.. _contents: .. |vid| image:: /_static/film_link.png .. _docs-tutorials: Salt at a glance ================ Learn about the various parts of Salt in five minute increments (or less). * **What is Salt?:** :doc:`Overview ` | :doc:`Community ` * **The basics:** :doc:`Installation ` | :doc:`Configuration ` | |vid| `Watch the screencast `_ * **Remote execution:** :doc:`Modules ` * **State management:** :doc:`Part 1 ` | :doc:`Part 2 ` | :doc:`Part 3 ` .. _docs-reference: Salt in depth ============= While using and setting up Salt is a simple task, the capabilities of Salt run much deeper. Gaining a better understanding of how Salt works will allow you to get much more out of Salt. * **Remote execution:** :doc:`Writing modules ` | :doc:`full list of modules ` * **System info & detection:** :doc:`Grains ` * **Displaying or storing responses:** :doc:`Writing returners ` | :doc:`full list of returners ` * **State enforcement:** :doc:`States ` | :doc:`Highstate data structure ` | :doc:`full list of states ` * **Renderers:** :doc:`Renderers ` | :doc:`full list of renderers ` * **Transferring & syncing files:** :doc:`File Server ` * **Network topology:** :doc:`ref/syndic` | :doc:`ref/peer` * **Configuration:** :doc:`Full list of minion settings ` | :doc:`Full list of master settings ` * **Using Salt:** :doc:`From the command-line ` | :doc:`Through the Python API ` .. admonition:: Screencasts and presentations * Thomas S. Hatch was `interviewed on episode 191 of FLOSS Weekly `_. * Presentation at the Salt Lake Linux User Group (SLLUG) in May 2011 `video `_ | :download:`slides ` (PDF) Salt quick reference ==================== * :doc:`Release notes ` | :doc:`Roadmap ` * :ref:`modindex` | :ref:`genindex` | :doc:`Full table of contents ` * :ref:`search`