.TH salt 1 "April 2011" "salt 0.7.0" "salt Manual" .SH NAME salt \- Parallel remote execution system .SH SYNOPSIS .B salt '*' [ options ] sys.doc .B salt -E '.*' [ options ] sys.doc cmd .B salt -F 'operatingsystem:Arch.*' [ options ] test.ping .B salt -Q test.ping .SH DESCRIPTION Salt allows for commands to be executed across a swath of remote systems in parallel. This means that remote systems can be both controleed and querried with ease. .SH OPTIONS .TP -h, --help Print a usage message briefly summarizing these command-line options .TP -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT The timeout in seconds to wait for replies from the salt minions. .TP -E, --pcre The target expresion will be interpereted as a pcre regular expression rather than a shell glob. .TP -L, --list The target expression will be interpereted as a comma delimited list, example: server1.foo.bar,server2.foo.bar,example7.quo.qux .TP -F, --facter The target expression matches values returned by facter on the minions. The target expresion is in the format of ':'; example: 'operatingsystem:Arch.*' .TP -Q, --query Execute a salt command query, this can be used to find the results os a previous function call: -Q test.echo') .TP -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG The location of the salt master configuration file, the salt master settings are required to know where the connections are; default=/etc/salt/master .SH AUTHORS Thomas S. Hatch