========================= How Do I Use Salt States? ========================= Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity Many of the most powerful and useful engineering solutions are founded on simple principles. The Salt SLS system strives to do just that. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Stupidly Simple) The core of the Salt State system is the SLS, or the SaLt State file. The SLS is a representation of the state in which a system should be in, and is set up to contain this data in a simple format. This is often called configuration management. .. note:: This is just the beginning of using states, make sure to read up on pillar :doc:`Pillar ` next. It is All Just Data =================== Before delving into the particulars, it will help to understand that the SLS file is just a data structure under the hood. While understanding that the SLS is just a data structure isn't critical for understanding and making use of Salt States, it should help bolster knowledge of where the real power is. SLS files are therefore, in reality, just `dictionaries`_, `lists`_, `strings`_, and `numbers`_. By using this approach Salt can be much more flexible. As one writes more state files, it becomes clearer exactly what is being written. The result is a system that is easy to understand, yet grows with the needs of the admin or developer. In the section titled "State Data Structures" a reference exists, explaining in depth how the data is laid out. .. _`dictionaries`: http://docs.python.org/glossary.html#term-dictionary .. _`lists`: http://docs.python.org/glossary.html#term-list .. _`strings`: http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#typesseq .. _`numbers`: http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#numeric-types-int-float-long-complex Default Data - YAML =================== By default Salt represents the SLS data in what is one of the simplest serialization formats available - `YAML`_. A typical SLS file will often look like this in YAML: .. note:: These demos use some generic service and package names, different distributions often use different names for packages and services. For instance `apache` should be replaced with `httpd` on a Red Hat system. Salt uses the name of the init script, systemd name, upstart name etc. based on what the underlying service management for the platform. To get a list of the available service names on a platform execute the service.get_all salt function. Information on how to make states work with multiple distributions is later in the tutorial. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: apache: pkg: - installed service: - running - require: - pkg: apache This SLS data will ensure that the package named apache is installed, and that the apache service is running. The components can be explained in a simple way. The first line is the ID for a set of data, and it is called the ID Declaration. This ID sets the name of the thing that needs to be manipulated. The second and fourth lines are the start of the State Declarations, so they are using the pkg and service states respectively. The pkg state manages a software package to be installed via the system's native package manager, and the service state manages a system daemon. The third and fifth lines are the function to run. This function defines what state the named package and service should be in. Here, the package is to be installed, and the service should be running. Finally, on line six, is the word ``require``. This is called a Requisite Statement, and it makes sure that the Apache service is only started after a successful installation of the apache package. .. _`YAML`: http://yaml.org/spec/1.1/ Adding Configs and Users ======================== When setting up a service like an Apache web server, many more components may need to be added. The Apache configuration file will most likely be managed, and a user and group may need to be set up. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: apache: pkg: - installed service: - running - watch: - pkg: apache - file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - user: apache user.present: - uid: 87 - gid: 87 - home: /var/www/html - shell: /bin/nologin - require: - group: apache group.present: - gid: 87 - require: - pkg: apache /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://apache/httpd.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 This SLS data greatly extends the first example, and includes a config file, a user, a group and new requisite statement: ``watch``. Adding more states is easy, since the new user and group states are under the Apache ID, the user and group will be the Apache user and group. The ``require`` statements will make sure that the user will only be made after the group, and that the group will be made only after the Apache package is installed. Next,the ``require`` statement under service was changed to watch, and is now watching 3 states instead of just one. The watch statement does the same thing as require, making sure that the other states run before running the state with a watch, but it adds an extra component. The ``watch`` statement will run the state's watcher function for any changes to the watched states. So if the package was updated, the config file changed, or the user uid modified, then the service state's watcher will be run. The service state's watcher just restarts the service, so in