry'
comt = ('Function state will be executed'
' on target {0} as test=False'.format(tgt))
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': None,
'comment': comt}
with patch.dict(saltmod.__opts__, {'test': True}):
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.function(name, tgt), ret)
ret.update({'result': True,
'changes': {'out': 'highstate', 'ret': {tgt: ''}},
'comment': 'Function ran successfully.'
' Function state ran on {0}.'.format(tgt)})
with patch.dict(saltmod.__opts__, {'test': False}):
mock_ret = {'larry': {'ret': '', 'retcode': 0, 'failed': False}}
mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=mock_ret)
with patch.dict(saltmod.__salt__, {'saltutil.cmd': mock_cmd}):
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.function(name, tgt), ret)
# 'wait_for_event' function tests: 1
def test_wait_for_event(self):
Test to watch Salt's event bus and block until a condition is met
name = 'state'
tgt = 'minion1'
comt = ('Timeout value reached.')
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': False,
'comment': comt}
class Mockevent(object):
Mock event class
flag = None
def __init__(self):
self.full = None
def get_event(self, full):
Mock get_event method
self.full = full
if self.flag:
return {'tag': name, 'data': {}}
return None
with patch.object(salt.utils.event, 'get_event',
with patch.dict(saltmod.__opts__, {'sock_dir': True,
'transport': True}):
with patch.object(time, 'time', MagicMock(return_value=1.0)):
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.wait_for_event(name, 'salt',
Mockevent.flag = True
ret.update({'comment': 'All events seen in 0.0 seconds.',
'result': True})
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.wait_for_event(name, ''), ret)
ret.update({'comment': 'Timeout value reached.',
'result': False})
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.wait_for_event(name, tgt,
# 'runner' function tests: 1
def test_runner(self):
Test to execute a runner module on the master
name = 'state'
ret = {'changes': True, 'name': 'state', 'result': True,
'comment': 'Runner function \'state\' executed.',
'__orchestration__': True}
runner_mock = MagicMock(return_value={'return': True})
with patch.dict(saltmod.__salt__, {'saltutil.runner': runner_mock}):
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.runner(name), ret)
# 'wheel' function tests: 1
def test_wheel(self):
Test to execute a wheel module on the master
name = 'state'
ret = {'changes': True, 'name': 'state', 'result': True,
'comment': 'Wheel function \'state\' executed.',
'__orchestration__': True}
wheel_mock = MagicMock(return_value={'return': True})
with patch.dict(saltmod.__salt__, {'saltutil.wheel': wheel_mock}):
self.assertDictEqual(saltmod.wheel(name), ret)
class StatemodTests(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
def setup_loader_modules(self):
self.tmp_cachedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=TMP)
return {
saltmod: {
'__env__': 'base',
'__opts__': {
'id': 'webserver2',
'argv': [],
'__role': 'master',
'cachedir': self.tmp_cachedir,
'extension_modules': os.path.join(self.tmp_cachedir, 'extmods'),
'__salt__': {'saltutil.cmd': MagicMock()},
'__orchestration_jid__': salt.utils.jid.gen_jid()
def test_statemod_state(self):
''' Smoke test for for salt.states.statemod.state(). Ensures that we
don't take an exception if optional parameters are not specified in
__opts__ or __env__.
args = ('webserver_setup', 'webserver2')
kwargs = {
'tgt_type': 'glob',
'fail_minions': None,
'pillar': None,
'top': None,
'batch': None,
'orchestration_jid': None,
'sls': 'vroom',
'queue': False,
'concurrent': False,
'highstate': None,
'expr_form': None,
'ret': '',
'ssh': False,
'timeout': None, 'test': False,
'allow_fail': 0,
'saltenv': None,
'expect_minions': False
ret = saltmod.state(*args, **kwargs)
expected = {
'comment': 'States ran successfully.',
'changes': {},
'name': 'webserver_setup',
'result': True
self.assertEqual(ret, expected)