''' Set up the Salt integration test suite ''' # Import Python libs import multiprocessing import os import sys import shutil import signal import subprocess # Import Salt libs import salt import salt.config import salt.master import salt.minion import salt.runner from salt.utils.verify import verify_env from saltunittest import TestCase INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))) CODE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR)) SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.join(CODE_DIR, 'scripts') PYEXEC = 'python{0}.{1}'.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) TMP = os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'tmp') FILES = os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files') class TestDaemon(object): ''' Set up the master and minion daemons, and run related cases ''' def __enter__(self): ''' Start a master and minion ''' self.master_opts = salt.config.master_config( os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'master')) self.minion_opts = salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'minion')) self.sub_minion_opts = salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'sub_minion')) self.smaster_opts = salt.config.master_config( os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'syndic_master')) self.syndic_opts = salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'syndic')) self.syndic_opts['_master_conf_file'] = os.path.join( INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files/conf/master' ) # Set up config options that require internal data self.master_opts['pillar_roots'] = { 'base': [os.path.join(FILES, 'pillar', 'base')] } self.master_opts['file_roots'] = { 'base': [os.path.join(FILES, 'file', 'base')] } self.master_opts['ext_pillar'] = [ {'cmd_yaml': 'cat {0}'.format( os.path.join( FILES, 'ext.yaml' ) )} ] # clean up the old files self._clean() self.master_opts['hosts.file'] = os.path.join(TMP, 'hosts') self.minion_opts['hosts.file'] = os.path.join(TMP, 'hosts') verify_env([ os.path.join(self.master_opts['pki_dir'], 'minions'), os.path.join(self.master_opts['pki_dir'], 'minions_pre'), os.path.join(self.master_opts['pki_dir'], 'minions_rejected'), os.path.join(self.master_opts['cachedir'], 'jobs'), os.path.join(self.smaster_opts['pki_dir'], 'minions'), os.path.join(self.smaster_opts['pki_dir'], 'minions_pre'), os.path.join(self.smaster_opts['pki_dir'], 'minions_rejected'), os.path.join(self.smaster_opts['cachedir'], 'jobs'), os.path.dirname(self.master_opts['log_file']), self.minion_opts['extension_modules'], self.sub_minion_opts['extension_modules'], self.sub_minion_opts['pki_dir'], self.master_opts['sock_dir'], self.smaster_opts['sock_dir'], ]) master = salt.master.Master(self.master_opts) self.master_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=master.start) self.master_process.start() minion = salt.minion.Minion(self.minion_opts) self.minion_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=minion.tune_in) self.minion_process.start() sub_minion = salt.minion.Minion(self.sub_minion_opts) self.sub_minion_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=sub_minion.tune_in) self.sub_minion_process.start() smaster = salt.master.Master(self.smaster_opts) self.smaster_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=smaster.start) self.smaster_process.start() syndic = salt.minion.Syndic(self.syndic_opts) self.syndic_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=syndic.tune_in) self.syndic_process.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): ''' Kill the minion and master processes ''' self.sub_minion_process.terminate() self.minion_process.terminate() self.master_process.terminate() self.syndic_process.terminate() self.smaster_process.terminate() self._clean() def _clean(self): ''' Clean out the tmp files ''' if os.path.isdir(self.sub_minion_opts['root_dir']): shutil.rmtree(self.sub_minion_opts['root_dir']) if os.path.isdir(self.master_opts['root_dir']): shutil.rmtree(self.master_opts['root_dir']) if os.path.isdir(self.smaster_opts['root_dir']): shutil.rmtree(self.smaster_opts['root_dir']) for fn_ in os.listdir(TMP): if fn_ == '_README': continue path = os.path.join(TMP, fn_) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) elif os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) elif os.path.islink(path): os.remove(path) class ModuleCase(TestCase): ''' Execute a module function ''' def setUp(self): ''' Generate the tools to test a module ''' self.client = salt.client.LocalClient( os.path.join( INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'master' ) ) def run_function(self, function, arg=(), **kwargs): ''' Run a single salt function and condition the return down to match the behavior of the raw function call ''' orig = self.client.cmd('minion', function, arg, kwarg=kwargs) return orig['minion'] def state_result(self, ret): ''' Return the result data from a single state return ''' return ret[next(iter(ret))]['result'] def run_state(self, function, **kwargs): ''' Run the state.single command and return the state return structure ''' return self.run_function('state.single', [function], **kwargs) def minion_opts(self): ''' Return the options used for the minion ''' return salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join( INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'minion' ) ) def master_opts(self): ''' Return the options used for the minion ''' return salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join( INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'master' ) ) class SyndicCase(TestCase): ''' Execute a syndic based execution test ''' def setUp(self): ''' Generate the tools to test a module ''' self.client = salt.client.LocalClient( os.path.join( INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'syndic_master' ) ) def run_function(self, function, arg=()): ''' Run a single salt function and condition the return down to match the behavior of the raw function call ''' orig = self.client.cmd('minion', function, arg) return orig['minion'] class ShellCase(TestCase): ''' Execute a test for a shell command ''' def run_script(self, script, arg_str): ''' Execute a script with the given argument string ''' path = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, script) if not os.path.isfile(path): return False ppath = 'PYTHONPATH={0}'.format(':'.join(sys.path[1:])) cmd = '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(ppath, PYEXEC, path, arg_str) data = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0].split('\n') return data def run_salt(self, arg_str): ''' Execute salt ''' mconf = os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'master') arg_str = '-c {0} {1}'.format(mconf, arg_str) return self.run_script('salt', arg_str) def run_run(self, arg_str): ''' Execute salt-run ''' mconf = os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'master') arg_str = '-c {0} {1}'.format(mconf, arg_str) return self.run_script('salt-run', arg_str) def run_run_plus(self, fun, options='', *arg): ''' Execute Salt run and the salt run function and return the data from each in a dict ''' ret = {} ret['out'] = self.run_run( '{0} {1} {2}'.format(options, fun, ' '.join(arg)) ) opts = salt.config.master_config( os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'master')) opts.update({'doc': False, 'fun': fun, 'arg': arg}) runner = salt.runner.Runner(opts) ret['fun'] = runner.run() return ret def run_key(self, arg_str): ''' Execute salt-key ''' mconf = os.path.join(INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR, 'files', 'conf', 'master') arg_str = '-c {0} {1}'.format(mconf, arg_str) return self.run_script('salt-key', arg_str)