this case, a change in the config file will also trigger a restart of the respective service. Moving Beyond a Single SLS ========================== When setting up Salt States in a scalable manner, more than one SLS will need to be used. The above examples were in a single SLS file, but two or more SLS files can be combined to build out a State Tree. The above example also references a file with a strange source - ``salt://apache/httpd.conf``. That file will need to be available as well. The SLS files are laid out in a directory structure on the Salt master; an SLS is just a file and files to download are just files. The Apache example would be laid out in the root of the Salt file server like this: :: apache/init.sls apache/httpd.conf So the httpd.conf is just a file in the apache directory, and is referenced directly. But when using more than one single SLS file, more components can be added to the toolkit. Consider this SSH example: ``ssh/init.sls:`` .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: openssh-client: pkg.installed /etc/ssh/ssh_config: file.managed: - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - source: salt://ssh/ssh_config - require: - pkg: openssh-client ``ssh/server.sls:`` .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: include: - ssh openssh-server: pkg.installed sshd: service.running: - require: - pkg: openssh-client - pkg: openssh-server - file: /etc/ssh/banner - file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config: file.managed: - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - source: salt://ssh/sshd_config - require: - pkg: openssh-server /etc/ssh/banner: file: - managed - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - source: salt://ssh/banner - require: - pkg: openssh-server .. note:: Notice that we use two similar ways of denoting that a file is managed by Salt. In the `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` state section above, we use the `file.managed` state declaration whereas with the `/etc/ssh/banner` state section, we use the `file` state declaration and add a `managed` attribute to that state declaration. Both ways produce an identical result; the first way -- using `file.managed` -- is merely a shortcut. Now our State Tree looks like this: :: apache/init.sls apache/httpd.conf ssh/init.sls ssh/server.sls ssh/banner ssh/ssh_config ssh/sshd_config This example now introduces the ``include`` statement. The include statement includes another SLS file so that components found in it can be required, watched or as will soon be demonstrated - extended. The include statement allows for states to be cross linked. When an SLS has an include statement it is literally extended to include the contents of the included SLS files. Note that some of the SLS files are called init.sls, while others are not. More info on what this means can be found in the :ref:`States Tutorial `. Extending Included SLS Data =========================== Sometimes SLS data needs to be extended. Perhaps the apache service needs to watch additional resources, or under certain circumstances a different file needs to be placed. In these examples, the first will add a custom banner to ssh and the second will add more watchers to apache to include mod_python. ``ssh/custom-server.sls:`` .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: include: - ssh.server extend: /etc/ssh/banner: file: - source: salt://ssh/custom-banner ``python/mod_python.sls:`` .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: include: - apache extend: apache: service: - watch: - pkg: mod_python mod_python: pkg.installed The ``custom-server.sls`` file uses the extend statement to overwrite where the banner is being downloaded from, and therefore changing what file is being used to configure the banner. In the new mod_python SLS the mod_python package is added, but more importantly the apache service was extended to also watch the mod_python package. .. include:: /_incl/extend_with_require_watch.rst Understanding the Render System =============================== Since SLS data is simply that (data), it does not need to be represented with YAML. Salt defaults to YAML because it is very straightforward and easy to learn and use. But the SLS files can be rendered from almost any imaginable medium, so long as a renderer module is provided. The default rendering system is the ``yaml_jinja`` renderer. The ``yaml_jinja`` renderer will first pass the template through the `Jinja2`_ templating system, and then through the YAML parser. The benefit here is that full programming constructs are available when creating SLS files. Other renderers available are ``yaml_mako`` and ``yaml_wempy`` which each use the `Mako`_ or `Wempy`_ templating system respectively rather than the jinja templating system, and more notably, the pure Python or ``py`` and ``pydsl`` renderers. The ``py`` renderer allows for SLS files to be written in pure Python, allowing for the utmost level of flexibility and power when preparing SLS data; while the :doc:`pydsl` renderer provides a flexible, domain-specific language for authoring SLS data in Python. .. _`Jinja2`: http://jinja.pocoo.org/ .. _`Mako`: http://www.makotemplates.org/ .. _`Wempy`: http://www.wempy.org/ .. note:: The templating engines described above aren't just available in SLS files. They can also be used in :mod:`file.managed ` states, making file management much more dynamic and