mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 09:23:56 +00:00
This makes the 2.x usage invalid syntax and forces the use of print as a function. This adds the import to the files which I've updated in the last couple of days but forgot to add it.
501 lines
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501 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:codeauthor: :email:`Nicole Thomas <nicole@saltstack.com>`
# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import copy
import os
import tempfile
# Import Salt Testing libs
import tests.integration as integration
from tests.support.unit import TestCase, skipIf
from tests.support.mock import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, patch
from tests.support.mixins import AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin
# Import Salt libs
import salt.exceptions
from salt.ext import six
import salt.state
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict, DefaultOrderedDict
class StateCompilerTestCase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin):
TestCase for the state compiler.
def test_format_log_non_ascii_character(self):
Tests running a non-ascii character through the state.format_log
function. See Issue #33605.
# There is no return to test against as the format_log
# function doesn't return anything. However, we do want
# to make sure that the function doesn't stacktrace when
# called.
ret = {'changes': {'Français': {'old': 'something old',
'new': 'something new'}},
'result': True}
def test_render_error_on_invalid_requisite(self):
Test that the state compiler correctly deliver a rendering
exception when a requisite cannot be resolved
with patch('salt.state.State._gather_pillar') as state_patch:
high_data = {
'git': OrderedDict([
('pkg', [
('require', [
('file', OrderedDict(
[('test1', 'test')]))])])]),
'installed', {'order': 10000}]), ('__sls__', 'issue_35226'), ('__env__', 'base')])}
minion_opts = self.get_temp_config('minion')
minion_opts['pillar'] = {'git': OrderedDict([('test1', 'test')])}
state_obj = salt.state.State(minion_opts)
with self.assertRaises(salt.exceptions.SaltRenderError):
class HighStateTestCase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin):
def setUp(self):
root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=integration.TMP)
state_tree_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'state_tree')
cache_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'cachedir')
for dpath in (root_dir, state_tree_dir, cache_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(dpath):
overrides = {}
overrides['root_dir'] = root_dir
overrides['state_events'] = False
overrides['id'] = 'match'
overrides['file_client'] = 'local'
overrides['file_roots'] = dict(base=[state_tree_dir])
overrides['cachedir'] = cache_dir
overrides['test'] = False
self.config = self.get_temp_config('minion', **overrides)
self.addCleanup(delattr, self, 'config')
self.highstate = salt.state.HighState(self.config)
self.addCleanup(delattr, self, 'highstate')
def tearDown(self):
def test_top_matches_with_list(self):
top = {'env': {'match': ['state1', 'state2'], 'nomatch': ['state3']}}
matches = self.highstate.top_matches(top)
self.assertEqual(matches, {'env': ['state1', 'state2']})
def test_top_matches_with_string(self):
top = {'env': {'match': 'state1', 'nomatch': 'state2'}}
matches = self.highstate.top_matches(top)
self.assertEqual(matches, {'env': ['state1']})
def test_matches_whitelist(self):
matches = {'env': ['state1', 'state2', 'state3']}
matches = self.highstate.matches_whitelist(matches, ['state2'])
self.assertEqual(matches, {'env': ['state2']})
def test_matches_whitelist_with_string(self):
matches = {'env': ['state1', 'state2', 'state3']}
matches = self.highstate.matches_whitelist(matches,
self.assertEqual(matches, {'env': ['state2', 'state3']})
def test_show_state_usage(self):
# monkey patch sub methods
self.highstate.avail = {
'base': ['state.a', 'state.b', 'state.c']
def verify_tops(*args, **kwargs):
return []
def get_top(*args, **kwargs):
return None
def top_matches(*args, **kwargs):
return {'base': ['state.a', 'state.b']}
self.highstate.verify_tops = verify_tops
self.highstate.get_top = get_top
self.highstate.top_matches = top_matches
# get compile_state_usage() result
state_usage_dict = self.highstate.compile_state_usage()
self.assertEqual(state_usage_dict['base']['count_unused'], 1)
self.assertEqual(state_usage_dict['base']['count_used'], 2)
self.assertEqual(state_usage_dict['base']['count_all'], 3)
self.assertEqual(state_usage_dict['base']['used'], ['state.a', 'state.b'])
self.assertEqual(state_usage_dict['base']['unused'], ['state.c'])
class TopFileMergeTestCase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin):
Test various merge strategies for multiple tops files collected from
multiple environments. Various options correspond to merge strategies
which can be set by the user with the top_file_merging_strategy config
def setUp(self):
Create multiple top files for use in each test. Envs within self.tops
should be defined in the same order as this ordering will affect
ordering in merge_tops. The envs in each top file are defined in the
same order as self.env_order. This is no accident; it was done this way
in order to produce the proper deterministic results to match the
tests. Changing anything created in this func will affect the tests, as
they would affect ordering in states in real life. So, don't change any
of this unless you know what you're doing. If a test is failing, it is
likely due to incorrect logic in merge_tops.
