# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Tests for the archive state ''' # Import python libs from __future__ import absolute_import import os import platform import socket import shutil import threading import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web # Import Salt Testing libs from salttesting import skipIf from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath ensure_in_syspath('../../') # Import salt libs import integration import salt.utils STATE_DIR = os.path.join(integration.FILES, 'file', 'base') if salt.utils.is_windows(): ARCHIVE_DIR = os.path.join("c:/", "tmp") else: ARCHIVE_DIR = '/tmp/archive/' PORT = 9999 ARCHIVE_TAR_SOURCE = 'http://localhost:{0}/custom.tar.gz'.format(PORT) UNTAR_FILE = ARCHIVE_DIR + 'custom/README' ARCHIVE_TAR_HASH = 'md5=7643861ac07c30fe7d2310e9f25ca514' STATE_DIR = os.path.join(integration.FILES, 'file', 'base') if '7' in platform.dist()[1]: REDHAT7 = True else: REDHAT7 = False @skipIf(not REDHAT7, 'Only run on redhat7 for now due to hanging issues on other OS') class ArchiveTest(integration.ModuleCase, integration.SaltReturnAssertsMixIn): ''' Validate the archive state ''' @classmethod def webserver(cls): ''' method to start tornado static web app ''' application = tornado.web.Application([(r"/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": STATE_DIR})]) application.listen(PORT) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): ''' start tornado app on thread and wait till its running ''' cls.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.webserver) cls.server_thread.daemon = True cls.server_thread.start() # check if tornado app is up port_closed = True while port_closed: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result = sock.connect_ex(('', PORT)) if result == 0: port_closed = False @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop() cls.server_thread.join() def _check_ext_remove(self, dir, file): ''' function to check if file was extracted and remove the directory. ''' # check to see if it extracted check_dir = os.path.isfile(file) self.assertTrue(check_dir) # wipe away dir. Can't do this in teardown # because it needs to be wiped before each test shutil.rmtree(dir) def test_archive_extracted_skip_verify(self): ''' test archive.extracted with skip_verify ''' ret = self.run_state('archive.extracted', name=ARCHIVE_DIR, source=ARCHIVE_TAR_SOURCE, archive_format='tar', skip_verify=True) self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) self._check_ext_remove(ARCHIVE_DIR, UNTAR_FILE) def test_archive_extracted_with_source_hash(self): ''' test archive.extracted without skip_verify only external resources work to check to ensure source_hash is verified correctly ''' ret = self.run_state('archive.extracted', name=ARCHIVE_DIR, source=ARCHIVE_TAR_SOURCE, archive_format='tar', source_hash=ARCHIVE_TAR_HASH) self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) self._check_ext_remove(ARCHIVE_DIR, UNTAR_FILE) if __name__ == '__main__': from integration import run_tests run_tests(ArchiveTest)