flexible. Some examples for using templates in managed files can be found in the documentation for the :doc:`file states `, as well as the :ref:`MooseFS example` below. Getting to Know the Default - yaml_jinja ---------------------------------------- The default renderer - ``yaml_jinja``, allows for use of the jinja templating system. A guide to the Jinja templating system can be found here: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs When working with renderers a few very useful bits of data are passed in. In the case of templating engine based renderers, three critical components are available, ``salt``, ``grains``, and ``pillar``. The ``salt`` object allows for any Salt function to be called from within the template, and ``grains`` allows for the Grains to be accessed from within the template. A few examples: ``apache/init.sls:`` .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: apache: pkg.installed: {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat'%} - name: httpd {% endif %} service.running: {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat'%} - name: httpd {% endif %} - watch: - pkg: apache - file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - user: apache user.present: - uid: 87 - gid: 87 - home: /var/www/html - shell: /bin/nologin - require: - group: apache group.present: - gid: 87 - require: - pkg: apache /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://apache/httpd.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 This example is simple. If the ``os`` grain states that the operating system is Red Hat, then the name of the Apache package and service needs to be httpd. .. _jinja-example-moosefs: A more aggressive way to use Jinja can be found here, in a module to set up a MooseFS distributed filesystem chunkserver: ``moosefs/chunk.sls:`` .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: include: - moosefs {% for mnt in salt['cmd.run']('ls /dev/data/moose*').split() %} /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }}: mount.mounted: - device: {{ mnt }} - fstype: xfs - mkmnt: True file.directory: - user: mfs - group: mfs - require: - user: mfs - group: mfs {% endfor %} /etc/mfshdd.cfg: file.managed: - source: salt://moosefs/mfshdd.cfg - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - template: jinja - require: - pkg: mfs-chunkserver /etc/mfschunkserver.cfg: file.managed: - source: salt://moosefs/mfschunkserver.cfg - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - template: jinja - require: - pkg: mfs-chunkserver mfs-chunkserver: pkg: - installed mfschunkserver: service: - running - require: {% for mnt in salt['cmd.run']('ls /dev/data/moose*') %} - mount: /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }} - file: /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }} {% endfor %} - file: /etc/mfschunkserver.cfg - file: /etc/mfshdd.cfg - file: /var/lib/mfs This example shows much more of the available power of Jinja. Multiple for loops are used to dynamically detect available hard drives and set them up to be mounted, and the ``salt`` object is used multiple times to call shell commands to gather data. Introducing the Python and the PyDSL Renderers ---------------------------------------------- Sometimes the chosen default renderer might not have enough logical power to accomplish the needed task. When this happens, the Python renderer can be used. Normally a YAML renderer should be used for the majority of SLS files, but an SLS file set to use another renderer can be easily added to the tree. This example shows a very basic Python SLS file: ``python/django.sls:`` .. code-block:: python :linenos: #!py def run(): ''' Install the django package ''' return {'include': ['python'], 'django': {'pkg': ['installed']}} This is a very simple example; the first line has an SLS shebang that tells Salt to not use the default renderer, but to use the ``py`` renderer. Then the run function is defined, the return value from the run function must be a Salt friendly data structure, or better known as a Salt :doc:`HighState data structure`. Alternatively, using the :doc:`pydsl` renderer, the above example can be written more succinctly as: ``python/django.sls:`` .. code-block:: python :linenos: #!pydsl include('python', delayed=True) state('django').pkg.installed() This Python examples would look like this if they were written in YAML: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: include: - python django: pkg.installed This example clearly illustrates that; one, using the YAML renderer by default is a wise decision and two, unbridled power can be obtained where needed by using a pure Python SLS. Running and debugging salt states. ---------------------------------- Once the rules in an SLS are ready, they should be tested to ensure they work properly. To invoke these rules, simply execute ``salt '*' state.highstate`` on the command line. If you get back only hostnames with a `':'` after, but no return, chances are there is a problem with one or more of the sls files. On the minion, use the ``salt-call`` command: ``salt-call state.highstate -l debug`` to examine the output for errors. This should help troubleshoot the issue. The minions can also be started in the foreground in debug mode: ``salt-minion -l debug``. Next Reading ============ With an understanding of states, the next recommendation is to become familiar with Salt's pillar interface: :doc:`Pillar Walkthrough `