# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' :codeauthor: :email:`Jayesh Kariya ` ''' # Import Python libs from __future__ import absolute_import # Import Salt Testing Libs from tests.support.mixins import LoaderModuleMockMixin from tests.support.unit import skipIf, TestCase from tests.support.mock import ( MagicMock, NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, patch ) # Import Salt Libs import salt.modules.s3 as s3 @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) class S3TestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): def setup_loader_modules(self): return {s3: {'__utils__': {'s3.query': MagicMock(return_value='A')}}} def test__get_key_defaults(self): mock = MagicMock(return_value='') with patch.dict(s3.__salt__, {'config.option': mock}): key, keyid, service_url, verify_ssl, kms_keyid, location, role_arn, path_style, https_enable = ( s3._get_key(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)) self.assertEqual(None, role_arn) self.assertEqual(None, key) self.assertEqual(None, keyid) self.assertEqual('s3.amazonaws.com', service_url) self.assertEqual('', verify_ssl) self.assertEqual('', location) self.assertEqual('', path_style) self.assertEqual('', https_enable) def test_delete(self): ''' Test for delete a bucket, or delete an object from a bucket. ''' with patch.object(s3, '_get_key', return_value=('key', 'keyid', 'service_url', 'verify_ssl', 'kms_keyid', 'location', 'role_arn', 'path_style', 'https_enable')): self.assertEqual(s3.delete('bucket'), 'A') def test_get(self): ''' Test for list the contents of a bucket, or return an object from a bucket. ''' with patch.object(s3, '_get_key', return_value=('key', 'keyid', 'service_url', 'verify_ssl', 'kms_keyid', 'location', 'role_arn', 'path_style', 'https_enable')): self.assertEqual(s3.get(), 'A') def test_head(self): ''' Test for return the metadata for a bucket, or an object in a bucket. ''' with patch.object(s3, '_get_key', return_value=('key', 'keyid', 'service_url', 'verify_ssl', 'kms_keyid', 'location', 'role_arn', 'path_style', 'https_enable')): self.assertEqual(s3.head('bucket'), 'A') def test_put(self): ''' Test for create a new bucket, or upload an object to a bucket. ''' with patch.object(s3, '_get_key', return_value=('key', 'keyid', 'service_url', 'verify_ssl', 'kms_keyid', 'location', 'role_arn', 'path_style', 'https_enable')): self.assertEqual(s3.put('bucket'), 'A')