/build /src *.py[co] pkg/arch/*.tar.xz *.sw[pon] doc/_build dist MANIFEST *~ *# *.wpr *.wpu *.DS_Store # virtualenv # - ignores directories of a virtualenv when you create it right on # top of salt such as # - /some/path$ git clone https://github.com/thatch45/salt.git # - /some/path$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.6 salt bin/ include/ lib/ lib64 pip/ share/ tests/integration/tmp/ tests/cachedir/ tests/unit/templates/roots/ # setuptools stuff *.egg-info # code coverage outputs genereated by coverage.py .coverage coverage.xml htmlcov/ # IDE files /.settings /.project /.pydevproject /.idea /.ropeproject .ropeproject *_flymake.py /*.iml *.sublime-project *.sublime-workspace # ignore ctags file tags # ignore Vagrant file **/Vagrantfile **/.vagrant # Compiled translation files should not be VCS'ed # locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/topics/virt/nic.mo *.mo .doctrees # Allow a user to set their own _version.py for testing _version.py # Ignore auto generated _syspaths.py file _syspaths.py # Ignore grains file written out during tests tests/integration/files/conf/grains /salt/_syspaths.py # ignore the local root /root/** # Ignore file cache created by jinja tests tests/unit/templates/roots