-r zeromq.txt -r dev.txt -r pytest.txt apache-libcloud>=1.0.0 boto>=2.32.1 boto3>=1.2.1 moto>=0.3.6 docker; sys.platform != 'win32' docker==2.7.0; sys.platform == 'win32' virtualenv setuptools>=30 six>=1.10.0 timelib coverage keyring==5.7.1 python-gnupg python-etcd==0.4.2 GitPython supervisor; python_version < '3' kubernetes<4.0 psutil pyvmomi setproctitle cherrypy>=3.2.2,<18.0.0; python_version < '3.5' and sys.platform != 'win32' and sys.platform != 'darwin' cherrypy>=3.2.2; python_version >= '3.5' and sys.platform != 'win32' and sys.platform != 'darwin' pyinotify; sys.platform != 'win32' and sys.platform != 'darwin' PyMySQL; sys.platform != 'win32' and sys.platform != 'darwin' jsonschema strict_rfc3339 rfc3987 jinja2 pyOpenSSL ioflo dnspython SaltTesting==2017.6.1 junos-eznc jxmlease