# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Integration tests for git_pillar The base classes for all of these tests are in tests/support/gitfs.py. Repositories for the tests are generated on the fly (look for the "make_repo" function). Where possible, a test case in this module should be reproduced in the following ways: 1. GitPython over SSH (TestGitPythonSSH) 2. GitPython over HTTP (TestGitPythonHTTP) 3. GitPython over HTTP w/basic auth (TestGitPythonAuthenticatedHTTP) 4. pygit2 over SSH (TestPygit2SSH) 5. pygit2 over HTTP (TestPygit2HTTP) 6. pygit2 over HTTP w/basic auth (TestPygit2AuthenticatedHTTP) For GitPython, this is easy, since it does not support the authentication configuration parameters that pygit2 does. Therefore, this test module includes a GitPythonMixin class which can be reused for all three GitPython test classes. The only thing we vary for these tests is the URL that we use. For pygit2 this is more complicated, since it supports A) both passphraseless and passphrase-protected SSH keys, and B) both global and per-remote credential parameters. So, for SSH tests we need to run each GitPython test case in 4 different ways to cover pygit2: 1. Passphraseless key, global credential options 2. Passphraseless key, per-repo credential options 3. Passphrase-protected key, global credential options 4. Passphrase-protected key, per-repo credential options For HTTP tests, we need to run each GitPython test case in 2 different ways to cover pygit2 with authentication: 1. Global credential options 2. Per-repo credential options For unauthenticated HTTP, we can just run a single case just like for a GitPython test function, with the only change being to the git_pillar_provider config option. The way we accomplish the extra test cases for pygit2 is not by writing more test functions, but to keep the same test function names both in the GitPython test classes and the pygit2 test classes, and just perform multiple pillar compilations and asserts in each pygit2 test function. For SSH tests, a system user is added and a temporary sshd instance is started on a randomized port. The user and sshd server are torn down after the tests are run. For HTTP tests, nginx + uWSGI + git-http-backend handles serving the repo. However, there was a change in git 2.4.4 which causes a fetch to hang when using uWSGI. This was worked around in uWSGI 2.0.13 by adding an additional setting. However, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ships with uWSGI 2.0.12 in their official repos, so to work around this we pip install a newer uWSGI (with CGI support baked in) within a virtualenv the test suite creates, and then uses that uwsgi binary to start the uWSGI daemon. More info on the git issue and the uWSGI workaround can be found in the below two links: https://github.com/git/git/commit/6bc0cb5 https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi/commit/ac1e354 ''' # Import Python libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import random import string # Import Salt Testing libs from tests.support.gitfs import ( USERNAME, PASSWORD, GitPillarSSHTestBase, GitPillarHTTPTestBase, ) from tests.support.helpers import ( destructiveTest, requires_system_grains, skip_if_not_root ) from tests.support.mock import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON from tests.support.unit import skipIf # Import Salt libs import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.platform from salt.utils.versions import LooseVersion from salt.modules.virtualenv_mod import KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES as VIRTUALENV_NAMES from salt.ext.six.moves import range # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from salt.utils.gitfs import ( GITPYTHON_VERSION, GITPYTHON_MINVER, PYGIT2_VERSION, PYGIT2_MINVER, LIBGIT2_VERSION, LIBGIT2_MINVER ) # Check for requisite components try: HAS_GITPYTHON = GITPYTHON_VERSION >= GITPYTHON_MINVER except ImportError: HAS_GITPYTHON = False try: HAS_PYGIT2 = PYGIT2_VERSION >= PYGIT2_MINVER \ and LIBGIT2_VERSION >= LIBGIT2_MINVER except AttributeError: HAS_PYGIT2 = False HAS_SSHD = bool(salt.utils.path.which('sshd')) HAS_NGINX = bool(salt.utils.path.which('nginx')) HAS_VIRTUALENV = bool(salt.utils.path.which_bin(VIRTUALENV_NAMES)) def _rand_key_name(length): return 'id_rsa_{0}'.format( ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(length)) ) def _windows_or_mac(): return salt.utils.platform.is_windows() or salt.utils.platform.is_darwin() class GitPythonMixin(object): ''' GitPython doesn't support anything fancy in terms of authentication options, so all of the tests for GitPython can be re-used via this mixin. ''' def test_single_source(self): ''' Test using a single ext_pillar repo ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}} ) def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_no_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}}} ) def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_no_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}}} ) def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['master', 'dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master', 'dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}}} ) def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['dev', 'master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev', 'master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}}} ) def test_multiple_sources_with_pillarenv(self): ''' Test using pillarenv to restrict results to those from a single branch ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}} ) def test_includes_enabled(self): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, so we should see the key from that SLS file (included_pillar) in the compiled pillar data. ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, 'included_pillar': True} ) def test_includes_disabled(self): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, but since includes are disabled it will not find the SLS file and the "included_pillar" key should not be present in the compiled pillar data. We should instead see an error message in the compiled data. ''' ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: gitpython git_pillar_includes: False cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual( ret, {'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, '_errors': ["Specified SLS 'bar' in environment 'base' is not " "available on the salt master"]} ) @destructiveTest @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) @skipIf(_windows_or_mac(), 'minion is windows or mac') @skip_if_not_root @skipIf(not HAS_GITPYTHON, 'GitPython >= {0} required'.format(GITPYTHON_MINVER)) @skipIf(not HAS_SSHD, 'sshd not present') class TestGitPythonSSH(GitPillarSSHTestBase, GitPythonMixin): ''' Test git_pillar with GitPython using SSH authentication ''' id_rsa_nopass = _rand_key_name(8) id_rsa_withpass = _rand_key_name(8) username = USERNAME passphrase = PASSWORD @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) @skipIf(_windows_or_mac(), 'minion is windows or mac') @skip_if_not_root @skipIf(not HAS_GITPYTHON, 'GitPython >= {0} required'.format(GITPYTHON_MINVER)) @skipIf(not HAS_NGINX, 'nginx not present') @skipIf(not HAS_VIRTUALENV, 'virtualenv not present') class TestGitPythonHTTP(GitPillarHTTPTestBase, GitPythonMixin): ''' Test git_pillar with GitPython using unauthenticated HTTP ''' pass @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) @skipIf(_windows_or_mac(), 'minion is windows or mac') @skip_if_not_root @skipIf(not HAS_GITPYTHON, 'GitPython >= {0} required'.format(GITPYTHON_MINVER)) @skipIf(not HAS_NGINX, 'nginx not present') @skipIf(not HAS_VIRTUALENV, 'virtualenv not present') class TestGitPythonAuthenticatedHTTP(TestGitPythonHTTP, GitPythonMixin): ''' Test git_pillar with GitPython using authenticated HTTP ''' username = USERNAME password = PASSWORD @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): ''' Create start the webserver ''' super(TestGitPythonAuthenticatedHTTP, cls).setUpClass() # Override the URL set up in the parent class to encode the # username/password into it. cls.url = 'http://{username}:{password}@{port}/repo.git'.format( username=cls.username, password=cls.password, port=cls.nginx_port) cls.ext_opts['url'] = cls.url cls.ext_opts['username'] = cls.username cls.ext_opts['password'] = cls.password @destructiveTest @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) @skipIf(_windows_or_mac(), 'minion is windows or mac') @skip_if_not_root @skipIf(not HAS_PYGIT2, 'pygit2 >= {0} and libgit2 >= {1} required'.format(PYGIT2_MINVER, LIBGIT2_MINVER)) @skipIf(not HAS_SSHD, 'sshd not present') class TestPygit2SSH(GitPillarSSHTestBase): ''' Test git_pillar with pygit2 using SSH authentication NOTE: Any tests added to this test class should have equivalent tests (if possible) in the TestGitPythonSSH class. ''' id_rsa_nopass = _rand_key_name(8) id_rsa_withpass = _rand_key_name(8) username = USERNAME passphrase = PASSWORD @requires_system_grains def test_single_source(self, grains): ''' Test using a single ext_pillar repo ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}} } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @requires_system_grains def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_no_merge_lists(self, grains): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @requires_system_grains def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_no_merge_lists(self, grains): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @requires_system_grains def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_merge_lists(self, grains): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['master', 'dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master', 'dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @requires_system_grains def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_merge_lists(self, grains): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['dev', 'master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev', 'master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @requires_system_grains def test_multiple_sources_with_pillarenv(self, grains): ''' Test using pillarenv to restrict results to those from a single branch ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}} } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - dev {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - passphrase: {passphrase} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @requires_system_grains def test_includes_enabled(self, grains): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, so we should see the "included_pillar" key from that SLS file in the compiled pillar data. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, 'included_pillar': True } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - top_only {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - top_only {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @requires_system_grains def test_includes_disabled(self, grains): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, but since includes are disabled it will not find the SLS file and the "included_pillar" key should not be present in the compiled pillar data. We should instead see an error message in the compiled data. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, '_errors': ["Specified SLS 'bar' in environment 'base' is not " "available on the salt master"] } # Test with passphraseless key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_includes: False git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_nopass} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphraseless key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_includes: False cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - top_only {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_nopass} - privkey: {privkey_nopass} - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian': # passphrase-protected currently does not work here return # Test with passphrase-protected key and global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_includes: False git_pillar_pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} git_pillar_privkey: {privkey_withpass} git_pillar_passphrase: {passphrase} cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with passphrase-protected key and per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_includes: False cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - top_only {url}: - pubkey: {pubkey_withpass} - privkey: {privkey_withpass} - passphrase: {passphrase} - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) @skipIf(_windows_or_mac(), 'minion is windows or mac') @skip_if_not_root @skipIf(not HAS_PYGIT2, 'pygit2 >= {0} and libgit2 >= {1} required'.format(PYGIT2_MINVER, LIBGIT2_MINVER)) @skipIf(not HAS_NGINX, 'nginx not present') @skipIf(not HAS_VIRTUALENV, 'virtualenv not present') class TestPygit2HTTP(GitPillarHTTPTestBase): ''' Test git_pillar with pygit2 using SSH authentication ''' def test_single_source(self): ''' Test using a single ext_pillar repo ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}} } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_no_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_no_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['master', 'dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master', 'dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['dev', 'master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev', 'master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_with_pillarenv(self): ''' Test using pillarenv to restrict results to those from a single branch ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}} } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_includes_enabled(self): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, so we should see the "included_pillar" key from that SLS file in the compiled pillar data. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, 'included_pillar': True } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_includes_disabled(self): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, but since includes are disabled it will not find the SLS file and the "included_pillar" key should not be present in the compiled pillar data. We should instead see an error message in the compiled data. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, '_errors': ["Specified SLS 'bar' in environment 'base' is not " "available on the salt master"] } ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_includes: False cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) @skipIf(_windows_or_mac(), 'minion is windows or mac') @skip_if_not_root @skipIf(not HAS_PYGIT2, 'pygit2 >= {0} and libgit2 >= {1} required'.format(PYGIT2_MINVER, LIBGIT2_MINVER)) @skipIf(not HAS_NGINX, 'nginx not present') @skipIf(not HAS_VIRTUALENV, 'virtualenv not present') class TestPygit2AuthenticatedHTTP(GitPillarHTTPTestBase): ''' Test git_pillar with pygit2 using SSH authentication NOTE: Any tests added to this test class should have equivalent tests (if possible) in the TestGitPythonSSH class. ''' user = USERNAME password = PASSWORD def test_single_source(self): ''' Test using a single ext_pillar repo ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}} } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_no_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - dev {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_no_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists disabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: False ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_master_dev_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the master branch followed by dev, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'dev', 'mylist': ['master', 'dev'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['master', 'dev'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - dev {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_dev_master_merge_lists(self): ''' Test using two ext_pillar dirs. Since all git_pillar repos are merged into a single dictionary, ordering matters. This tests with the dev branch followed by master, and with pillar_merge_lists enabled. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['dev', 'master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'dev': True, 'nested_list': ['dev', 'master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True, 'dev': True}} } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url} - master {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillar_merge_lists: True ext_pillar: - git: - dev {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_multiple_sources_with_pillarenv(self): ''' Test using pillarenv to restrict results to those from a single branch ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}} } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - dev {url} ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} pillarenv: base ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - dev {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_includes_enabled(self): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, so we should see the "included_pillar" key from that SLS file in the compiled pillar data. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, 'included_pillar': True } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - top_only {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) def test_includes_disabled(self): ''' Test with git_pillar_includes enabled. The top_only branch references an SLS file from the master branch, but since includes are disabled it will not find the SLS file and the "included_pillar" key should not be present in the compiled pillar data. We should instead see an error message in the compiled data. ''' expected = { 'branch': 'master', 'mylist': ['master'], 'mydict': {'master': True, 'nested_list': ['master'], 'nested_dict': {'master': True}}, '_errors': ["Specified SLS 'bar' in environment 'base' is not " "available on the salt master"] } # Test with global credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_includes: False git_pillar_user: {user} git_pillar_password: {password} git_pillar_insecure_auth: True cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url} - top_only {url}: - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected) # Test with per-repo credential options ret = self.get_pillar('''\ file_ignore_regex: [] file_ignore_glob: [] git_pillar_provider: pygit2 git_pillar_includes: False cachedir: {cachedir} extension_modules: {extmods} ext_pillar: - git: - master {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - top_only {url}: - user: {user} - password: {password} - insecure_auth: True - env: base ''') self.assertEqual(ret, expected)