=========================== Getting Started With Linode =========================== Linode is a public cloud provider with a focus on Linux instances. Dependencies ============ * Libcloud >= 0.13.2 Configuration ============= Linode requires a single API key, but the default root password for new instances also needs to be set: .. code-block:: yaml # Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-linode-config: apikey: asldkgfakl;sdfjsjaslfjaklsdjf;askldjfaaklsjdfhasldsadfghdkf password: F00barbaz ssh_pubkey: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKHEOLLbeXgaqRQT9NBAopVz366SdYc0KKX33vAnq+2R user@host ssh_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 provider: linode The password needs to be 8 characters and contain lowercase, uppercase, and numbers. Profiles ======== Cloud Profiles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set up an initial profile at ``/etc/salt/cloud.profiles`` or in the ``/etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/`` directory: .. code-block:: yaml linode_1024: provider: my-linode-config size: Linode 1024 image: Arch Linux 2013.06 Sizes can be obtained using the ``--list-sizes`` option for the ``salt-cloud`` command: .. code-block:: bash # salt-cloud --list-sizes my-linode-config my-linode-config: ---------- linode: ---------- Linode 1024: ---------- bandwidth: 2000 disk: 49152 driver: get_uuid: id: 1 name: Linode 1024 price: 20.0 ram: 1024 uuid: 03e18728ce4629e2ac07c9cbb48afffb8cb499c4 ...SNIP... Images can be obtained using the ``--list-images`` option for the ``salt-cloud`` command: .. code-block:: bash # salt-cloud --list-images my-linode-config my-linode-config: ---------- linode: ---------- Arch Linux 2013.06: ---------- driver: extra: ---------- 64bit: 1 pvops: 1 get_uuid: id: 112 name: Arch Linux 2013.06 uuid: 8457f92eaffc92b7666b6734a96ad7abe1a8a6dd ...SNIP...