self.env_order = ['base', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']
self.addCleanup(delattr, self, 'env_order')
self.tops = {
'base': OrderedDict([
('base', OrderedDict([('*', ['base_base'])])),
('foo', OrderedDict([('*', ['base_foo'])])),
('bar', OrderedDict([('*', ['base_bar'])])),
('baz', OrderedDict([('*', ['base_baz'])])),
'foo': OrderedDict([
('base', OrderedDict([('*', ['foo_base'])])),
('foo', OrderedDict([('*', ['foo_foo'])])),
('bar', OrderedDict([('*', ['foo_bar'])])),
('baz', OrderedDict([('*', ['foo_baz'])])),
'bar': OrderedDict([
('base', OrderedDict([('*', ['bar_base'])])),
('foo', OrderedDict([('*', ['bar_foo'])])),
('bar', OrderedDict([('*', ['bar_bar'])])),
('baz', OrderedDict([('*', ['bar_baz'])])),
# Empty environment
'baz': OrderedDict()
self.addCleanup(delattr, self, 'tops')
# Version without the other envs defined in the base top file
self.tops_limited_base = copy.deepcopy(self.tops)
self.tops_limited_base['base'] = OrderedDict([
('base', OrderedDict([('*', ['base_base'])])),
self.addCleanup(delattr, self, 'tops_limited_base')
def highstate(self, **opts):
root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=integration.TMP)
state_tree_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'state_tree')
cache_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'cachedir')
overrides = {}
overrides['root_dir'] = root_dir
overrides['state_events'] = False
overrides['id'] = 'match'
overrides['file_client'] = 'local'
overrides['file_roots'] = dict(base=[state_tree_dir])
overrides['cachedir'] = cache_dir
overrides['test'] = False
overrides['default_top'] = 'base'
return salt.state.HighState(self.get_temp_config('minion', **overrides))
def get_tops(self, tops=None, env_order=None, state_top_saltenv=None):
A test helper to emulate salt.state.HighState.get_tops() but just to
construct an appropriate data structure for top files from multiple
if tops is None:
tops = self.tops
if state_top_saltenv:
append_order = [state_top_saltenv]
elif env_order:
append_order = env_order
append_order = self.env_order
ret = DefaultOrderedDict(list)
for env in append_order:
item = tops[env]
if env_order:
for remove in [x for x in self.env_order if x not in env_order]:
# Remove this env from the tops from the tops since this
# env is not part of env_order.
return ret
def test_merge_tops_merge(self):
Test the default merge strategy for top files, in an instance where the
base top file contains sections for all envs and the other envs' top
files are therefore ignored.
merged_tops = self.highstate().merge_tops(self.get_tops())
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env in self.env_order:
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['base_{0}'.format(env)]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_merge_limited_base(self):
Test the default merge strategy for top files when the base environment
only defines states for itself.
tops = self.get_tops(tops=self.tops_limited_base)
merged_tops = self.highstate().merge_tops(tops)
# No baz in the expected results because baz has no top file
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env in self.env_order[:-1]:
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_merge_state_top_saltenv_base(self):
Test the 'state_top_saltenv' parameter to load states exclusively from
the 'base' saltenv, with the default merging strategy. This should
result in all states from the 'base' top file being in the merged
env = 'base'
tops = self.get_tops(state_top_saltenv=env)
merged_tops = self.highstate().merge_tops(tops)
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env2 in self.env_order:
expected_merge[env2]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env2))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_merge_state_top_saltenv_foo(self):
Test the 'state_top_saltenv' parameter to load states exclusively from
the 'foo' saltenv, with the default merging strategy. This should
result in just the 'foo' environment's states from the 'foo' top file
being in the merged result.
env = 'foo'
tops = self.get_tops(state_top_saltenv=env)
merged_tops = self.highstate().merge_tops(tops)
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_merge_all(self):
Test the merge_all strategy
tops = self.get_tops()
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env in self.env_order:
states = []
for top_env in self.env_order:
if top_env in tops[top_env][0]:
expected_merge[env]['*'] = states
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_merge_all_with_env_order(self):
Test an altered env_order with the 'merge_all' strategy.
env_order = ['bar', 'foo', 'base']
tops = self.get_tops(env_order=env_order)
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env in [x for x in self.env_order if x in env_order]:
states = []
for top_env in env_order:
expected_merge[env]['*'] = states
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_merge_all_state_top_saltenv_base(self):
Test the 'state_top_saltenv' parameter to load states exclusively from
the 'base' saltenv, with the 'merge_all' merging strategy. This should
result in all states from the 'base' top file being in the merged
env = 'base'
tops = self.get_tops(state_top_saltenv=env)
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env2 in self.env_order:
expected_merge[env2]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env2))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_merge_all_state_top_saltenv_foo(self):
Test the 'state_top_saltenv' parameter to load states exclusively from
the 'foo' saltenv, with the 'merge_all' merging strategy. This should
result in all the states from the 'foo' top file being in the merged
env = 'foo'
tops = self.get_tops(state_top_saltenv=env)
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env2 in self.env_order:
expected_merge[env2]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env2))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_same_with_default_top(self):
Test to see if the top file that corresponds to the requested env is
the one that is used by the state system. Also test the 'default_top'
option for env 'baz', which has no top file and should pull its states
from the 'foo' top file.
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env in self.env_order[:-1]:
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env))]
# The 'baz' env should be using the foo top file because baz lacks a
# top file, and default_top has been seet to 'foo'
expected_merge['baz']['*'] = ['foo_baz']
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_same_without_default_top(self):
Test to see if the top file that corresponds to the requested env is
the one that is used by the state system. default_top will not be set
(falling back to 'base'), so the 'baz' environment should pull its
states from the 'base' top file.
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env in self.env_order[:-1]:
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env))]
# The 'baz' env should be using the foo top file because baz lacks a
# top file, and default_top == 'base'
expected_merge['baz']['*'] = ['base_baz']
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_same_limited_base_without_default_top(self):
Test to see if the top file that corresponds to the requested env is
the one that is used by the state system. default_top will not be set
(falling back to 'base'), and since we are using a limited base top
file, the 'baz' environment should not appear in the merged tops.
tops = self.get_tops(tops=self.tops_limited_base)
merged_tops = \
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
for env in self.env_order[:-1]:
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_same_state_top_saltenv_base(self):
Test the 'state_top_saltenv' parameter to load states exclusively from
the 'base' saltenv, with the 'same' merging strategy. This should
result in just the 'base' environment's states from the 'base' top file
being in the merged result.
env = 'base'
tops = self.get_tops(state_top_saltenv=env)
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_same_state_top_saltenv_foo(self):
Test the 'state_top_saltenv' parameter to load states exclusively from
the 'foo' saltenv, with the 'same' merging strategy. This should
result in just the 'foo' environment's states from the 'foo' top file
being in the merged result.
env = 'foo'
tops = self.get_tops(state_top_saltenv=env)
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
expected_merge[env]['*'] = ['_'.join((env, env))]
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
def test_merge_tops_same_state_top_saltenv_baz(self):
Test the 'state_top_saltenv' parameter to load states exclusively from
the 'baz' saltenv, with the 'same' merging strategy. This should
result in an empty dictionary since this environment has not top file.
tops = self.get_tops(state_top_saltenv='baz')
merged_tops = self.highstate(
expected_merge = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict)
self.assertEqual(merged_tops, expected_merge)
class StateReturnsTestCase(TestCase):
TestCase for code handling state returns.
def test_comment_lists_are_converted_to_string(self):
Tests that states returning a list of comments
have that converted to a single string
ret = {
'name': 'myresource',
'result': True,
'comment': ['comment 1', 'comment 2'],
'changes': {},
salt.state.State.verify_ret(ret) # sanity check
with self.assertRaises(salt.exceptions.SaltException):
# Not suitable for export as is
self.assertIsInstance(ret['comment'], six.string_types)